Thursday, January 15, 2015

Blog Conclusion

Blog Conclusion Over a two month period maybe 77 posts we have wandered across New York State from the Great Lakes to the far end of Long Island which historically has connected more with New England than with coming on a long car or train trip- New York City. And in terms of people we have interacted with the most despised hated rejected and acquainted with grief Jewish gangster (Yes and they crucified him but this one lived in Brooklyn!) to the highest Jews ever Alan Greenspan and coworker Henry Kissinger running the world, as well as spending some time looking at various aspects of Holocaust such as the previously unasked question- Did the European Holocaust get hatched up on Long Island with coming from Buffalo and Endicott IBM/Hollerith talent ensuring what otherwise would have been too difficult to do well- THINK- Business solutions New York USA ensuring the successful killing of more likely seven million Jews? (- previous numbers haven’t as the book ‘Bloodlands’ does looked at the 12 year period 1934-1946.) Questions- WHY? Well if soon enough- and we began this year looking at the U Tube prophecies of my New York Jewish Pastor Jonathan Cahn and a classic before he got famous and other things happened- prophecy from Rick Joyner – Chapter six from the 1988 first edition ‘The Harvest’ and some think that the world will end in three and a half years time and we will be raptured to heaven! While others just wonder what on earth, or what in heavens name is going on right now. And for me I have been in vain attempting to get readers locked into a commitment to New York. Now in the bible Jesus has his Matthew 24 prophecy and yes there are End Times aspects to it but the practical impact of that Jesus was saying was out worked in the events of AD70. And as part of that prophetic concern St Paul got all his up in Turkey and a few even in Greece- Gentile churches to send large amounts of monies to Jerusalem. Yes do listen to the Tithing Sermon in your church- but most of the giving is for the church back in Jerusalem…. So…. This will need MASSIVE CONFIRMATION! But call me a saint and yes my name is paul so saint paul ‘the least of all the brethren’- what I am suggesting is that all the people, all the wealth all the focus of my tiny ends of the earth ends of the age nation be directed towards the church and Jews and people coming to New York for some sort of great abandonment by those surviving of Empire State as the city burns going God Knows Where- God knows how , but Yeah Nah reading Isaiah 60 looks like leaving on ships and aircraft- Isaiah saw an aircraft taking the people home to promised land. Lock me up- well my father was a locked up mental patient so like father like son… This what I have been suggesting could be quite mad and me totally miss reading the bible- but Yes then ideas I share with you my Lord has told me and better still it is entirely consistent with the message of Law and Prophets as I have for my own benefit translated them from the Hebrew! So do we need to take any notice of this craziness? Well no! At the most only 30 people have understood what this blog is saying and more likely it was only five or less people. Crazy ideas Come and crazy ideas Go- And sure we can read learned books and quote from learned authors- even at the end a New York Jew trying to work out what is going on in the experience of his community. In the End it is The God of Israel who says things!

Tough Jews- Nazis 3

Tough Jews- Nazis 3 ‘Oro Nazi groups began organizing in America in the mid 30s fueled by rabid Anti- Semitic, they had names like the German American Bund. Lanksy said ‘A pro Nazi organization that spread Nazi-style Anti Semitic slogans, they strutted around and made threats, like throwing Jews into concentration camps’. By 1939 the Nazi movement was strong enough to attract twenty eight thousand people to a rally at Madison Square Garden. Again speaking on this Lanksy said ‘I was always very sensitive to Anti Semitism but during those years other people also became worried. Important WASP’s (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) as we would call them now openly made Anti Semitic statements and some of the magazines and papers backed them. This worried Jewish leaders, including the most respected of all Rabbi Stephen Wise. He sent a message asking me to do something about this dangerous trend. Another Jewish leader who worried was a respected New York judge, an important member of the Republican Party. We knew each other and one day in 1935 he came to see me and said Nazism is flourishing in the United States. The Bund members are not ashamed to have meetings in the most public places. We Jews should be more militant. Meyer we want to take action against these Nazi sympathizers. We’ll put money and legal assistance at your disposal, whatever you need. Can you organize the militant part for us? When the Bundists held a rally that spring in Yorkville a German neighborhood on the Upper East Side Lanksy showed up with some friends. As they approached it must have seemed luike they had stumbled into Berlin, sneers and swastikas, raise arms thigh boots; ‘We found several hundred brown shirts the stage was decorated with pictures of Hitler. The speakers were ranting. There were only about fifteen of us but we went into action. We attacked them in the hall and threw some out the windows. There were fistfights all over the place. Most of the Nazi panicked and ran. We chased them and beat them up and some of them were out of action for months. Yes it was violence. We wanted to teach them a lesson. We wanted to show them that Jews would not always sit back and accept insults’…. After tis got heard about, I’d get calls from places like the Writers Guild to help with their problems with Nazi bastards. One time even a judge called me about a Nazi Bund meeting. I told him all right don’t worry about it so we were over there and grabbed everything in sight- all their bullshit signs- and smacked the shit out of them broke them up the best we could. No one could pay me for this work. There ain’t no amount of money to buy them kind of things’… since the Holocaust seemed inevitable those who ran it have the power of historical agents (Readers Beware. Some Prophets for reason of their own want to put the most negative-Evil –Satan Triumphs but we get Raptured to Heaven Spin on things. Read history and people have choice. Tokyo Earthquake 1923- sure it was bad but if people had cried out to heaven repented- Still bad but some would survive. Instead- The fires begin and the worst firestorms sweep the city so that sheltering thousands of people are dead when the fire over head sucks out all the oxygen! My point is this. No matter what happens or could happen- if you are in the event keep up a dialogue with our Master -giving a different result. Work With The Disaster ,overall commander –Lord of Hosts) the fact that people were doing things makes the event seem more manageable. You see people like me who were born long after Germany was defeated, the worst part of Holocaust was never the dead bodies; it was the way Jewish victims were portrayed … At recess I would walk up to Clay Mellon, biggest kid in our school, the bully who ran everything and say; ‘You stupid hole’ For people what Siegel did even if it were no more than a plan made me dismiss the qualification my father tagged to the story; ‘Bugsy was an outlaw a bad man’ p190-192 Tough Jews Rich Cohen New York 1998. In recent years Americans have built up as being a bad man someone we in the Islamic community continue to respect as our elder and a man who did what he could and was clearly at times a hero. Isama Bin Laden from Yemen. I say this because do take time to read the chapters around the paramount chapter 1 Samuel 25 and you can see another Tough Jew a Wanted Terrorist and his gang at times on the rampage doing all sorts of illegal style things hunted down by authorities. A wanted man from a town with the unlikely name House of War (Bethlehem) yet these days it is almost impossible to preach a decent sermon in a Jewish synagogue or Christian church which illustrates just how negatively people throughout Israel saw this David Gangster if they heard what he was doing and what the authorities were doing to capture him. And a more recent example. On the official Martín Luther King website you can read there a long court document which shows evidence given in court that the US government and most of its agencies going to the highest levels in government organized the judicial murder of known trouble maker –Dr M. L. King yet now no one from the current President down wants to be honest and say that now- Shalom.

Tough Jews- Waterfront 4

Tough Jews- Waterfront 4 ‘For many gangsters fighting Nazis was more than just an act of defiance: it was an expression of patriotism. The mobster taking on the enemy was a way to again feel part of the mainstream, a player in the national project. A few years later when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor even members of the military acknowledged this. As Intelligence officers grew increasingly fearful of enemy agents, sensing the spy in the shadows, who could they turn to? Gangsters! In Feb 1942 the Normandy a French cruise liner converted to carry American troops caught fire while docked in the Hudson River. Experts suspected sabotage. German U boats had already sunk 120 American merchant ships off the coast. Members of Naval intelligence knew many dock workers were immigrants from Italy… would these men help Mussolini? They could do so by telling foreign agents when military cargo was scheduled or when troop ships like the Normandy were docked. Loose lips sink ships. A few weeks after the fire a naval intelligence officer contacted Socks Lanza, a thug who was said to control New York harbor. When the officer explained what he wanted the gangsters to do- seal leaks (And that is exactly why those who visited Watergate Apartments were doing for the President- Plumbers who were to ‘seal leaks’) keep a look out for suspicious doings on the docks –Lanza got in touch with Lansky. Meyer said the only person who could fill the bill was Charlie Luciano. Though Lucky has already spent four years in prison he still had authority on the docks. Moved to a better prison he was soon sending word to the waterfront. ‘I gave Cockeye the orders, go down to the piers and find out who is loyal and who is not loyal. You have to see that there are no strikes and the job is done quickly when military stuff is loaded. And we have to keep sure that everyone keeps their mouths shut about troop movements. That means going into bars to make sure the crews and longshoremen don’t start sounding off when they get drunk ‘ said Lucky. And showing up at Naval Intelligence on church Street Manhattan Lansky said ‘I can promise you one thing. There will be no German Submarines in the port of New York’ p192-193 Tough Jews –Rich Cohen. I have been saying for several years- The Holocaust was just a practice run the Real Deal is coming soon. The Holocaust tiny compared to where computers are now in being able to identify people and the capacity to organize the deaths of not just millions hundreds of millions people when history makes a change- Not helped or rather released by the inevitable collapse -America Empire. And honestly I cannot saw- why, when, how, how much, what sequence or even much about triggers… Fortunately because the kinds of people reading ‘this Crap- this shit’ may not have decided yet to serve our Eternal Jew. Pray with me here. Father God we are at an interesting and exciting part of this blog. We have been piecing together bits and pieces about New York for years now and we are now on the once bustling New York water front a mere seventy two years ago – yet some of us are dreaming of a greater movement of ships and people… Truly massive great cruise liners jam packed overflowing departing God knows where and God knows why…. If this historic picture speaks to something greater in the future. Let us as readers of this know that firmly in our hearts even if our heads cannot comprehend. Shalom Eternal Jew Amen.

Dewey vs Tough Jews 5

Tom Dewey vs Tough Jews 5 I have a book as significant but better known than this one. ‘The Gangs of New York –Herbert Asbury 1928, 2002. And the message is similar to this book, to ‘The Cross and the Switchblade’ –that the Gang Problem in New York is now over- Which is really saying; 1860s- the Irish Gang problem is by the 1920s spluttering out and is over. Or this book the Jewish Gangs are all over by the end of the 40s or Rev David Wilkerson- the out of control Puerto Rican gangs are by the end of the 60s… Gang problem solved! But yes what I guess I am feeling in my spirit as an historian here from too far way trying to understand is for some underlying thread- ongoing theme of evil going back to the first Dutch ship of immigrants who were outcasts, for the most part not even Dutch at all and began to do bad things in that Lower Manhattan location which spread to all of America. A spiritual story… Therefore more than- many times better than Herbert Asbury grandson of pioneer American Methodist Bishop- Rich Cohen is writing instead of a just who bashed whom story of gratuitous violence in New York- trying to get to this deeper spiritual understanding as to what it is to be Jewish- and like King David of olde having the deserved reputation of being a Gangster or Wanted Terrorist. Republican Middle America Tom Dewey walks into this story of Gangs in New York and helps us get some focus. And as we shall see the deep places being revealed by Herbert Ashbury- Deep places- Wells for political corruption in New York of which the gangs at times are just the lid of a deep unhealed wound of my people (Jer 6:14, 8:11 mixed metaphor-Ed!) ‘So in the mid 30s when Tom Dewey, working first as special prosecutor, later as district attorney, then as Governor of New York- and Running several times to become Republican President, went after the gangsters. Jewish kids all over Brooklyn were transfixed by the fight. They followed the action every day in the papers and tried to read between the lines. Most of them believed the gangsters would come out ahead. From their view somewhere above the home run leader and the heavy weight fighter was the gangster. But the view from Dewey’s office was different – that their strength was the strength of the weak, the terrorist, the man outside of the system. With courage and patience, he could topple the leaders of the underworld. And if Jewish gangsters couldn’t give the kids of Brooklyn a victory at least they would give them a terrific fight. Tom Dewey grew up in Owosso Michigan (This is the first time anywhere in this blog when we have had the biography of someone making it big in New York who was not born in The City or in New York State!) …he delivered papers before school and did odd jobs after school, he never missed a single day from school. He was the perfect son of a Republican family his father’s youthful stay in New York pledged him to fight Tammany Hall the corrupt Democrat machine (Little intelligent is said about Tammany Hall that I have read but it appears to have been put in place by the remarkable 1850s politician Fernando Woods) So from the beginning some of Dewey’s dreams were political…Dewey enrolled in New York’s Columbia Law School got his degree in just two years and then early 30s was named assistant to George Medalie US attorney for the Southern District of New York so began his fight with organized crime- son taking on his father’s obsession storming the beehive of city corruption . How strange Tom Dewey the kid from the sticks against the underworld. What could he know? More than coming from a different place, from a different time. How many years lay between Michigan and Delancey Street ? A hundred a thousand? (This line first appeared as a joke in the mid 30s) What could he know of violence of the ghetto? Three thousand people lived in Owosso, the same number lived in a single tenement Lower East Side. (Conditions so bad in the history of humanity that we struggle to comprehend just how bad- and what the death rate for attempting to live in such places.) Tom Dewey was grappling with an army of exotics, men who seemed to threaten everything Owosso stood for. And what did the gangsters stand for? More than anything more than money and power they stood for a style a way of life… never would there be a ‘sucker’, ‘dupe’, ‘do gooder’ ‘rule follower’. For men like Dutch Schultz and Lucky Luciano who wanted more than anything to look cool being taken down by Dewey must have been the greatest insult of all. Dewey perhaps the most ambitious geek in American history. While Luciano was escorting blonds uptown Dewey was back in Michigan setting a shameful record- Perfect school attendance! P158-160 Tough Jews –Rich Cohen. New York. 1998. Comment as a man with lots of ideas some of which may well be false or worse go no where- I do constantly audit my intake to see it ideas are lining up from unexpected sources. As I write this I am writing an IDF Staff School military lecture and the incredible Ai attack story in Joshua –another blog.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tough Jews- Promised Land 1

Tough Jews and the Promised Land- As you will see I’ve moved on from the Jewish New York Banker storyline about being responsible for the collapse of the world financial system story line- Well in the other work I’m doing this holiday I’m translating from Hebrew- which I cannot speak; And have begun extending Torah adding for the first time in religious history the book of Joshua to Torah to get a seven part Torah that includes –we love to hate him- Brilliant Arabian Prophet- (No Not Muhammed – if he was brilliant I’ve haven’t noticed that despite reading his stuff ) All Time Best Arabian Prophet Balaam- Even Jesus has something to say about him. So that makes Seven books of Torah…. Where was I now I’m getting lost. Yes and a New Generation arrives in the Promised Land and it is vastly different to those who came out of Egypt. And interestingly that is what ‘Tough Jews’ author Rich Cohen wants to tell us too! I will hand over to him for our reading. ‘The cliental of the Hotel Arkansas was mostly Italian and Jewish. Regulars included Louis Lepke, Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Joey Adonis, Frank Costello. These men forged a bond beyond religion. Jew or Italian they even looked alike, with dark eyes and dark hair, came from the same ghettos, seemed to want the same things. ‘you know how you can tell a Jewish neighborhood? Ralph Salerno asked me. ‘Look for the Italian restaurants’ At Madden’s resort in the shimmering light of the pool, they were one people. “the Italian Mafioso had a tremendous respect for the Jews’ said John Cusack. ‘they didn’t push them around. Luciano was the first to say, Fight these guys? What do you mean? Get with them work with them’ but it was a world fast disappearing. This was the golden age of Jewish-Italian underworld alliance. People thrown together by poverty and prosperity would soon pull them apart. Back then Jewish and Italian gangsters looked alike the way seeds looked alike. But as the blossomed, with money, with power, differences would emerge. What they wanted their ambitions, fears ,dreams they had for their children, were not the same. Over time these differences would draw the children of Jewish gangsters away from the crime until a Jewish presence in the underworld was a vague memory, as hard to believe as in the youth of your own parents. ‘The Jews were ahead of the Italians: ahead of them in migrating here, ahead of them in being organized criminals, and ahead of them in getting out of it’ Cusak said. When an Italian gangster scored he usually kept the money in the neighborhood. He might make a better apartment, more a few fights, buy a new car, a new girl. You might see him cutting down the street in a razor sharp suit, the sky ion his shoes. But the Italians, at least those below the top echelon, rarely left the corner where they grew up…. The Jewish gangster who made a scroe, in the rackets or in robbery first thing he did was get out. They moved to Brooklyn or Queens to Lower Manhattan, to upper West side (Washington Heights) Central Park West or West end or to the suburbs, Westchester, New Jersey, Long Island and then Miami, Las Vegas, Hollywood, Los Angeles. Who knows? Maybe Jews are just more comfortable on the road. Maybe those years of exile have made them restless. Maybe a homeland means No home. Maybe something deep in then said “Get out before the roof caves in’ For a successful Jew, a big part of life is visiting the old neighborhood, walking shoulder wide with a sense of victory. Jews collect hometowns. “the Italians like the celebrity of that life’ Cusak told me. ‘the Jewish gangsters when they made it got out of the neighbor hood. They didn’t have the bravura of the Italians….The Jews were different they moved uptown, loved on the park, dressed modestly and made sure everyone thought they were businessmen’. For the Jewish gangster crime was not a way out of the system, it was a way in. Jews were not wanted mostly in the white-shoe firms of Wall Street (And we read of Alan Greenspan coming in to that late 40s-Ed) and Madison Ave. Those kids were not acceptable in the league schools (In a book on the history of Harlem it spoke the very elite of Black society sending their children to top English Universities because the doors were closed in USA) In a society so often closed, is it any wonder guns could be a short cut to the American dream? But they did not glory in it. Many Jewish gangsters didn’t even like it. When they wore flashy suits it was not to advertise their wealth, it was because they didn’t know any better. A gangster in suit was a gangster who wanted to be loved. For these men their greatest dream was for their children, was to be successful law abiding American. The Jewish people wanted a future… politicians to the house and nothing to go to jail for. Legitimate power. Doctors lawyers. The gangster knew they could not have this for themselves. They were too rough, too green, not far enough from Europe, the shtetl, the pogroms. They were the generation Moses led out of Egypt, a generation lost in the wilderness, a slave generation that must die away before the Jews could settle in the Promised Land. So instead they got themselves in a position for the dream to come true for their children…. They rarely told their children what they did. I have only found a handful of Jews who say they are related to gangsters. And even those only found out years later.’ P150-152 Tough Jews Rich Cohen Random House 1998. There is a Hebrew word –in Hebrew it is ZKR probably said ‘ZaKar’ and it means Remember as well as equally meaning ‘Male’ I conclude with it because of the nonsense genealogy which is found on the first page of the Christian book called The New Testament. Sure I know the list to be accurate- but the difficulty comes when compared against accurate to the minute of time and location –Star Time record of Babylon and Egypt- the Hebrew list of names looks silly… Why? Well it has lost at least seven maybe more generations. If we never knew and never said what a male ancestor did- well before long his name is forgotten and drops out of the family list. Jewish Gangsters in New York were in danger until this book was written of going the same way as- it is difficult to say- the names of those who lived in Egypt- before finally Moses emerged to bring Israel and Jews out again into Remembrance of the Males of their generations. Tough Male Jews still needed!

Tough Jews- Holocaust 2

Tough Jews- Holocaust 2 ‘As the cops were combing the streets for Lepke, Nazis were boycotting and tagging Jews in Germany, persecution that were maybe not well-known in the rest of America but was talked about in Brooklyn. Most Jewish families still had family in the old country and the bad news came in letters which grew cloudier and cloudier before the letters stopped coming altogether. In a time when the leaders of the West still hoped to strike a deal with the Fascists (I have never seen those words before in print- But have plenty of circumstantial evidence of that being the actual intent of British foreign policy in the lead up to the Stalin Hitler Pact of 1939- The reality was that in terms of ideas Hitler and Great Britain and USA saw Godless Communism as the bigger threat to world peace and following closely on WW2 that became the story line up to 1990-Ed) gangsters were among the few who understood the enemy. When asked by Burton Turkus what he thought of the situation in Europe, Reles said ‘It’s a clinch’ “what do you mean a clinch?’ ‘they are just the same combination’ said the Kid. ‘We are out to get America in the pocketbook. When we have to we will kill people to do it. Hitler and Mussolini they are trying to do the same thing , only they are trying to do the whole world. And they kill people by the millions to do it’. The gangsters were the prototype of a new kind of Jew, the sporty, all terrain model that would emerge from the ashes of World War Two (These words here explain why the author has written his book-Ed) Men like Lepke and Lansky were among the first Jews to know the truth about violence, that people pity the victim but yield to the victors. Long before the Holocaust they knew about learning how little it means when jackboots hit the landing (At the recent China Olympics I was mesmerized by the Chinese women in jackboots lining the track as the nations marched past-Ed) These men were not religious in the go to the temple keep the Sabbath way but they were Jews. The best of them knew there was no running away, that you either become more of yourself, running to your identity, or you become nothing Jonah fleeing God. As the war came they understood Nazis in a way most law abiding adults could not. They knew what men are capable of, how far someone like Hitler would go and they knew it could not be fought with reason or treaties or sanctions. The gangsters who cared about getting rich knew some things were not about money. They knew the only way to deal with Nazis was the way you deal with them on the street. Not only would this win admiration from kids like my dad but it had a sound intellectual underpinning that it is hard for someone who has just had his lip split to believe he is superman. ‘We knew how to handle them’ Meyer Lansky told Uri Dan (Israel’s top journalist in the 1970s) ‘The Italians offered help. I wouldn’t accept. I must say I enjoyed beating up the Nazis. There were times when we treated some big Anti-Semite in a very special way, but the main point was to teach them that Jews cannot be kicked around’ p189-190 ‘Tough Jews’ Rich Kohen New York 1998. I began this New Year with a prophecy recycled from 1988 Rick Joyner and added to it by way of comment that when you are working with the last person you ever though that you would ever work with- You have achieved what we need going forward into a situation which in human history has never happened before but a careful reading and understanding of the Hebrew text of the Bible would confirm is what it is all about.-Clear as Mud as my Editor would say! Here and in a following tomorrow post we have New York gangsters effectively closing down the Nazi connection in New York and then keeping the water front moving working with the Italian gangsters and US Intelligence keeping ships safe in an extremely cost effective manner. And - Operation ‘Abandon New York’ Will -Once Again perform even greater miracles. In Nov I tried to read and didn’t make it- a book about Jason Borne in Hong Kong written at a period of history where I was present in that city as a missionary. Then on Xmas Day I picked up - original not edited as later editions –Book about Jackie Pullinger of Hong Kong ‘Chasing the Dragon’- And she is literally doing unthinkable things with the worst 14K gangsters in the whole of China/World. Let me now repeat: No ifs no buts- when you are working with the very last person you ever though in this world you could be working with - Well you are discovering The Real ‘Kingdom of God’ paul.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Greenspan Final

Greenspan Final Like Presidency of George W Bush unfortunately no matter how popular both President Bush and his chief banker –Alan Greenspan were in the past- they get judged for the ongoing situations that date back to when they were making decisions or had the potential to make decisions. Earlier this month we looked at the 2008 Financial collapse of a whole section of the banking industry which the successors to Alan Greenspan had to deal with- therefore I go back to ‘Too Big to Fail’ to get comment on the opinions of those struggling with that situation in 2008 thought of Greenspan. ‘Hard act to follow –It was perhaps an inevitable epithet for the man whom Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward had also dubbed ‘The Maestro’- Alan Greenspan, who was to fiscal policy what Warren Buffet was to investing. Greenspan had overseen the Federal Reserve during a period of unprecedented prosperity, a spectacular bull market that had begun during the Regan administration and had run for over twenty years. Not that anyone outside the economics profession had a clue what Greenspan was doing or even saying most of the time. His obfuscation (My editor tells me this is the word he would use to describe my –‘what on earth is he saying’ style) in public pronouncements was legendary which only added to the mystic of his great intellect. Bernanke by contrast…. His area of specialization- The Great Depression and what the Federal Reserve had done wrong in the 1920s and 30s seemed quaint… By the summer of 2007 America’s Second Gilded Age had come shockingly to an end and Greenspan’s reputation lay in tatters. His faith in the market being self correcting suddenly seemed fatally short sighted; His cryptic remarks were judged in hindsight as confused ramblings of a misguided ideologue. … Norway might have sub prime mortgages from California in its portfolio and not even realize it. Making matters worse many financial firms had borrowed heavily against these (utterly insecure-Ed) securities, using what is known as leverage to amplify their returns. This only increased the pain when they began to lose value. Regulators around the world were having trouble understanding how the pieces fitted together. Greenspan would later admit that even he hadn’t comprehended exactly what was happening. ‘I’ve got some fairly heavy background in math but some of the complexities of some of the instruments that were going into CDO’s bewildered me. I didn’t understand what they were doing or how they actually got the types of returns out of the mezzanines and various tranches of the CDO that they did. And I figured that if I didn’t understand it and I had access to a couple of hundred PhD’s how was the rest of the world to understand it sort of bewildered me’ He was not alone. Even the CEOs of the firms that sold these products had no better comprehension at all.’ P85, 90 Too Big to Fail A.R.Sorkin New York 2009

White House- Anyone at home?

White House- Anyone at home? I’ve got a book- Good thing I cannot even find it- the builders are here and things have gotten lost. It is by wantabe a Republican President Candidate Lee Iacocca and he is expressing much the same opinion about Ronald Regan as I am going to finally have Alan Greenspan share. The opinion being that the Do Nothing Approach to running the American and World Economy in the 80s and 90s- (Sure lots of disastrous things were done- horrible immoral things done in the name of ‘Free Market’ and ‘Business can run things better than governments’)- Milton Friedman Libertarianism Ideology: The selfish Meism of the End of a Booming American Century… but the opinion is that despite the pretense that the world could be or would be run directly out of the White House or more realistically out of the New York Federal Reserve and Wall St- What Iacocca is saying and what I believe Alan is saying is that the Do Nothing- No body home- Off to California for a holiday Regan style of government appears to work well… Why? Well ask a Jew, or if it is Levi Priest- Maybe Moses can tell us a prophecy. (Duet 32) - ‘What attracted me to Regan was the clarity of his conservatism. There was another line he used on the stump. ‘Government exists to protect us from each other. When government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves’. A man who could talk in such terms is clear on what he believes. Very rarely in those days would you find conservatives who didn’t fudge on social issues. But Regan’s kind of conservatism, was to say that tough love for the individual was good for society. That proposition starts with a judgment about human nature. If it is accurate it implies much less government support for the downtrodden. Yet mainstream Republicans were conflicted about thinking or talking in such terms, because they seemed to be contrary to Judeo-Christian values. Not Regan. Like Milton Friedman and other early libertarians he never gave the impression he was trying to be on both sides of the issue. Its not that there wasn’t sympathy for people who through no fault of their own find themselves in dire straights; nor would you find any less personal willingness than among liberals personally to assist the downtrodden. But that wasn’t government’s role according to Regan. Tough love, in the long run is love. On a cross country flight I was given a specific task. The presidential debates were approaching and Regan’s top aides were concerned about the criticism that he seemed oblivious to the facts. Martin asked me it I would use the cross country flight to brief the candidate thoroughly- not just on the economy but on all the significant domestic issues…. I studied the material and later that day when we got on the flight, Regan staffers sat me at a table facing the governor with Marty by his side. But Regan was in an expansive mood, and by the time the plane took off, he was asking friendly questions about Milton Friedman and other people we knew in common. The conversation blossomed from here. I think UI heard more clever stories during the flight than in any other five hour period in my life. Marty kept shooting me glances but I couldn’t get Regan to open the briefing book. After we landed I said ‘thank you Governor that was a very enjoyable trip’ And Regan said ‘Oh I know Marty doesn’t like the fact that I didn’t crack a book’ p87-88 ‘The Age of Turbulence’ Alan Greenspan New York 2007.

Monday, January 12, 2015

More Philiosophy

More Philosophy ‘That’s how Ayn Rand and I met. She was a Russian émigré whose novel ‘The Fountainhead’ had been a best selling phenomenon during the war. She had recently moved from Hollywood to New York and had developed a small, intense following. I’d read the novel and found it intriguing… Rand wrote the story to illustrate a philosophy she had come to, one that emphasized reason, individualism, and enlightened self interest. Later she named it objectivism, today she would be called a libertarian. Objectivism championed laissez-faire capitalism as the ideal form of social organization. Not surprisingly Rand abhorred Soviet communism in which she had been schooled. She saw it as the embodiment of brutal collectivism. And at the height of Soviet power she held that the systems was inherently corrupt that eventually it would collapse from within. (In an earlier blog ‘Myth of America’ Click on my profile to get there: Similar sorts of predictions are being made several hundred years ago by observers of the American system. It is one thing for there to be a flaw in the system- Fatal Disconnect as many people can see in looking at the ideas that control a World Empire- It is quite another thing to make it happen- Especially post 9/11 just so much money is given to the spies to freely access computers communication worldwide- when USA believes attacking the private homes of Mr Dot Com or our loved respected elder Usa,ma Bin Laden living in Pakistan- It would appear unlikely that America as an empire could ever collapse… But then there were these religious nutters, they went around USSR in the late 80s praying and telling angels that it would happen- Never say never-Ed) She and her circle called themselves ‘The Collective’ an insider joke because collectivism was the polar opposite of her belief…The night Joan introduced me, the group was small, maybe seven or eight people seated in the austere living room… Ayn Rand was quite plain to look at- short in her late forties. Her face dramatic almost sever with a wide mouth, broad brow and great dark intelligent eyes- she kept her hair in a page boy that emphasized them … She was unrelenting analytical, ready to dissect ant idea to it’s fundamentals and had no interest in small talk. Yet despite this apparent ferocity, I notices and openness in the way she approached conversation… After listening for a few evenings I shoed my logical positivist colors… but something prompted me to postulate that there were no moral absolutes. Rand pounced; ‘How can that be?’ ‘Because to be truly rational, you can’t hold a conviction without significant empirical evidence’ –How can that be? Do you exist?’ “I can’t… be sure’ I admitted ‘ I might…’ She replied ‘And by the way who is making the statement?’ –‘Maybe you have me there” Rand came away from the evening with a nickname for me. she dubbed me ‘the undertaker’ partly because I wore a dark suit, and I later learned she would ask people, ‘Well has the under taker decided it he exists yet?’ p40-41 Alan Greenspan 2007. If I were to re-label the Bible- Which I will not do because that involves adding and taking away from it. Instead of a Book which is currently called the Letter to the Romans by St Paul- It would become Letter to New York because in the first chapter there is a brilliant description of all the amazing things that go on in Empire State- the very heart of the Empire. And it ties philosophy wise to worship of the Creature rather than the Creator, Self worship, and moral Destruction- all the sorts of things we have seen do see and expect to see if we visit New York as a Tourist. And that sort of Tourism is biblical. Jesus sent two of his companions down to check things out in Genesis chapter s 18/19 and earlier there had been special tourism in chapter 11 and other instances can be found in the book of special investigations.(Ezk 8) Because ideas are not the issue. Rather ignoring God , doing our own thing and worshipping ourselves!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Logical positivitism

Logical Positivism I am going to do a new thing for this blog- I am going to reply to the first quote from Alan Greenspan by going back to a 1927 book ‘New York Nights’ a travel guide to New York by Stephen Graham and it is notable that because , and he admits it- the author is an immoral man- when this particular philosophy is present to him he rejects if by going straight back to the words of Jesus to refute it! “I often did my work by the radio in 1950-51, our military was fighting in Korea fighting bloody battles against the Chinese, and President Truman dismissed General Mac Arthur for his public insistence that the United States should declare war on China. At home the atomic bomb testing moved from New Mexico to Nevada and we had the Red Scare…Like many scientifically minded people I believed that atomic energy was the most important frontier we could unlock in our lifetimes. This was the other side to the fear that we felt of atomic war. The science was extremely seductive. The atom conferred a power on mankind that could open a whole new phase of endeavor. This in turn, called for a new way of thought. I discovered that some of the scientist from the Manhattan Project subscribed to a philosophy called ‘Logical Positivism’, a variation on empiricism. Pioneered by Ludwig Wittgernstein, it was a school of thought whose main tenet was that knowledge can be only gained from facts and numbers – it heavily emphasized rigorous proof. There were no moral absolutes, values and ethics and the way people behave are a reflection of culture and are not the subject of logic. They vary so arbitrarily that they are completely outside the realm of serious though’ p38-39 Alan Greenspan 2007. ‘ I met a writer of popular science one day. He is a man who believes all things and yet is a pessimist. As a writer he is extremely successful. His mind is founded on a belief in science popularly understood, But he sees to be disillusioned with life. You cannot mix him anything for which he will not give you a formula. ‘What next in writing’ was the question which he propounded to me. I said ‘Why not compile a book of unanswered questions as a set off the current –Ask me another craze? Americans are getting the dangerous idea that all questions can be answered ‘ He replied ‘Yes we are beginning to know a little more about everything’ Travel, gaiety, new experience seemed to have little lure for him. The night life which I described to him he dismissed as ‘carnal’ I said “What you need to do is is sell all that you have and give it to the poor. Clothe yourself and rags and set off to some place like Mecca” “Oh I’ve tried it. I’ve tried it” he said. But he had a charming room at Algoquin. I image that if the gospels were rewritten for Americans with synthetic souls a story of that kind would be told. The answer of the young man “One thing thou needest. Sell what thou hast and give to the poor, take up thy Cross and follow me’ And the answer would be- I’ve tried it, I’ve tried it.’ P118-119 New York Nights Stephen Graham –G.H.Doran 1927

Stop Blog!- Holocaust

Stop Blog- Holocaust Last month Dec 2014 without seeking to I began to draw a picture of Jewish Holocaust as made in New York. Without the from Buffalo New York Hollerith and Thomas Watson brilliance without the American land mark 1890 Census the organization and aspiration of Holocaust in Europe despite the passion of Ant Semitism at work in human history- It simply could not have happened. American computers, American business and American made in New York Eugenic ideology made Holocaust possible. Thus here with this informative quotation by a Jewish Professor working at a New England University- Hans Kohn in this major well read publication we can say that by- Jan/Feb 1943 they knew! The Britannica 1943 Year Book. The only Encyclopedia Year Book published in 1943 and this particular volume I have belonged to the New Zealand Government and was studied by the men who kept our Prime Minister informed- There is opposite the New York article showing the US Minister to New Zealand laying a wreath Anzac Day at our war memorial and details of how at the same Ministerial level our nation is working with USA. John D Rockefeller- Standard Oil Watson- IBM President Roosevelt or US Ambassador from Great Britain Halifax. Anyone who needed to know could and did read this article back then. Hitler reiterated on Jan 31 1942, (In Dec the vital organizing policy meeting chaired by Heydrich had happened and over the page under assassinations it tells of his death June 4 1942) that he aimed for the physical extermination of the Jews in Europe of whom by then about 7,000,000 were under his rule or influence. After the RAF raids on Cologne the German propaganda minister Goebbels declared that Germany proposed to carry out in reprisal mass extermination of the Jews throughout Europe and ‘perhaps even beyond Europe’. This extermination proceeded through out 1942 in almost continuous pogroms of the Jewish population in Eastern Europe….More than 2,000.000 Jews were confined to newly created Ghettos living where conditions especially lack of sanitation, were responsible for an unprecedented death rate among the inhabitants. Especially dreadful were the conditions in the conquered Russian territories and in most parts of the Ukraine occupied by the Romanians….Towards the end of 1942 substantiated reports emulating from all German occupied countries in Europe on the accelerated and predetermined extermination of the Jewish people aroused widespread indignation. Eleven of the United Nations….(including Great Britain and the United States) released a statement that their intention, ‘has been drawn to numerous reports for Europe that the German authorities not content with denying person of Jewish race… human rights.. are now carrying into effect Hitler’s oft repeated intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe’ …especially to Poland which became the principal nazi slaughterhouse ‘ The ghettos established there were being systematically emptied of the Jews who were slowly worked to death in labor camps or left to die from exposure or starvation or deliberated massacred in mass executions. ‘the governments (of the United Nations- eleven of them at that time) condemn in the strongest possible terms the bestial policy of cold blooded extermination. They reaffirm their solemn resolution to insure that those responsible for the crime shall not escape retribution and to press on with the necessary practical measures to this end’ Britannica Year Book 1943 And the God of Israel has said that he wishes to add to this statement here; ‘Vengeance is mine say I Am I will repay’

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Miss Reading Economic History

Miss reading Economic History. ‘Gene Banks was slender, friendly softly spoken guy in his thirties who job was to track the economy for the firm. He explained matter of factly what he wanted, a weekly seasonal adjustment of the US Federal Reserve’s statistical series on department store sales… Banks didn’t give detailed instructions which was fine with me. I went to the School of Commerce library and looked at the textbooks and articles of professional journals to find out how to go about constructing a weekly seasonal adjustment. Then I assembled the component data and set to work checking with Banks only occasionally… Graduating the following spring was a formality. I already decided to stay at NYU and accepted a scholarship to study a master’s degree at night. But I still had to find a job to make ends meet… at $45 a week I opted for the National industrial Conference board a private institution underwritten by major corporations…including more than two hundred different companies including General Electric, International Harvester Brown Brother Harriman and Youngstown Sheet and Tube… during the Depression the Board had been original source of data on the extent of unemployment. When I arrived in 1948 it was a vibrant place, with a big floor of offices on Park Ave near Grand Central Station… For me the library was the big event. I discovered that the Conference Board had amassed a treasure trove of data on every major industry in America dating back half a century and more. There were shelves of books that explained how individual industries actually operated. The collection covered the entire spectrum of the economy… I read about the robber barons; I spent hours over the census of population for 1890. I studied railroad freight-car loadings of that era, trends for short staple cotton prices in the decades following the Civil War… Almost from the start I was publishing in Business Record the Conference Board journal. The first about trends in small manufacturers profits … Over the next few years my work gained momentum. Somebody pickled up one of my articles and wrote about it in the New York Times and even mentioned my name. I finished my masters degree and continued publishing a steady stream of article- on housing starts, the new car market, consumer credit and other current subjects. I was gaining confidence to take in data and make it tell a story… I’d been invited to dinner by Tilford Gaines a college friend who was now assistant vice president of the Federal Reserve of New York , also there was a six foot three inch behemoth named Paul Volcker. An image of the evening remains etched in my brain: we’re sitting and joking in a cozy living room in front of a fire. Optimism is the dominant feeling, not just that night but for the period in general America was riding high. The US economy dominated the world- it didn’t have any competition. American Auto plants were the envy of every nation. Our textile and steel companies never worried about imports as there weren’t any to speak of. Coming out of WW2 our labor force had the best supervisors and most highly skilled workers. Yet in that December 1950 we were beginning to recognize a terrible new danger. Nuclear confrontation had seemed a very abstract as a treat eighteen months before , when the Soviet union had detonated it’s first atomic bomb. But as the cold war began to make itself felt at home the peril seemed concrete… I enrolled in a Ph.D program at Columbia that fall. My faculty advisor was Arthur Burns, who in addition to being a full professor was also a senior researcher at the National Bureau of Economic Research then in New York. It remained the biggest independent economic-research organization in America. When America mobilized for war, the system they had set up helped planners set goals for military production and gauge how much rationing would be needed on the home front to support the war effort. The Bureau is also the authority on the ups and downs of the business the cycle; its analysts to this day the determine the official beginning and ending dates of recession. He had a profound impact on business-cycle research- his 1946 book as a seminal analysis of US business cycle from 1854 to 1938… Burns went around the room asking “What causes inflation?” none of us knew. Professor Burns puffed his pipe, then took it out and his mouth and declared “Excess government spending cause inflation” … The professor was Jacob Wolfowitz, whose son Paul I would come to know during his years in the George W Bush admin and as President of the World Bank. Professor Wolfowitz would chalk the equations on the board and give them for us to study . I immediately saw the power of these new tools: If the economy could be accurately modeled using empirical facts, the large scale forecasts could derived methodically without the quasi scientific intuition employed by so many forecasters (Well that puts as a prophet out of business!) p31- 36 city Kid ‘the Age of Turbulence’ Alan Greenspan Penguin New York 2007.- The Actual Flaw in this approach to Economics in having no over arching theory such as a Torah is to then make a model from the data going back to American Civil War USA 1860s to see what has actually happened: The Problem with that is that is that- Exactly that period of economic development in USA unrepeatable in human history. Never before and never again will or could things like which happened- happen again. The dynamic of motivated Europeans coupled with the (See previous Myth of American blog) a limitless frontier and as Alan tells us no international competition is to make a blessing which only God in heaven could have dreamed up for reasons of his own… And Moses is utterly clear as to why this is the case with the 150 years 1864-2014: Saying: “I will make use of a so called nation to make my people jealous and by means of a nation of fools I will make my people angry” Romans 10:19 St Paul quoting Moses Deuteronomy 32:21 and me quoting them both! Is USA a Replacement Israel as Americans have been saying in various ways these past 200 and more years? No! Read the Hebrew bible and I can tell you we are now on track for the Destruction of Great Babylon- Empire State- New York/USA. Why? Because the Agenda/Debar written about in the bible is on track. God of Israel is working OK! We can come up with a million different reasons why God loves USA and Rapture- But visit the house of the dead and debate that with over six million Jews who knew the Hebrew Torah and Prophets better than any one of us reading this will understand … and sorry the book still stands. Alan Greenspan and his professor have accurately Miss Read the Economic History of USA because they didn’t read Moses first … Shalom.


Debar- Agenda You can see what I’m doing here with this blog. I have taken the Debar- Agenda of the Bible/Torah and Prophets (Sorry I haven’t translated any more than those two) and through that lens we are considering the two most influential Jews in the previous century Henry Kissinger and Alan Greenspan. They both come from a Central European refugee back ground. Both live growing up in Washington Heights, both go to the same high school and both live in the largest Jewish city on the planet at a time when Holocaust is happening and millions of Jews will be swept away because they did not travel out as refugees… And seemingly disconnected from this –his mind jam backed with numbers and music we have under the microscope this individual who is generously sharing with us his biography. So when he says are things that are important to him and reflect his view of the world…. Against which is set the Measuring Standard- Dan 5. As maybe we as historians (Persian Fire –Tom Holland) seek to understand just why Great Babylon fell that night- Or in Empire State we could be as prophets considering how the fall of empires and things happening in the Queens park of Flushing Meadows critical for what is the hope and aspiration of the God of Israel. OK You Readers who are Hard Core Believers in the Triumph of Christianity in Heaven- Go! Get Raptured! Drink your cordial follow your cult leaders -Get off this blog! ‘Bob and I loved classical music. Between classes we’d hang out in Washington Square Park watching the girls, and when things were slow we’d hum Mozart piano concerti to each other and ask; ‘What number was that?’…. But my primary obsession was maths. Professor like diligent students and my eagerness to apply myself must have been obvious. My first paid job as an economist came during the summer of my junior year. My statistical professor , Geoffrey Moore who later became the Commissioner of Labor Statistics under President Nixon called me in and told me to go over to Brown Brother Harriman to see a partner. Brown Brother Harriman was among the oldest largest and most prestigious investment banks- W. Averell Harriman the legendary statesman had been a general partner before going to work for Roosevelt. Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of Presidents Bush served as a partner before and after his tenure in Senate. The firm was literally on Wall Street right near the stock exchange and the morning I went to see Mr Banks was the first time I’d ever set foot in such a place. Walking those offices with their gilded ceilings and roll top desks and thick carpets was like entering the inner sanctum of venerable wealth- it was an awesome feeling for a kid from Washington Heights…’ p30-31 Alan Greenspan 2007. Systems need loyal workers and it is vital for those holding power in Empire State to be able to induct people who will loyally serve the Empire and thus we have a young raw recruit being inducted into the very Lower Manhattan heart of that empire. Now the Empire itself in the city of New York has 10 different parts which interconnect. Rev 17- Prostitution is the highest- glue which allows the parts to stick and flow. Clearly the Gangs Mafia is not part of Alan’s story, nor are religious institutions, so we can ignore those city gods. But the Federal-Washington connection is strong with the name Harriman, the Universities have talent spotted young Alan as a likely boy for the men, (Where are we –that is five down five more to go) Being on Manhattan young Alan doesn’t cross the harbor so count out the Harbor Authority going on to build World Trade Towers, And where is Alan located? Well finally yes Wall Street – Business and Harriman connects them to –Banks and has strong international involvements –but that also is not part of the story yet. Ten gods and four of them: University, Federal connection, Business and Banks work in young Alan’s career here. Three gods have been discounted –Religion, Mafia, Harbor Authority-they lurk in the background; City hall and Music/Media are just part of Alan’s day to day life and the - United Nations will emerge…The sexual side of things we are not going to even go there OK!

Deconstructing Alan

Deconstructing Alan Some readers of this will think I am being brutal but it isn’t about whether or not I support R Regan thinking –Hey I like Sarah Palin OK: Read her book- ‘Going Rogue’ and her husband Todd is amazing! From what Alan has told us it is clear as to why he is trusted from Regan onwards to becoming the world’s top banker. Firstly he is fatherless and lost, but lead by his four year older cousin, his alienated father brilliant he is spending up to 30 hours a week making music with his Jewishness secularized and no background in Torah which other Jewish bankers have. A submissive homosexual but intelligent enough to negotiate that; strongly feminist he follows other peoples systems and is not a destructive economist always expecting as does happen resource bases to decline disappear or be replaced. Rather as a conformist he has that touching made in USA sentimental romantic approach unreal for a disaster prone world. But critically he hasn’t as he admits here got a clue about Economic theory as to the big picture of USA in the world but as a details person brilliant without seeing necessarily where all that economic activity is going or that it could be in fact highly destructive… OK Maybe I’m just pushing ideas here and Allan isn’t like that and certainly any serious judgment belongs to the Eternal Jew on the Day. So I will give you some more and we will see where this going in real Empire State New York History “During my time with the band, we followed a routine dictated by union rules: Forty minutes on the band stand and twenty minutes off. I loved the forty minutes on- the experience of playing in a good band… I was known as the Band’s intellectual. I got along well with the other musicians but my style was different . Between sets many would disappear to the so called Green room which would quickly fill up with the smell of tobacco and pot. I could spend those twenty minutes reading books. In the course of a night I could get maybe and hour of reading. The books I borrowed from the New York Public Library weren’t necessarily what you would expect. Maybe it was because my father was from Wall Street or maybe it was my affinity for numbers, but what aroused my curiosity was business and finance. One of the first books I read was about the British stock market. I read Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edward Lefevre about Jess Livermore the famous 1920s speculator whose nick name was Boy Plunger of Wall Street. Legend had it that he made $100 million in short selling (Borrowing other people’s shares in the belief that the price will go down- and when it does- buying the shares back at a lower price to replace the ones borrowed- It gets expensive it the price continues to go up…) on the eve of the 1929 crash. He got rich and went broke three times before finally committing suicide in 1940. He was a great student of human nature; Lefevre’s book is a font of investing wisdom with Livermore saying- ‘Bulls and bears make money but pigs are slaughtered’ I also read every book I could find about JP Morgan. He not only financed the formation of US Steel, consolidated the railroads, and had a hand in assembling General Electric but also was the main stabilizing force in the US financial system before the creation of the Federal Reserve. (Like Joseph in the bible as Egyptians or his brothers from Israel you either hate and despise the man or see the brilliance in what he has done to Egypt-Ed) I marveled at his wealth- in breaking up the Morgan trusts just before World War 1 Congress heard the testimony that Morgan controlled more than 20 billion. And I was more impressed by Morgan’s character (Youtube- a tale of Morgan being seen in the Lower Manhattan church he patronized down on his knees weeping in prayer - Biographical stories like this are gold. When Nixon at their final trip to Camp David fired his two key men he told them the identical romantic story about being down on his knees praying for them before he went to bed… which is why we need Our Chief judge to verify that in His Final Judgment-Ed) Famously J.P, Morgan’s word was his bond, and in 1907 it was his personal influence on the other bankers that helped stem the financial panic that could have thrown the country into depression. These stories spoke to me in much the same way that railroad timetables had. Wall St was an exciting place. It wasn’t long before I decided. This is where I want to go next. With the war nearing the end, the future was beginning to open up… I was beginning to believe that I had a future. (The extremely high death rate in the world at this time had an effect on how people view life) the tuberculosis doctor had been checking the lung periodically and was certain that the spot was dormant. I wasn’t confident that I would succeed in finance when I enrolled in the School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance at New York University for the fall of 1945… I was exposed to an interesting curriculum of liberal arts and of course accounting basic economics business management banking, finance but I felt a pull towards the subjects that involved logic and data and I loaded up courses in advanced maths. Economics appealed to me right from the start… Economics was a hot topic in those first years after WW2. Everyone appreciated that the US economy under the direction of our government planners had been the industrial engine behind the allied victory. What is more new economic institutions were being created and a new economic order was taking place before our eyes. The leaders of the Western world gathered at New Hampshire’s Bretton Woods to set up the IMF- International Monetary Fund and the World Bank… the theoretical basis of this was laid down by the economist John Maynard Keynes… Though Bob and most of my classmates were ardent Keynesians I wasn’t. I’d read General Theory twice- it is an extraordinary book but Keynes’s mathematical innovations and structural analyses were what fascinated me, not his ideas on economic policy. I still had the sideman Psychology- I preferred to focus on technical challenges and did not have a macro (Big) view. Economic policy didn’t interest me’ p27-30 Alan Greenspan 2007.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Alan's teenage years

Alan’s Teenage Years Besides baseball I got into Morse code. In the late 1930s, cowboy films were the vogue- we’d pay 25 cents to go to the local theater to see the latest adventure of Hopalong Cassidy. But the characters who really intrigued me were the telegraph operators. Not only did they have the power of instantaneous communication at their fingertips- at crucial moments in the plot they could call for help or warn of an impending Indian attack. A skilled operator could communicate forty of fifty words per minute and the equally skilled person at the other end would not only get the message but could tell from the rhythm who was transmitting the code… Secretly I yearned for a way out of New York. At night I would sometime huddle by the radio turning the dial trying to pick up stations far away. From the age 11 I collected railroad timetables from all over the country. I spend hours memorizing the routes and names of the towns in the forty eight states… When I was thirteen my father unexpectantly invited me on a business trip to Chicago. We went to the Penn station and boarded the limited which headed down to Philadelphia before turning west. Then it carried us through Harrisburg and Aloona and by the time we reached Pittsburg it was night. In the dark I saw the huge steelmaking furnaces spewing flames and sparks- my first exposure to the industry that would become my specialty … The trip help solidify my dream of finding a more interesting life than being an average kid in Washington Heights .. My other passion was music. I took up the clarinet at the age of twelve after hearing my cousin Claire play and practiced with total dedication between three and six hours per day… One of my heroes was Glenn Miller who gave music a new velvet dimension by grouping a clarinet with two alto and tenor saxes in his band. When I was fifteen I took the subway to the Hotel Pennsylvania to hear the band play. I was able to maneuver myself right up next to the bandstand, just ten feet away from Glenn miller himself. The band started to play a dance arrangement of Tchaikovsky’s Sixth Symphony. I piped up “that’s the Pathetique’ and Miller looked over at me and said ‘That’s terrific kid’. George Washington High School was about a mile and half from our apartment, was one of the city’s largest and best public schools. When I started fall of 1940 there were many more than three thousand students… there was also the uncertainty of war. Although Pearl Harbor was over a year away, Nazi Germany had just conquered Europe. The radio was full of news of freighters on the Atlantic being sunk by U boats and the crackly transmission of Ed morrow reporting from London under siege by the Luftwaffe. We were particularly conscious of war because our classes had swelled with refugees- mainly Jews whose families had fled the Nazis a few years before. Henry Kissinger was a senior when I enrolled though we would not meet for three decades. I remember sitting in maths with john Kemeny, a Hungarian refugee who would one day become Albert Einstein’s mathematical assistant and who would co invent BASIC computer language with Thomas Kurtz. John hadn’t been in America long and spoke with a heavy accent, but he was brilliant at maths. I wondered if this might be at least in part a result of superior schooling in received in Hungary. So I asked ‘Is it because you’re from Europe?’… but the question seemed to bemuse him. He shrugged and said ‘Everyone is’ … I remember exactly where I was on the day the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. I’d turned on the radio to take a break from practicing clarinet and there was the announcement. I didn’t know where Pearl Harbor was- nobody did. I didn’t immediately think, Oh we are going to war. Instead I hoped the calamity would just go away. When you are a fifteen year old boy you just blank out a lot of things. P23-25 Alan Greenspan 2007. New York is a world of its own- and we are in period of history when USA lived in a world of her own. Sure more than any other city …London?- But right here London is under attack and all effort is being made to isolate her from her empire and vital supplies- Sure more than anywhere else New York was at this time linked to the world, but it had yet to see itself as World Capital. The 1939 World Fair in New York was never memorable and mostly known only to history buffs and like the 1939 international Masonic Conference Boston Sept 23rd 1939- which met briefly before adjournment and giving up … But as a New Yorker young Alan has the desire to find out what USA is all about and that will become his passionate work for three decades… Then joining fellow Jew Henry Kissinger in the aftermath of Nixon error finding out where New York Empire State fits in the world. Smart Jewish kid from Washington Heights finding world! P.S As research for this I am looking as young Alan must have visiting it- Although he never mentions he did- The World Fair and in the General Motors exhibit they have the city of 1960- a truly terrifying place with widely spaced sky scrappers of 150 stories –six lane highways in flowing- three wide, double decked streets and parks on the roofs of low buildings. While on another page and young Alan would have known about this even if he wasn’t there- May 28th 1939 over 100,000 Jews witnessed the dedication of Jewish Palestine pavilion- And this gets freaky: At the Same Location Flushing Meadows New York where the United Nations meet in Nov 1947 to vote For partition of Palestine leading to May 14th 1948 Israel becoming a nation. Interesting Alan never mentions these New York Jew things as he was growing up. You actually live in New York? Visiting New York –Well prayer for Israel in the Flushing Meadows park looks like a good Empire State Sunday afternoon activity- The story isn’t finished more chapters to write!

Washington Heights Jewish kid

Washington Heights New York kid If you go to the West side of Manhattan and take the subway north, past Times Square and Harlem you come to the neighborhood where I grew up. Washington Heights is almost the opposite end of Manhattan from Wall Street. The neighborhood was mostly low rise brick apartments filled with families of Jewish immigrants who head streamed in before the First World War, as well as some Irish and German origin Both sides of the family the Greenspans and the Goldsmiths, arrived at the turn of the century, the Greenspans from Romania and the Goldsmiths from Hungary. Most of the families including ours, were lower middle class unlike the utterly poverty stricken Jews of Lower East Side. (Note the region around the now a museum Synagogue in Lower East Side has at times been the highest death rate most unhealthy place on the planet and even today continues as a challenging area of the city. Not far away there was once a lake top side bounded by Canal Street and this utterly unhealthy area has seen a succession of migrant peoples- currently China Town…) Even during the worst years of the Depression, when I was in grade school, we had enough to eat… I was an only child born in 1926 and my parents were divorced split up before I can remember …I remained with my mother Rose who raise me. though she was only twenty-six and was very attractive she never married again, took back her maiden name (Goldsmith) found a job as a saleswoman in a furniture store in the Bronx and was able to hold it through the depression, she was the one who made ends meet. She was the youngest of five brothers and sisters so we were part of a large family with my cousins and uncles and aunties always in and out of our lives which made up for not having a father around or siblings. For a time my mother and I lived with my grandparents. The Goldsmiths were a lively musical bunch. My uncle Murray was a pianist who could play just about anything from sight . Changing his name to Mario Siva he went into show business and co wrote a Broadway musical Song of Love which was made into a Hollywood movie starring Kathrine Hepburn and Paul Henried. At family gathering every few months, my uncle would play and my mother would sing… My cousin Wesley who is four years older than I, was the nearest thing I had to a brother. During the summer months of the early 30s his family would rent a house not far from the ocean in the southern reaches of the Queens and Wesley and I would scour the beaches looking for coins. We were successful at it even though it was the Great Depression, people could be relied upon to take coins to the beach and then lose them in the sand. The obvious legacy of this being walking with head down and when people ask, I tell them that I’m looking for money. But not having a dad left a big hole in my life. Every month or so I would take the subway and go and visit him in Brooklyn. He worked on Wall St as a broker, for small firms you’ve never heard of. He was slim handsome guy who looked a little like Gene Kelly and presented himself well. Yet he never made much money. He always seemed awkward talking to me and it made me fell awkward too. He was smart though and in 1935 wrote a book called ‘Recovery Ahead’ which eh dedicated to me. It predicted that Roosevelt’s New Deal was going to bring back the good times to the US economy. He presented a copy to me in which he wrote; “To my dear son Alan. May this my initial effort with constant though of you branch out into an endless chain of similar efforts so that at your maturity you may look back and endeavor to interpret the reasoning behind these logical forecasts and begin a like work of your own. Your dad. During my years as Federal Reserve Chairman I would show this to people. They all concluded that the ability to give inscrutable testimony before Congress must be inherited but as a nine year old I was totally mystified. P19-21 ‘The Age of Turbulence’ Alan Greenspan Penguin Books New York 2007 Honestly it never ever occurred to me that Alan Greenspan most powerful person in the US Banking system in the 90s and up to 2001 leading up to where we have most recently been reading- Never crossed my mind he was Jewish and it wouldn’t have mattered to me if I had known. So as I say never ever having ever met a New York Jew- and Please prove me Wrong! Having predicted they will come to New Zealand- well I haven’t seen a single New York Jew yet!- but then I suggested the best place for them for a start was Invercargill. So I’m just enjoying learning things here… Hope you are too! Shalom- Jewish word! Tov as well- means ‘good’

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Jew from Bronx heads Empire State Bank

Jew from Bronx heads Empire State Bank. Blankfein’s own rise to the top of Goldman underscored for him just how fast things could change…. Blankfien was the son of working class Jewish parents. Born in the Bronx he grew up in Linden Houses, a project of East New York, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Brooklyn. In public housing you could hear neighbors conversations through the walls and smell what they were making for dinner. His father was a postal clerk, sorting mail, his mother a receptionist. As a teenager Blankfein sold soda during the Yankee games. He graduated as valedictorian of his class from Jefferson High school in 1971, with the help of scholarships and financial aid attended Harvard, the first member of his family to go to college. His perseverance revealed itself in other ways…. On Friday June 27, 2008, Lloyd Blankfien, exhausted after a nine hour flight to Russia, took a stroll around the square outside his hotel in St Petersberg. He had just arrived in the city on the firm’s Gulfstream, along with his wife and Gary D Cohn Goldman’s president and Chief Operating officer. A history buff Balnkfien had finished David Fromkin’s ‘A Peace to end all Peace- The fall of the Ottoman Empire and creation of modern Middle East’ during the flight….If all around him the financial world was in a state of chaos, Blankfien had reason to feel contented about Goldman on the eve of its board meeting. The firm was once again proving itself to the be the best on Wall Street, weathering –so far at least- the toughest market anyone could remember. What better place to gather than Russia? What China was to manufacturing, Russia was to commodities and commodities were king at that moment. Oil most critically was going for $140 barrel and Russia was pumping out millions of barrels a day. For a moment, it could make anyone forget about the problems back in the United States. Every year the board of Goldman took a four day break abroad and since being handed the reigns of the firm from Hank Paulson (Who became Financial Secretary for Bush) Blankfein had insisted that they meet in one of the new emerging economic giants- Brazil, Russia, India or China….. As Blankfein wandered back to his hotel he pondered his fears: What if oil process were to slide, say to $70 a barrel? What then? What about Goldman itself? Despite his proven success, Blankfein admitted to being paranoid as he often described himself….. As the current market troubles unfolded Goldman was mercifully spared the kids of hit that Lehman, Merrill, Citi and even Morgan Stanley were taking. His team was smart, but Blankfein knew that lack played a big role in their accomplishments. Certainly Goldman had its share of toxic assets, it was highly leveraged (Word means extent of indebtedness-Ed) and it faced the same funding shortfalls cause by a seized up market as did its rivals. To its credit it had steered clear of most noxious of those assets-the securities (That word is an oxymoron-Ed) built entirely on the creaky foundation of sub prime mortgages (the Hebrew root of this word is –death-Ed) … Blankfien couldn’t help but notice all the Mercedes clogging up the streets as he walked back to his hotel room. That was only the most visible sign of the conspicuous consumption taking place. Flushed with profits not only from oil and gas but from iron, nickel and a host of other increasingly valuable commodities, Russia’s so called oligarchs were buying up super yachts and English soccer teams. Ten years ago Russia could not pay its debts: today it was a fast growing, $1.3 Trillion economy. P170, 166-168 Too Big to Fail A.R. Sorkin 2009. Sorry I cannot help myself. Blankfein has read a book I want to read but fear that there aren’t many copies here in my nation. The Jewish New York Times journalist who wrote the ground breaking intro to the Middle East- ‘From Beirut to Jerusalem’ has a chapter called Hama Rules and in it explains without using that Arabic word- the concept of Balad. A place like Mt Zion or Mecca which has influence across the entire region. Thus the idea of nation states is absurd and the establishment of them is the current situation as natural forces are at work to make the entire Middle East into one unit again….(and my Editor has just said- we shall see!) But coming back to write this from watching the Evening News- A brave French editor shot for expressing his views about the prophet- Peace be upon him- Muhammed… but relevant to this post the price of oil is now below $50 a barrel and just as we read here Russia is in deep deep trouble. So how come that the oil price is essentially for this century anyway- collapsed? Well some suggest that Arabia over pumping is a deliberate attack upon Russia relevant to what was happening in Ukraine six months ago. You see well if you are reading this blog… We cannot limit our thinking just to financial issues. There are powerful spiritual thing going on as the military and political issues in our very unstable world become apparent as well. So what is happening and will there be come back on USA for what is happening in Russia now? God alone knows but as I write this a verse pops into my head “for what so ever ye sow ye shall reap’ If what is happening right now is some high stake game made in Empire State- New York the cost on New York could be a high one…. Please consult with the expert on NY Jewish matters- Our Eternal Jew!

CEO of AIG for a dollar

CEO of AIG for a dollar ‘Hank Paulson hustled down the stairs and out the side exit of the Treasury building, briskly heading for the White house. He and Ben Bernanke had scheduled a meeting with President Bush to brief him on the extraordinary steps they were about to take… were escorted to the Oval Office where Paulson delicately walked the president through the terms. As Paulson explained the deal, however detailing the points in the Wall Street jargon. Bush clearly looked perplexed. Bernanke jumped in and said “Mr President, lets step back for a minute” Donning his professional hat he explained how deeply entwined AIG had become in the banking system. More important, he tried to appeal to the Everyman in bush, emphasizing how many citizens and small businesses depended on the firm …. The President then posed a question that in it’s own way went to the heart of the problem: “an insurance company does all this?” This one did. At around 4.00 pm that afternoon the Fed’s offered clattered through an AIG fax machine –which should have been replaced and shipped to the Smithsonian a decade earlier) An army of lawyers on AIG’s eighteenth floor were anxiously waiting it. After the tree page document finally appeared a lawyer grabbed it and made copies. “Well you finally get your chance to work for the Federal government” “What do mean?” Asked Willumstad. “They own you now” the lawyer said with a grin. And they did. The Federal Reserve was providing AIG a credit line of 85billion- which the hoped would be enough to avert catastrophe and keep it afloat. But in exchange for the loan, the government was taking a large ownership stake- 80%.... (From an earlier page) Ken Wilson his special advisor raised an issue they had yet to consider; “Hank (Paulson) how the hell can we put 85 billion into this entity without new management?” – a euphemism for asking how the government could fund this amount of money without firing the current CEO and installing its own. Without a new CEO, it would seem that the government was backing the same inept management that had created the mess. “you are right. You’ve got to find me a CEO. Drop everything- Get me a CEO” Wilson back at his office began scrolling through his computer address book. After years as a financial consultant at Goldman Sachs, he knew the top people in the industry. But even before getting to the B’s a named popped into his head. Ed Libby, the former CEO of Allstate and a Goldman board member. He was the perfect candidate, currently on the beach… But Wilson didn’t have his phone number. So he called Chris Cole at Goldman Sachs who had been at AIG all weekend… there was no time for small talk Wilson reached Libby …. “Do you have time to take a call from Hank?” Wilson asked and Libby assented enthusiastically. “You have to hang up” Wilson told Paulson who was on the phone; “I’ve got your CEO”… Willumstrad had no illusions that a government rescue would mean anything other than his ouster, but he was stunned by the speed of events. The government had just made it’s offer moments ago- and it already had completed an executive search to find his successor?... “Is it okay if I ask who it is” “Its Ed Libby” Paulson said… After the call Willumstrad slumped in his chair, and then he looked over at Beattie- the lawyer and laughed “Well you are wrong I won’t be working for the Federal government after all” (And Ed Libby soon took over AIG working for a salary of one dollar) p 400-401, 396-397, 403 Too Big to Fail A.R. Sorkin 2009. And for those Charismatics and Pentecostals in the audience here the key words in these pages is ; ‘But even before getting to the B’s an name popped into his head’ – Each one of us has a unique combination of experience and talents not to mention the various things that God has called us to. As a teenager I was perplexed as I began to see the size of the calling God had given me- and the at least 10 different talents which never could in any human way fit into any job description- And yes I have spent most of my life cleaning toilets sweeping floors and so on… But … Well when we have given up. When in the case of Libby we are ‘on the beach’ or in the case of Moses looking after sheep right beside that mountain in Midian- Then and only then when it is impossible well God knows your number and we are on the way to doing something taking a lifetime of training, multigenerations of breeding and there we are- Your Calling which you need by faith to secure- Because the call up to duty will come. Ready when he calls!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Seriously out of her depth

Seriously out of her depth ‘Some of Gregory’s (Number two at Lehman- friend and protector of President Fuld) hiring decisions , meanwhile struck people as highly unorthodox. In 2005 he took the head of the firm’s fixed income- Bart McDade who was and expert in the world of debt and made him Head of Equities, a business he knew little about….’People need broad experience, it is the power of the machine it is not the individual’ Gregory explained. Of all the individuals who Gregory anointed none was more controversial that Erin Callan, a striking blond who favored ‘Sex and the City’ style stilettos (And Ed we can leave it there Ok!) When he chose the forty one year old Callan as the firm’s new Chief Financial Officer-CFO in Sept 2007 Lehman insiders were stunned. Callan was obviously bright, but she knew precious little about the firm’s treasury operations and had no background in accounting whatsoever. Another woman at the firm, Ros Stephenson, perhaps the only banker besides Fuld who could get Roberts kingpin Henry Kravis on the phone was furious about the appointment and took her complaint directly to Dick Fuld, who as always backed Gregory. Callan yearned to prove to her colleagues that she was a seasoned street fighter just like Fuld. (Yes I saw the I think it was a girl, on West Side Story- she was good too!-Ed) If anything her path to the top of the financial industry had been even more improbable than his story. One of three daughters of a New York Police officer, she graduated from New York University Law School in 1990 and took a job for the Wall Street firm Simpson Thatcher as an associate in their tax department. Lehman Brothers was a major client. After five years at Simpson she took a chance one day and phoned Lehman, she caught a break early when a change in the tax law sparked a boom in securities that were taxed as if they were debt. Callan as a tax expert was adapt at structuring these complex investments for clients… She quickly catapulted up the ranks overseeing the firm’s global finance solutions and global finance analytic groups within a few years. Hedge funds were becoming the top Walls Street clients and in 2006 Callan was entrusted with the critical job of overseeing the firm’s investment banking relationship with them… Soon she caught the eye of Joe Gregory, an executive who believed strongly in the value of diversity. He recognized that the world was changing and that Lehman as well as the rest of the financial community could no longer be the sanctuary of white men only- (Our Editor agrees!) and a woman would be good for Lehman…. With that it became clear to Freidheim that the leak had been her idea. Like a growing group of executives up and down the organization Friedheim had come to the conclusion that Callan was in the wrong job and he had become tired of her perky self assurance. She performed for the media as though she were on some kind of reality show….And he had been furious back in April when Craig in the Wall Street Journal article had crowned her ‘Lehman’s straight shooter’ as if the rest of them were a pack of untrustworthy liars . Callan just didn’t know where to draw the line. She kept a model of a private jet on her desk (Our Pastor doesn’t have one yet but commuting up and down the country seriously needs one-Ed) and revealed details of her personal shopper to the press blithely unaware of the resentment it inspired (Yes and last I looked Jesus was on his donkey) The worst was when she framed a photograph of herself in the Portfolio magazine that pronounced her, ‘The most Powerful Woman on Wall Street’ and hung it on her office wall. Gregory had to tell her to take it down. P29-30, 111-112 Too big to Fail A R Sokin Penguin New York 2009. A Jewish friend of mine- OK I’ll be honest here- not dropping any names mind you- the only Jewish friend I am liable to have! He said ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’ And I was talking to my son about this as we discussed the predicted drop in world population from the current 7 billion to under 2 billion far less than it was when I was a boy - And he was telling me that he expected in those times to being given land. And as I was painting in the rafters I repented of those British Aristocracy in the time of King Henry who had been given Church Lands after Henry disestablished the Catholic Church and became head of the Church of England. Yes there are people who actually know exactly what needs to be done to sort out problems on the land and it is a wise move for them to as my Jewish friend was predicting- To inherit the earth… But Yes on what we have been reading here- Meek. One of those magic words which when as a translator I begin to put it back into the text… Well the entire message of the book changes. And the proud? Well to quote Dr Martin Luther King. ‘Someone said some time Pride comes before a fall –USA!’ No! Liar! He didn’t say that but Brother Jeremiah Wright prophet pastor of President Obama he said things along those lines- so what are we personally gonna do about that this coming year 2015? Pride or meekness? Which?

The Word of God?

I quote as you see from the most secular nonreligious writers and historians I can lay my hands on. Some of my writers are in the case of my very first post 'Hampton News' homosexuals or my now deleted long running Seven Pillars of Wisdom was a brilliant Homosexual who in the divine revelation he got at a time when he could have converted to Islam- Chapter 33 of that book literally remade the way that wars are fought... Totally brilliant and as I say the code word that begins that is Barak- the groaning of the camels as they kneel down and then heaven and earth are joined as Col Lawrence gains divine revelation... I'm raving shot me quick! But yes- The Word of God is a spiritual concept a feeling for some four or more thousand Semetic word currently preserved variously but some times with identical meaning in Hebrew and Arabic and we -students of Jeff Benner 'Ancient Hebrew Lexicon' are wondering about the spiritual power and meaning of a word and this weeks word is 'Shabetah- Seven which is one of those join heaven to earth words like Barak. OK chorus line now Sing it! But what in Gods name has this got to do with New Zealand being vitally joined to New York in her hour of trial? Well... Amos speaks about a drought and last time I turned on Hillsong TV and heard the son of the pedaphile who began it all - Brian saying "The Best is yet to come" yes attempting to make sense of what he is saying- Serious Drought as Amos claims of the hearing of the Word of God. Thus what are we here now going to do about that? Well Isaiah is always good value and in Isaiah 28 where is talking about according to Moses found at the ends of the earth herding the nations- Ephraim; Well Ephraim's glory fading he goes back to Word on word looking at the Hebrew and line on line finding out what it actually says! Exactly what I have been doing since when ever I began my and if you look at my first attempts at Hebrew! Ahh!!! But keep going by faith- only by Faith. And when will Jews from New York come to teach us Hebrew? .... Yes Faith that is all we have and word on word is what is happening right now. Well at least in my world. Look thinking about a single word is worth it. Hey in the most unexpected place you find him- Who? Well this bloke talked about in Revelation 19:10 The word of God when we need to know. Him. I began this year by shocking myself and quoting- Well I quote Homosexuals why not him as well- quoting Rick Joyner 1988 The Harvest chapter six where hesuprises me and would no doubt suprise himself if he re-read it by saying we will not at this time recognize Jesus- he is in disguise no doubt working with the UN in Gaza loving Palestinians... My word for this year is: When you are working with as a brother the last person on earth you would ever expect to work with- then you are in the right place right time and God's Kingdom is happening 2015

Losing your head over it!

Losing your head over it In the Bible John the Baptist- He wasn’t a Baptist anymore than a good Muslim who is water boarded by the American Government becomes through that ancient sometimes deadly if the head is held down too long-procedure- A Baptist….it is just an name to distinguish him from another John in the bible. … John the Baptist literally lost his head- it being cut off his body IS style- for talking publicly about inconvenient truth. Jesus claims that His True Apostles are known for doing that- (Matthew 10) so I guess judging by how useless The Church is these days the Apostles must have died out some time ago…. And so St Paul was killed in Rome. St Peter crucified upside down and Jesus right way up but they both died regardless and all this for speaking out and upsetting the authroties! So I do admire the next person we will read about- and while he may not be a Christian- he could in time prove to be a brother especially if he deals in truth! ‘In Mid May David Einhorn had a speech to write. Einhorn, a hedge fund manager controlling 6 billion of assets was preparing to speak at the Ira W. Sohn Investment Research Conference where each year a thousand or so people would pay as much as $3,250 to hear prominent investors tout or trash stocks…..their entrance fee going to a good fund- The Tomorrows Children Fund…. Greenlight was known for its patient, cerebral approach to investing; (Einhorn said) “We start by asking why a security is likely to be miss valued in the market, once we have theory we analyze the security to determine if it is in fact cheap or overvalued. In order to invest we need to understand why the opportunity exists..”…. Einhorn called in the seven analysts who worked for him to assign a special project. “We’re going to do something we don’t usually do research wise “ Instead of painstakingly investigation of an individual company or particular idea, they were going to conduct over the weekend August 11/12 2007 – a crash investigation of financial companies that has subprime exposure. He knew that this was where the problem had started, but what concerned him now was trying to understand where it might end. Any banks that held investments in falling real estate values (Note: Those who have studied the 20th Century may have been aware of appalling problems corruption and so on which appears to have had little lasting effect or damage to Business or the community as a whole- the reason is that with in many parts of the world and the economy growth doubling and doubling again the evidence of the mistake, corruption, disaster can be quickly built over… Here the problem comes when there is decline and falling values- And some suggest that the whole of this 21st Century will be about declining population, growth, resources and so on… Making mistakes very serious events-Ed) –which had likely been packaged up neatly as part of securitized products that he suspected some firms didn’t even know that they owned- could be in danger. The project was code named ‘The Credit Basket’. By Sunday night the team had come up with a list of twenty five companies for Greenlight to sell short, including Lehman Brothers… where they already held a short position on the hunch that their share price at $64:80 per share was too high…. As the banks reported their quarterly results in September Einhorn paid close attention concerned by some of the things he was hearing in Lehman’s Sept 18 conference call… ‘This is crazy accounting. I don’t know why they put it in” Einhorn said “It means that the day before they go bankrupt is the most profitable day in the history of the company, because you’ll say all the debt was worthless . You then get to call it revenue. And literally they pay bonuses of this, which drives me nuts”. Six months later ? Einhorn listened intently to Lehman’s earnings call on March 18 2008 and was baffled to hear Erin Callan offering an equally confident prognosis…. He suspected that Callan was in over her head- or the firm was exaggerating its figures… (Speaking at the Conference he) recounted how he listened intently to Callan’s performance during her now famous earnings call the day after the Bear Stearns’s fire sale. “On the conference call that day. Lehman Chief Financial Officer Erin Callan used the word ‘great’ fourteen times (And my Editor tells me that I haven’t used it much and should do) ‘challenging’ six times; ‘strong’ twenty four times and tough- once. She used the word ‘incredible’ eight times he noted but I would use the word incredible in a different way to describe the report”…. With a projection screen displaying the relevant figures behind him he told how he had questioned Callan about the fact that Lehman had taken only a $200 million write down on a $6.5 billion worth of especially toxic asset known as collateralized debt obligations CDO’s even though the pool included $1.6 billion of instruments that were below investment grade. “Ms Callan said she understood my point and would get back to me and in a follow up email Ms Callan declined to provide and explanation of the modest write down and instead stated that based on current price action Lehman could expect to recognize further loses in the second quarter…. Clearing his throat audibly Einhorn ended his speech with a warning. “My hope is that Mr Cox –SEC and Mr Bernanke Fed Reserve and Mr Paulson Treasury Sec will pay heed to the risks of the financial system that Lehman is creating and that they will guide Lehman towards recapitalization and recognition of losses – hopefully before taxpayer assistance is required”… Within minutes of Einhorn leaving stage, news of the speech had been broadcast throughout the financial circles. Lehman was in for some serious pain when the market opened…the shares would fall as much as 5 percent. P101-108 Too Big to Fail A.R.Sorkin 2009.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Strategic Recon

When I get back to it- currently I'm painting the house; I will be in the first chapters of Joshua as Joshua takes up responsibility for leading Israel, and his approach from what I doing and what I remember comes next is to find out what the enemy is thinking and feeling and to himself wander around encountering no doubt the Senior Commander of All Armies also out doing his own recon too. So in my thinking last post and comments I have been looking at tiny little hill about as pathetic as the one President Roosevelt lead his men up as a Rough Rider in Cuba. But like that hill the strategic prize- Mutukaroa so that if you google that you get a map of the hill but then just keep pulling the map smaller and smaller until even Australia comes into view the strategic location of that time hill even in the world becomes important. St Paul doesn't agree with the idea but he is reasonable enough to say it; Some say all Days are the same. And some will want to tell you all locations are the same and a church can ignore the differences and have one central place and campuses all around instead as with Mutukaroa recognising that whoever holds this hill- not only controls the city, not only controls the North, not only controls the nation but as well has a good chance of making world trade and issue for other nations too. And for God that hill is Zion. And as a Rational Strategic thinking Geographer and Historian I agree with him! So what is the New York angle on this apart from Pentagon Strategic Planners over 100 years ago recognising that Mutukaroa is the place to take and hold.... Well like Auckland New York is a maze of water ways tidal flows, rivers that can be negotiated ... and road ways hills too- in fact mountain ranges and lakes... My suggestion is that travelling to- or travelling around New York- Now is the best time to be doing Recon. Let the Master Strategist- and I have to admit he is a Jew... Let him lead you and show you things. Lord why is this bridge important? Lord why am I coming along this way I have never been here before what do you want me to see. For some it will be a case of launching the boat and doing some cruising others travelling on the bike or even a car. Others travelling the subways and thinking about how to get around maybe when the trains don't run but the tunnels are still there to use... Recon. And for those of you into Tagging and Angels and Demons- Well establish strong angels at critical places- sure the people of this place can riot and burn but -this place. No Evil Stops Here and heavenly authorities will protect this strategic place and so on... Or just go for Sunday walks... Or maybe convene prayer meetings in park like atmospheres... Like our amazing little hill in Auckland New Zealand Mutukaroa!

Kick Back

Kick Back! Jesus appeared to St Paul before Saul was a saint and told him that it is hard to kick back against the cattle prod … or whatever it says I am Too Lazy to grab the Greek and see what it really says! Kick Back is when you tell a religious leader what Jesus has said from his throne and that leader typically sets out to do the opposite just to let everyone know- Jesus included! He is the Senior Pastor and his agenda OK- And the funny part is when in Matthew 7 verse 23- my favorite verse these days Jesus says ..So going back to a blog last month- My Testimony- I was saying how I got kicked off the mountain called Mutukaroa Waitangi Sunday morning 2011, same morning when another one of the three prophets who shared their prophecies of the Great Wellington Earthquake- chose that morning to get up at the Waitangi Prayer service and share with the Prime Minister publicly about the earthquake that we had seen or heard about in 1977- But Yea Nah the reason why Pastor Peter was especially nervous that Waitangi Weekend and moved then to have me expelled from the Christian religion related to an earlier event at the same church venue when a Pastor from Queenstown had come and preached - He may well have gotten it off the internet- USA Republican Political Agenda style sermon and as a Treaty Prophet I responded by after the stars and stripes audio visual complete with Dr Martin Luther King speaking about freedom I got up and gave an equally powerful prophecy about our nation being built on this three way covenant- Our Shabetah –Eternally Binding –Treaty. Now in real human history there is Time: It was Waitangi Weekend 2011. Place- in my case it wasn’t Waitangi but as significant –Mutukaroa –And the people involved. Myself Pastor Peter and Paul Adams ( and yea yea he got thrown out too that day- our pathetic Jewish would be leader- Jesus of Nazareth). So what on earth has any of this got to do with USA or New York?.... Well a book about Eugenics we looked at back in December ‘The War Lovers’ and Henry Cabot Lodge was working closely with Pres. Theo Roosevelt at a time when USA began to extend it’s international influence taking Cuba and the Philippines. But what isn’t quite so well known is the invasion plan to take New Zealand- the Americans actually sending the ships needed to do that as a military exercise- the plan which as any logical strategic invasion plan of New Zealand is centered on Mutukaroa. Literally that tiny mountain makes or breaks the viability of New Zealand as a multi-ethnic God of nations- Treaty Nation taken by invading racists to function. While next along- Mangakeikei has the cursed obelisk (One Tree Hill) proclaiming and celebrating the death of all the former native Maori so that in the view of John Logan Campbell Governor Grey and Colonel Nixon- All holidaying or living where I do- Mangere! Their view was that the Maori could be killed off or die off end of treaty! I’m raving! Sorry. So Yes Empire State- Made in New York -Long Island President plans to take New Zealand.