Friday, January 2, 2015

New York Torah?

New York Torah? This 2015 Prophecy- Next blog down: Raises some fundermental issues about the Torah. What in terms of Torah Rabbi Cahn of Our Beth Israel Congregation- 11 Railroad Ave Wayne New Jersey -Is doing is applying the Seven year cycle which those involved in Agriculture and Business are aware of. Now in my translation of Deuteronomy I was two years ago translating; then stopped when I got to the end of chapter 18 and only in the last few weeks finishing a couple of days ago, did the rest- In the mean times going off to translate all the other prophets beginning with Isaiah so in terms of prophets I have just now finished with Moses in chapter 32-33. So it years ago when I was considering the 7 year rest which is the basis of the Sept 13th 2015 Wall Street Collapse Prediction. And for me it was important- ( In my Pathetic Attempt Translations of Torah and Prophets- accessed through my profile on the side bar)… But what struck me hard- and at the time when also I was blogging on New York and reading up on the history of the Black community migrating up from Lower West side to Harlem- What hit me hard was that the Fatal Flaw which makes the burning of the Bronx in the 70s and the prediction by David Wilkerson that every part of New York will burn as the city is abandoned- A No Brainer –Easy to make prediction; is this same Seven Year Rest provision. You see unlike others of my generation I did not buy a house in 1975 for twenty thousand dollars which now despite no substantial maintenance or rebuilding is worth in the same place in Auckland City anything from 600,00 to a million. I did not purchase land and houses especially when high interest rates and inflation in the 70s and 80s allowed for with rapid population growth the easy ability to become a landlord renting out a dozen or more properties- I didn’t do that… Instead until the time I was married I was giving away most of what I earned for God’s work and to the poor and even when I did buy this house it was when we had no money with not many houses selling at that time with 20% interest rates… Why? The Fear of God! The idea of my profiting from a sitting ‘Investment’ is something which fearing God is disgusting abhorrent and utter immoral. The one time I did lend money- which we were sacrificial in lending- the person couldn’t pay it back and so being Torah Jubilee Year 1990/91 we forgave the entire debt and then after that the debt on our own property which we were struggling to pay off was also forgiven that year too!…. You maybe can see where I am going with this. As I see it- And I guess No One in the Whole of USA or the Western World thinks like me so this idea could be utterly unique and original… As I see it The Flaw that makes the destruction of New York inevitable since first attempt- The night of 13th July 1863 being the night when Manhattan should have completely burned –(Great fire of Chicago- around the same time- Success!) Except some saint interceded and supernaturally massive thunder clouds formed and deluged those fires… Next Time! So Yes New York Burns- Burn Baby Burn!!!! Because of this Seven Year Provision. Simply put if I had tenants then within seven years that Rental/Debt would be forgiven and they would by then own the property or have moved on. But whether the idea of Perpetual Rental- is contrary to Torah or not. You see what is happening here. As a Prophet Moses works with Torah. As prophets we work with Moses. When our Eternal Jew met on a mountain it was with both- Elijah- then by faith said ‘No Rain’: Not knowing that Moses in Torah had said the same- No Rain- the two line up. Do not blame when it happens Sept 13 2015 word of my Rabbi from Beth Israel. All he is doing is faithfully applying the Torah- And if you in any way are carrying debt loads in greater than seven year sequences- well don’t!- Quit them. But Yes Torah and Prophets- What do they mean? Well ask the Eternal Jew or my Rabbi Cahn-Ok!

1 comment:

  1. Comment for New Zealanders readers Only! In 1984 I went th Bible College of New Zealand for two reasons- To find out why Evangelicals no longer believed obeyed or took the bible literally. And to write a Luke chapter 10 method missionary thesis. I achieved both goals and left Laidlaw College having seen the Abomination which brings to the New Zealand church Desolation and it was called 'Contextualization' as defined by the 1977 John Stott ed paper given at the Bermuda Willowbank conference in 1977.But on missions we work the No Money faith method with the labourer being worthy of his hire but paid for by the locals or else we shake dust from our feet and move on-OK! So taking collections as St Paul did are for what reason- Pray with me now Nation of New Zealand- New Zealand Church- Father this third day-the sabbath beginning of 2015 we as the sun has gone down in New York dedicate all the resources- the love- the food- the transport and work ability- The finset Commando Army which Jesus the Terrorist has ever raise up even from the very ends of the earth- we together here dedicate ourselves and all the wealth and resource of the nation of New Zealand- we give ourselves and our wealth to the Empire State of New York. Right Now Wham ang seled agreed in heaven agreed on earth the Reputation of the God of Nations Nation of New Zealand and the city of New York are locked together! Same word used in Gen 22 when Abraham went to sacrifice- YiHhad- Joined- and What God has now here this joined Let No Man sttempt to take apart Ake Ake Ake Ameni Thankyou Jesus do it because you know how pathetic we are.
