Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Kick Back

Kick Back! Jesus appeared to St Paul before Saul was a saint and told him that it is hard to kick back against the cattle prod … or whatever it says I am Too Lazy to grab the Greek and see what it really says! Kick Back is when you tell a religious leader what Jesus has said from his throne and that leader typically sets out to do the opposite just to let everyone know- Jesus included! He is the Senior Pastor and his agenda OK- And the funny part is when in Matthew 7 verse 23- my favorite verse these days Jesus says ..So going back to a blog last month- My Testimony- I was saying how I got kicked off the mountain called Mutukaroa Waitangi Sunday morning 2011, same morning when another one of the three prophets who shared their prophecies of the Great Wellington Earthquake- chose that morning to get up at the Waitangi Prayer service and share with the Prime Minister publicly about the earthquake that we had seen or heard about in 1977- But Yea Nah the reason why Pastor Peter was especially nervous that Waitangi Weekend and moved then to have me expelled from the Christian religion related to an earlier event at the same church venue when a Pastor from Queenstown had come and preached - He may well have gotten it off the internet- USA Republican Political Agenda style sermon and as a Treaty Prophet I responded by after the stars and stripes audio visual complete with Dr Martin Luther King speaking about freedom I got up and gave an equally powerful prophecy about our nation being built on this three way covenant- Our Shabetah –Eternally Binding –Treaty. Now in real human history there is Time: It was Waitangi Weekend 2011. Place- in my case it wasn’t Waitangi but as significant –Mutukaroa –And the people involved. Myself Pastor Peter and Paul Adams ( and yea yea he got thrown out too that day- our pathetic Jewish would be leader- Jesus of Nazareth). So what on earth has any of this got to do with USA or New York?.... Well a book about Eugenics we looked at back in December ‘The War Lovers’ and Henry Cabot Lodge was working closely with Pres. Theo Roosevelt at a time when USA began to extend it’s international influence taking Cuba and the Philippines. But what isn’t quite so well known is the invasion plan to take New Zealand- the Americans actually sending the ships needed to do that as a military exercise- the plan which as any logical strategic invasion plan of New Zealand is centered on Mutukaroa. Literally that tiny mountain makes or breaks the viability of New Zealand as a multi-ethnic God of nations- Treaty Nation taken by invading racists to function. While next along- Mangakeikei has the cursed obelisk (One Tree Hill) proclaiming and celebrating the death of all the former native Maori so that in the view of John Logan Campbell Governor Grey and Colonel Nixon- All holidaying or living where I do- Mangere! Their view was that the Maori could be killed off or die off end of treaty! I’m raving! Sorry. So Yes Empire State- Made in New York -Long Island President plans to take New Zealand.


  1. Treaty- Beerth I had before translating the bible a view of covenant which i intended to some day put into a wide ranging book. Enter the new buzz word from Jonathan Cahn- Cannot pronounce it but I know what ti looks like in Hebrew- anyway it is from the root of words 'Seven' And my view of Treaty changed because of that word. Gen 21:24 'I promise'- that is the word and in context used by Yahweh it is always that he will never break his -Treaty- but Beerth- Covenant isn't the key word this however you want to say it Seven word is the critical word. OK back to Gen 21- Abi Malek Father King is attempting to intimidate Abraham classic stand over Palestinian tactics. And so Abrahm gives- Can anyone explain this? Seven Ewe Lambs- Good Night -Perfectly useless... Without the Ram Lamb that turns up in the next chapter- John claimed looking at Jesus that The Jew was this Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Yor see Treaty Prophet- Well Isa 11:13/14 when we go to Israel it is to visit Gaza and side as Isaiah said we would with the Palestinians -why? Gen 21:23 Palestinians have promised by Abraham the right to be in that land too- Treaty but Yes I suppose we need the Lamb of God turning up to sort it! Shalom- And Please send some New York Jews to New Zealand to tell us how to speak your language. paul

  2. Regardless of how much love and concern we may have for the people of USA we are not and can never be- American. In order to take the leadership of the UN in New York we must and will do things that will upset Israel and USA- hey there are the Arab nations out there too and the rest of the world which needs leadership and representation. Some people- Chuck Missler we love ya- some people think they can come into our nation- Promise Keepers! Ah!!! Come into this nation and run it according to American rules and that is why the current New Zealand chuch appears to be so powerless and pathetic with it's experience hiding away awaiting the Call of the King to like Elijah re-emerge... I put here on Record! My deep concern for USA is long running and Calvary Chapel is established in New Zeal;and because from Ngatimoti I wrote to Chuck Smith and the very first CC worship service was held in my Mangere home early 90s- Ask Pastor Hughes or from Radio Rhema Andrew- So the facts are we will give our lives to save as many people out of NY when that great Harlot of Babylon city is abandoned. But La-No we are not Jewish may not agree on everything or anything with our Jewish brothers but they are still our brothers... and same goes for people from USA. And if you are reading this in USA- Well I have a job for you! When from CC middle of winter Greg Laurie turned up about 25% of the entire audience came forward for salvation. Luke 10:2 The fields are white unto harvest but we need Americans it seems to do the work to release us for other tasks- Come Haere Mai.
