Monday, January 5, 2015

Lessons from Christchurch

Lessons from Christchurch It may appear that we are seriously off topic but trust me the things which the saints of Christchurch New Zealand have learn through two major earthquakes and continuing aftershocks since Sept 2010 is something which only a major conference a Times Square Church or Brooklyn Tabernacle (and I leave it for your two to argue as to who hosts the thing) with the Christchurch people showing movies giving testimony and explaining what God is up to these days- Well New York- Call because these people can tell you what you need to know- how the real church works what our Jewish friend is up to. And yes there was a special Jewish connection! Known about by the Israel Prime Minister’s office Israeli spies where killed and injured in the Feb 2011 event and so they phoned our Jewish Prime Minister to have these spies evacuated out on the very first flight out…. God of Nations/Israel catches Israeli spies in earthquake. And yes he did other things too. The worshipped like the Jerusalem Temple- Cathedral- demolished as were the Methodist historic building and just refurbished Catholic one- Church? A building? Well not in the Christchurch experience- the new Cathedral is made of cardboard by a Japanese- How cheap can we get? And hey when –and my old friend from Sealords Days can tell you- His church St Johns Latimer Square becomes a pile of bricks – You worship next door in the park. And good park it was too! A entire conference of doctors evacuated out onto this park grabbed all the ambulances and other stuff they could find and immediately set up a triage hospital in the park performing amputations and other such primary surgery leaving the hospital down the road for other essential tasks. But the all time funniest story from the Quake goes to the great saints from the Vineyard Fellowship. They were when the second more serious quake hit praying repenting to God for not having done enough in the first earthquake. And then they were diving under the tables as ceiling tiles fell all around them. Serious Message Time Cut Paste Attach to Email and send to whoever needs to read this; New York- Christchurch 2010 and 2011 earthquakes happened for you. You must obtain from the saints of that city called Christ’s Church- the best communicators and those who understand what happened. What was learned and what the church needs to know at this time. Fly them at your expense to New York and put them into a big enough conference venue where this essential story Will Be Told. OK Do it!

1 comment:

  1. Update at 9 am timed by the time used for this blog- a 6.4 earthquake shook everyone in Christchurch - the person I just picked up from the airport flying in from Christchurch didn't know about it so his aircraft was in the air by the time it hit- And like other killer earthquakes it was shalolow- but this time in a part of the country so that so far no major reports od damage have come on the news. According to God- so argue with him! Mankind is clueless about two areas of science- The nature of the heavens and the nature of what lies beneath the earth and in fact (Jer 31) agrees to give up his obsession with Jews and Israel if we can take over from him and explain and control those two things! So Give It A Go! Play God... But Yea Nah mankind is clueless about earthquakes, so I just share ignorance. But basically there are shallow and there are deep earth quakes. The largest ever in USA- 1809 New Madrid events were deep in the formation stages of the Reelfort Rift Valley system which runs from Central American- Yacataan through New Orleans to Husdon Bay critically going right past Chicago and potentially - ans some have seen it in dreams ripping North America in two so that there is water all around the Eastern Part. That is the work of a deep earth movement. Felt right across the entire land mass- and if large enough deadly and in a part of the crust where the rocks are liquid. The Shallow events are on cracks- faults- and can happen any place there is a crack most of which we don't know are there, They when they are shallow even with a small number such as a 6 can be killer. But the earth movement is local and not felt far away. Critical is the actual rock or mud type. Hence the Mississippi is all mud and small quakes do a power of damage. Compare that to an 8 siize earthquake off New Zealand's South West tip- At Te Anua the closest habitation some bake beans came of the shelf at the super market. Large earthquake through solid rock- nothing.
