Thursday, January 15, 2015

Blog Conclusion

Blog Conclusion Over a two month period maybe 77 posts we have wandered across New York State from the Great Lakes to the far end of Long Island which historically has connected more with New England than with coming on a long car or train trip- New York City. And in terms of people we have interacted with the most despised hated rejected and acquainted with grief Jewish gangster (Yes and they crucified him but this one lived in Brooklyn!) to the highest Jews ever Alan Greenspan and coworker Henry Kissinger running the world, as well as spending some time looking at various aspects of Holocaust such as the previously unasked question- Did the European Holocaust get hatched up on Long Island with coming from Buffalo and Endicott IBM/Hollerith talent ensuring what otherwise would have been too difficult to do well- THINK- Business solutions New York USA ensuring the successful killing of more likely seven million Jews? (- previous numbers haven’t as the book ‘Bloodlands’ does looked at the 12 year period 1934-1946.) Questions- WHY? Well if soon enough- and we began this year looking at the U Tube prophecies of my New York Jewish Pastor Jonathan Cahn and a classic before he got famous and other things happened- prophecy from Rick Joyner – Chapter six from the 1988 first edition ‘The Harvest’ and some think that the world will end in three and a half years time and we will be raptured to heaven! While others just wonder what on earth, or what in heavens name is going on right now. And for me I have been in vain attempting to get readers locked into a commitment to New York. Now in the bible Jesus has his Matthew 24 prophecy and yes there are End Times aspects to it but the practical impact of that Jesus was saying was out worked in the events of AD70. And as part of that prophetic concern St Paul got all his up in Turkey and a few even in Greece- Gentile churches to send large amounts of monies to Jerusalem. Yes do listen to the Tithing Sermon in your church- but most of the giving is for the church back in Jerusalem…. So…. This will need MASSIVE CONFIRMATION! But call me a saint and yes my name is paul so saint paul ‘the least of all the brethren’- what I am suggesting is that all the people, all the wealth all the focus of my tiny ends of the earth ends of the age nation be directed towards the church and Jews and people coming to New York for some sort of great abandonment by those surviving of Empire State as the city burns going God Knows Where- God knows how , but Yeah Nah reading Isaiah 60 looks like leaving on ships and aircraft- Isaiah saw an aircraft taking the people home to promised land. Lock me up- well my father was a locked up mental patient so like father like son… This what I have been suggesting could be quite mad and me totally miss reading the bible- but Yes then ideas I share with you my Lord has told me and better still it is entirely consistent with the message of Law and Prophets as I have for my own benefit translated them from the Hebrew! So do we need to take any notice of this craziness? Well no! At the most only 30 people have understood what this blog is saying and more likely it was only five or less people. Crazy ideas Come and crazy ideas Go- And sure we can read learned books and quote from learned authors- even at the end a New York Jew trying to work out what is going on in the experience of his community. In the End it is The God of Israel who says things!

Tough Jews- Nazis 3

Tough Jews- Nazis 3 ‘Oro Nazi groups began organizing in America in the mid 30s fueled by rabid Anti- Semitic, they had names like the German American Bund. Lanksy said ‘A pro Nazi organization that spread Nazi-style Anti Semitic slogans, they strutted around and made threats, like throwing Jews into concentration camps’. By 1939 the Nazi movement was strong enough to attract twenty eight thousand people to a rally at Madison Square Garden. Again speaking on this Lanksy said ‘I was always very sensitive to Anti Semitism but during those years other people also became worried. Important WASP’s (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) as we would call them now openly made Anti Semitic statements and some of the magazines and papers backed them. This worried Jewish leaders, including the most respected of all Rabbi Stephen Wise. He sent a message asking me to do something about this dangerous trend. Another Jewish leader who worried was a respected New York judge, an important member of the Republican Party. We knew each other and one day in 1935 he came to see me and said Nazism is flourishing in the United States. The Bund members are not ashamed to have meetings in the most public places. We Jews should be more militant. Meyer we want to take action against these Nazi sympathizers. We’ll put money and legal assistance at your disposal, whatever you need. Can you organize the militant part for us? When the Bundists held a rally that spring in Yorkville a German neighborhood on the Upper East Side Lanksy showed up with some friends. As they approached it must have seemed luike they had stumbled into Berlin, sneers and swastikas, raise arms thigh boots; ‘We found several hundred brown shirts the stage was decorated with pictures of Hitler. The speakers were ranting. There were only about fifteen of us but we went into action. We attacked them in the hall and threw some out the windows. There were fistfights all over the place. Most of the Nazi panicked and ran. We chased them and beat them up and some of them were out of action for months. Yes it was violence. We wanted to teach them a lesson. We wanted to show them that Jews would not always sit back and accept insults’…. After tis got heard about, I’d get calls from places like the Writers Guild to help with their problems with Nazi bastards. One time even a judge called me about a Nazi Bund meeting. I told him all right don’t worry about it so we were over there and grabbed everything in sight- all their bullshit signs- and smacked the shit out of them broke them up the best we could. No one could pay me for this work. There ain’t no amount of money to buy them kind of things’… since the Holocaust seemed inevitable those who ran it have the power of historical agents (Readers Beware. Some Prophets for reason of their own want to put the most negative-Evil –Satan Triumphs but we get Raptured to Heaven Spin on things. Read history and people have choice. Tokyo Earthquake 1923- sure it was bad but if people had cried out to heaven repented- Still bad but some would survive. Instead- The fires begin and the worst firestorms sweep the city so that sheltering thousands of people are dead when the fire over head sucks out all the oxygen! My point is this. No matter what happens or could happen- if you are in the event keep up a dialogue with our Master -giving a different result. Work With The Disaster ,overall commander –Lord of Hosts) the fact that people were doing things makes the event seem more manageable. You see people like me who were born long after Germany was defeated, the worst part of Holocaust was never the dead bodies; it was the way Jewish victims were portrayed … At recess I would walk up to Clay Mellon, biggest kid in our school, the bully who ran everything and say; ‘You stupid hole’ For people what Siegel did even if it were no more than a plan made me dismiss the qualification my father tagged to the story; ‘Bugsy was an outlaw a bad man’ p190-192 Tough Jews Rich Cohen New York 1998. In recent years Americans have built up as being a bad man someone we in the Islamic community continue to respect as our elder and a man who did what he could and was clearly at times a hero. Isama Bin Laden from Yemen. I say this because do take time to read the chapters around the paramount chapter 1 Samuel 25 and you can see another Tough Jew a Wanted Terrorist and his gang at times on the rampage doing all sorts of illegal style things hunted down by authorities. A wanted man from a town with the unlikely name House of War (Bethlehem) yet these days it is almost impossible to preach a decent sermon in a Jewish synagogue or Christian church which illustrates just how negatively people throughout Israel saw this David Gangster if they heard what he was doing and what the authorities were doing to capture him. And a more recent example. On the official Martín Luther King website you can read there a long court document which shows evidence given in court that the US government and most of its agencies going to the highest levels in government organized the judicial murder of known trouble maker –Dr M. L. King yet now no one from the current President down wants to be honest and say that now- Shalom.

Tough Jews- Waterfront 4

Tough Jews- Waterfront 4 ‘For many gangsters fighting Nazis was more than just an act of defiance: it was an expression of patriotism. The mobster taking on the enemy was a way to again feel part of the mainstream, a player in the national project. A few years later when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor even members of the military acknowledged this. As Intelligence officers grew increasingly fearful of enemy agents, sensing the spy in the shadows, who could they turn to? Gangsters! In Feb 1942 the Normandy a French cruise liner converted to carry American troops caught fire while docked in the Hudson River. Experts suspected sabotage. German U boats had already sunk 120 American merchant ships off the coast. Members of Naval intelligence knew many dock workers were immigrants from Italy… would these men help Mussolini? They could do so by telling foreign agents when military cargo was scheduled or when troop ships like the Normandy were docked. Loose lips sink ships. A few weeks after the fire a naval intelligence officer contacted Socks Lanza, a thug who was said to control New York harbor. When the officer explained what he wanted the gangsters to do- seal leaks (And that is exactly why those who visited Watergate Apartments were doing for the President- Plumbers who were to ‘seal leaks’) keep a look out for suspicious doings on the docks –Lanza got in touch with Lansky. Meyer said the only person who could fill the bill was Charlie Luciano. Though Lucky has already spent four years in prison he still had authority on the docks. Moved to a better prison he was soon sending word to the waterfront. ‘I gave Cockeye the orders, go down to the piers and find out who is loyal and who is not loyal. You have to see that there are no strikes and the job is done quickly when military stuff is loaded. And we have to keep sure that everyone keeps their mouths shut about troop movements. That means going into bars to make sure the crews and longshoremen don’t start sounding off when they get drunk ‘ said Lucky. And showing up at Naval Intelligence on church Street Manhattan Lansky said ‘I can promise you one thing. There will be no German Submarines in the port of New York’ p192-193 Tough Jews –Rich Cohen. I have been saying for several years- The Holocaust was just a practice run the Real Deal is coming soon. The Holocaust tiny compared to where computers are now in being able to identify people and the capacity to organize the deaths of not just millions hundreds of millions people when history makes a change- Not helped or rather released by the inevitable collapse -America Empire. And honestly I cannot saw- why, when, how, how much, what sequence or even much about triggers… Fortunately because the kinds of people reading ‘this Crap- this shit’ may not have decided yet to serve our Eternal Jew. Pray with me here. Father God we are at an interesting and exciting part of this blog. We have been piecing together bits and pieces about New York for years now and we are now on the once bustling New York water front a mere seventy two years ago – yet some of us are dreaming of a greater movement of ships and people… Truly massive great cruise liners jam packed overflowing departing God knows where and God knows why…. If this historic picture speaks to something greater in the future. Let us as readers of this know that firmly in our hearts even if our heads cannot comprehend. Shalom Eternal Jew Amen.

Dewey vs Tough Jews 5

Tom Dewey vs Tough Jews 5 I have a book as significant but better known than this one. ‘The Gangs of New York –Herbert Asbury 1928, 2002. And the message is similar to this book, to ‘The Cross and the Switchblade’ –that the Gang Problem in New York is now over- Which is really saying; 1860s- the Irish Gang problem is by the 1920s spluttering out and is over. Or this book the Jewish Gangs are all over by the end of the 40s or Rev David Wilkerson- the out of control Puerto Rican gangs are by the end of the 60s… Gang problem solved! But yes what I guess I am feeling in my spirit as an historian here from too far way trying to understand is for some underlying thread- ongoing theme of evil going back to the first Dutch ship of immigrants who were outcasts, for the most part not even Dutch at all and began to do bad things in that Lower Manhattan location which spread to all of America. A spiritual story… Therefore more than- many times better than Herbert Asbury grandson of pioneer American Methodist Bishop- Rich Cohen is writing instead of a just who bashed whom story of gratuitous violence in New York- trying to get to this deeper spiritual understanding as to what it is to be Jewish- and like King David of olde having the deserved reputation of being a Gangster or Wanted Terrorist. Republican Middle America Tom Dewey walks into this story of Gangs in New York and helps us get some focus. And as we shall see the deep places being revealed by Herbert Ashbury- Deep places- Wells for political corruption in New York of which the gangs at times are just the lid of a deep unhealed wound of my people (Jer 6:14, 8:11 mixed metaphor-Ed!) ‘So in the mid 30s when Tom Dewey, working first as special prosecutor, later as district attorney, then as Governor of New York- and Running several times to become Republican President, went after the gangsters. Jewish kids all over Brooklyn were transfixed by the fight. They followed the action every day in the papers and tried to read between the lines. Most of them believed the gangsters would come out ahead. From their view somewhere above the home run leader and the heavy weight fighter was the gangster. But the view from Dewey’s office was different – that their strength was the strength of the weak, the terrorist, the man outside of the system. With courage and patience, he could topple the leaders of the underworld. And if Jewish gangsters couldn’t give the kids of Brooklyn a victory at least they would give them a terrific fight. Tom Dewey grew up in Owosso Michigan (This is the first time anywhere in this blog when we have had the biography of someone making it big in New York who was not born in The City or in New York State!) …he delivered papers before school and did odd jobs after school, he never missed a single day from school. He was the perfect son of a Republican family his father’s youthful stay in New York pledged him to fight Tammany Hall the corrupt Democrat machine (Little intelligent is said about Tammany Hall that I have read but it appears to have been put in place by the remarkable 1850s politician Fernando Woods) So from the beginning some of Dewey’s dreams were political…Dewey enrolled in New York’s Columbia Law School got his degree in just two years and then early 30s was named assistant to George Medalie US attorney for the Southern District of New York so began his fight with organized crime- son taking on his father’s obsession storming the beehive of city corruption . How strange Tom Dewey the kid from the sticks against the underworld. What could he know? More than coming from a different place, from a different time. How many years lay between Michigan and Delancey Street ? A hundred a thousand? (This line first appeared as a joke in the mid 30s) What could he know of violence of the ghetto? Three thousand people lived in Owosso, the same number lived in a single tenement Lower East Side. (Conditions so bad in the history of humanity that we struggle to comprehend just how bad- and what the death rate for attempting to live in such places.) Tom Dewey was grappling with an army of exotics, men who seemed to threaten everything Owosso stood for. And what did the gangsters stand for? More than anything more than money and power they stood for a style a way of life… never would there be a ‘sucker’, ‘dupe’, ‘do gooder’ ‘rule follower’. For men like Dutch Schultz and Lucky Luciano who wanted more than anything to look cool being taken down by Dewey must have been the greatest insult of all. Dewey perhaps the most ambitious geek in American history. While Luciano was escorting blonds uptown Dewey was back in Michigan setting a shameful record- Perfect school attendance! P158-160 Tough Jews –Rich Cohen. New York. 1998. Comment as a man with lots of ideas some of which may well be false or worse go no where- I do constantly audit my intake to see it ideas are lining up from unexpected sources. As I write this I am writing an IDF Staff School military lecture and the incredible Ai attack story in Joshua –another blog.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tough Jews- Promised Land 1

Tough Jews and the Promised Land- As you will see I’ve moved on from the Jewish New York Banker storyline about being responsible for the collapse of the world financial system story line- Well in the other work I’m doing this holiday I’m translating from Hebrew- which I cannot speak; And have begun extending Torah adding for the first time in religious history the book of Joshua to Torah to get a seven part Torah that includes –we love to hate him- Brilliant Arabian Prophet- (No Not Muhammed – if he was brilliant I’ve haven’t noticed that despite reading his stuff ) All Time Best Arabian Prophet Balaam- Even Jesus has something to say about him. So that makes Seven books of Torah…. Where was I now I’m getting lost. Yes and a New Generation arrives in the Promised Land and it is vastly different to those who came out of Egypt. And interestingly that is what ‘Tough Jews’ author Rich Cohen wants to tell us too! I will hand over to him for our reading. ‘The cliental of the Hotel Arkansas was mostly Italian and Jewish. Regulars included Louis Lepke, Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Joey Adonis, Frank Costello. These men forged a bond beyond religion. Jew or Italian they even looked alike, with dark eyes and dark hair, came from the same ghettos, seemed to want the same things. ‘you know how you can tell a Jewish neighborhood? Ralph Salerno asked me. ‘Look for the Italian restaurants’ At Madden’s resort in the shimmering light of the pool, they were one people. “the Italian Mafioso had a tremendous respect for the Jews’ said John Cusack. ‘they didn’t push them around. Luciano was the first to say, Fight these guys? What do you mean? Get with them work with them’ but it was a world fast disappearing. This was the golden age of Jewish-Italian underworld alliance. People thrown together by poverty and prosperity would soon pull them apart. Back then Jewish and Italian gangsters looked alike the way seeds looked alike. But as the blossomed, with money, with power, differences would emerge. What they wanted their ambitions, fears ,dreams they had for their children, were not the same. Over time these differences would draw the children of Jewish gangsters away from the crime until a Jewish presence in the underworld was a vague memory, as hard to believe as in the youth of your own parents. ‘The Jews were ahead of the Italians: ahead of them in migrating here, ahead of them in being organized criminals, and ahead of them in getting out of it’ Cusak said. When an Italian gangster scored he usually kept the money in the neighborhood. He might make a better apartment, more a few fights, buy a new car, a new girl. You might see him cutting down the street in a razor sharp suit, the sky ion his shoes. But the Italians, at least those below the top echelon, rarely left the corner where they grew up…. The Jewish gangster who made a scroe, in the rackets or in robbery first thing he did was get out. They moved to Brooklyn or Queens to Lower Manhattan, to upper West side (Washington Heights) Central Park West or West end or to the suburbs, Westchester, New Jersey, Long Island and then Miami, Las Vegas, Hollywood, Los Angeles. Who knows? Maybe Jews are just more comfortable on the road. Maybe those years of exile have made them restless. Maybe a homeland means No home. Maybe something deep in then said “Get out before the roof caves in’ For a successful Jew, a big part of life is visiting the old neighborhood, walking shoulder wide with a sense of victory. Jews collect hometowns. “the Italians like the celebrity of that life’ Cusak told me. ‘the Jewish gangsters when they made it got out of the neighbor hood. They didn’t have the bravura of the Italians….The Jews were different they moved uptown, loved on the park, dressed modestly and made sure everyone thought they were businessmen’. For the Jewish gangster crime was not a way out of the system, it was a way in. Jews were not wanted mostly in the white-shoe firms of Wall Street (And we read of Alan Greenspan coming in to that late 40s-Ed) and Madison Ave. Those kids were not acceptable in the league schools (In a book on the history of Harlem it spoke the very elite of Black society sending their children to top English Universities because the doors were closed in USA) In a society so often closed, is it any wonder guns could be a short cut to the American dream? But they did not glory in it. Many Jewish gangsters didn’t even like it. When they wore flashy suits it was not to advertise their wealth, it was because they didn’t know any better. A gangster in suit was a gangster who wanted to be loved. For these men their greatest dream was for their children, was to be successful law abiding American. The Jewish people wanted a future… politicians to the house and nothing to go to jail for. Legitimate power. Doctors lawyers. The gangster knew they could not have this for themselves. They were too rough, too green, not far enough from Europe, the shtetl, the pogroms. They were the generation Moses led out of Egypt, a generation lost in the wilderness, a slave generation that must die away before the Jews could settle in the Promised Land. So instead they got themselves in a position for the dream to come true for their children…. They rarely told their children what they did. I have only found a handful of Jews who say they are related to gangsters. And even those only found out years later.’ P150-152 Tough Jews Rich Cohen Random House 1998. There is a Hebrew word –in Hebrew it is ZKR probably said ‘ZaKar’ and it means Remember as well as equally meaning ‘Male’ I conclude with it because of the nonsense genealogy which is found on the first page of the Christian book called The New Testament. Sure I know the list to be accurate- but the difficulty comes when compared against accurate to the minute of time and location –Star Time record of Babylon and Egypt- the Hebrew list of names looks silly… Why? Well it has lost at least seven maybe more generations. If we never knew and never said what a male ancestor did- well before long his name is forgotten and drops out of the family list. Jewish Gangsters in New York were in danger until this book was written of going the same way as- it is difficult to say- the names of those who lived in Egypt- before finally Moses emerged to bring Israel and Jews out again into Remembrance of the Males of their generations. Tough Male Jews still needed!

Tough Jews- Holocaust 2

Tough Jews- Holocaust 2 ‘As the cops were combing the streets for Lepke, Nazis were boycotting and tagging Jews in Germany, persecution that were maybe not well-known in the rest of America but was talked about in Brooklyn. Most Jewish families still had family in the old country and the bad news came in letters which grew cloudier and cloudier before the letters stopped coming altogether. In a time when the leaders of the West still hoped to strike a deal with the Fascists (I have never seen those words before in print- But have plenty of circumstantial evidence of that being the actual intent of British foreign policy in the lead up to the Stalin Hitler Pact of 1939- The reality was that in terms of ideas Hitler and Great Britain and USA saw Godless Communism as the bigger threat to world peace and following closely on WW2 that became the story line up to 1990-Ed) gangsters were among the few who understood the enemy. When asked by Burton Turkus what he thought of the situation in Europe, Reles said ‘It’s a clinch’ “what do you mean a clinch?’ ‘they are just the same combination’ said the Kid. ‘We are out to get America in the pocketbook. When we have to we will kill people to do it. Hitler and Mussolini they are trying to do the same thing , only they are trying to do the whole world. And they kill people by the millions to do it’. The gangsters were the prototype of a new kind of Jew, the sporty, all terrain model that would emerge from the ashes of World War Two (These words here explain why the author has written his book-Ed) Men like Lepke and Lansky were among the first Jews to know the truth about violence, that people pity the victim but yield to the victors. Long before the Holocaust they knew about learning how little it means when jackboots hit the landing (At the recent China Olympics I was mesmerized by the Chinese women in jackboots lining the track as the nations marched past-Ed) These men were not religious in the go to the temple keep the Sabbath way but they were Jews. The best of them knew there was no running away, that you either become more of yourself, running to your identity, or you become nothing Jonah fleeing God. As the war came they understood Nazis in a way most law abiding adults could not. They knew what men are capable of, how far someone like Hitler would go and they knew it could not be fought with reason or treaties or sanctions. The gangsters who cared about getting rich knew some things were not about money. They knew the only way to deal with Nazis was the way you deal with them on the street. Not only would this win admiration from kids like my dad but it had a sound intellectual underpinning that it is hard for someone who has just had his lip split to believe he is superman. ‘We knew how to handle them’ Meyer Lansky told Uri Dan (Israel’s top journalist in the 1970s) ‘The Italians offered help. I wouldn’t accept. I must say I enjoyed beating up the Nazis. There were times when we treated some big Anti-Semite in a very special way, but the main point was to teach them that Jews cannot be kicked around’ p189-190 ‘Tough Jews’ Rich Kohen New York 1998. I began this New Year with a prophecy recycled from 1988 Rick Joyner and added to it by way of comment that when you are working with the last person you ever though that you would ever work with- You have achieved what we need going forward into a situation which in human history has never happened before but a careful reading and understanding of the Hebrew text of the Bible would confirm is what it is all about.-Clear as Mud as my Editor would say! Here and in a following tomorrow post we have New York gangsters effectively closing down the Nazi connection in New York and then keeping the water front moving working with the Italian gangsters and US Intelligence keeping ships safe in an extremely cost effective manner. And - Operation ‘Abandon New York’ Will -Once Again perform even greater miracles. In Nov I tried to read and didn’t make it- a book about Jason Borne in Hong Kong written at a period of history where I was present in that city as a missionary. Then on Xmas Day I picked up - original not edited as later editions –Book about Jackie Pullinger of Hong Kong ‘Chasing the Dragon’- And she is literally doing unthinkable things with the worst 14K gangsters in the whole of China/World. Let me now repeat: No ifs no buts- when you are working with the very last person you ever though in this world you could be working with - Well you are discovering The Real ‘Kingdom of God’ paul.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Greenspan Final

Greenspan Final Like Presidency of George W Bush unfortunately no matter how popular both President Bush and his chief banker –Alan Greenspan were in the past- they get judged for the ongoing situations that date back to when they were making decisions or had the potential to make decisions. Earlier this month we looked at the 2008 Financial collapse of a whole section of the banking industry which the successors to Alan Greenspan had to deal with- therefore I go back to ‘Too Big to Fail’ to get comment on the opinions of those struggling with that situation in 2008 thought of Greenspan. ‘Hard act to follow –It was perhaps an inevitable epithet for the man whom Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward had also dubbed ‘The Maestro’- Alan Greenspan, who was to fiscal policy what Warren Buffet was to investing. Greenspan had overseen the Federal Reserve during a period of unprecedented prosperity, a spectacular bull market that had begun during the Regan administration and had run for over twenty years. Not that anyone outside the economics profession had a clue what Greenspan was doing or even saying most of the time. His obfuscation (My editor tells me this is the word he would use to describe my –‘what on earth is he saying’ style) in public pronouncements was legendary which only added to the mystic of his great intellect. Bernanke by contrast…. His area of specialization- The Great Depression and what the Federal Reserve had done wrong in the 1920s and 30s seemed quaint… By the summer of 2007 America’s Second Gilded Age had come shockingly to an end and Greenspan’s reputation lay in tatters. His faith in the market being self correcting suddenly seemed fatally short sighted; His cryptic remarks were judged in hindsight as confused ramblings of a misguided ideologue. … Norway might have sub prime mortgages from California in its portfolio and not even realize it. Making matters worse many financial firms had borrowed heavily against these (utterly insecure-Ed) securities, using what is known as leverage to amplify their returns. This only increased the pain when they began to lose value. Regulators around the world were having trouble understanding how the pieces fitted together. Greenspan would later admit that even he hadn’t comprehended exactly what was happening. ‘I’ve got some fairly heavy background in math but some of the complexities of some of the instruments that were going into CDO’s bewildered me. I didn’t understand what they were doing or how they actually got the types of returns out of the mezzanines and various tranches of the CDO that they did. And I figured that if I didn’t understand it and I had access to a couple of hundred PhD’s how was the rest of the world to understand it sort of bewildered me’ He was not alone. Even the CEOs of the firms that sold these products had no better comprehension at all.’ P85, 90 Too Big to Fail A.R.Sorkin New York 2009