Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Presidential Ambassador-New York
Presidential Ambassador USA- Nazi Germany
I have beside me a book ‘Americans in Paris’ by Charles Glass which is like the afore mentioned ‘War Lovers’ the frustrating work of an American historian intent on double speak about critical events in the story of Empire State. Last post we ended with a question which frustratingly appears not answered- And instead here in this passage we get views into the intimate higher levels of the Roosevelt Whitehouse in its dealings with Nazi Germany with based in New York the critical ambassador being the invisible to the ordinary Americans the untouchable Thomas J Watson… Hey I might also ask for a ticket to the Eternal Jew’s court session to get to the bottom of what IBM were up to in the lead up to Europe wide world war. Our foremost journalist-Investigate Magazine- Ian Wishart tells us ‘follow the money’ and missing here is how Dehomag profits flowed back to New York but a clue maybe is that Watson is a director of the Federal Reserve Bank thus able to work with the - Bank of International Settlements.. Sorry but I am frustrated. The story line is Sadaam Hussein /Adolf Hitler were bad/evil yet the evidence is of US diplomacy working in a way that none others could or would in close relationship with these respected German and Iraqi Presidents who then- Quite suddenly- Whitehouse agrees with the protestors and those former close friends of USA are fought against at the cost of American Lives. And we get these names of back room dealers in an unwritten history, with in the Paris story two men; Charles Bedaux and William C Bullitt- Nothing seems to be as it is when looked at more carefully! ‘Watson was equally appreciated and admired by fascists especially in Germany. In its struggle with the democratic governments and popular movements that opposed German’s anti-Semitic drive. Nazis greatly valued their unexpected and influential ally. To them it was a subtle green light of quiet approval because Watson seemed… to speak for more than one American firm- he seemed to represent President Franklin D Roosevelt and indeed American itself….. the roll call of honorary appointments of power and prestige was long and enviable. He was chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, and chairman of the American section of the International Chamber of Commerce…director of the Federal Reserve and trustee of Columbia University. His access to Secretary of State Cordell Hull and more importantly to President Roosevelt was unparalleled… Soon Roosevelt began to rely on Watson for advice… Watson’s son remembers. ‘He served unofficially as Roosevelt’s representative in New York’ If a foreign dignitary arrived, the White House might ask Watson to stage and honorary luncheon, all father had to do was press a button- He had a whole department that did nothing but set up company dinners and other functions all at IBM expense’ Indeed Roosevelt remarked ‘I handle em in Washington and Tom handles em in New York’ Watson leveraged his position with the Administration to develop extensive contacts with Secretary of State, numerous ambassadors and the State Dept in general… No wonder Nazi Germany considered Watson a very powerful friend… the German consul in New York was a house guest at Watson’s home and Watson insisted on arranging for him complimentary country club privileges at the IBM Country club. His socializing with the German ambassador was equally robust making certain that special invitations fo9r dinners regularly circulated among German diplomats… Watson would travel to Germany regularly during the 30s for first hand information about the situation in the Nazi Reich… From the very first moments and continuing throughout the 12 year existence of the Third Reich, IBM placed its technology at the disposal of Hitler’s program of Jewish destruction and dominating Europe… like any technological evolution each new solution powered a new level of sinister expectation and cruel capability. P91-94 IBM and the Holocaust. ‘A reporter asked a question: On Tuesday Mr President you indicated that you did not propose, or would not consider lowering the immigration barriers for the benefit of (Jewish) German refugees… have you changed your mind? No said President Roosevelt…. P103 Human Smoke N Baker Simon and Schuster New York 2008.
Co Ordination in Germany
Co-ordination in Germany
Professor Brady in his influential 1937 review of the Nazi system -Spirit and Structure German Fascism takes us out into a flat part of USA where a highway sign proclaims that this is a Continental Divide. Therefore identical drops of rain falling within a few feet of one another- one will travel to eventually join the Pacific Ocean and the other travelling to the far distant Atlantic Ocean- he then says in Germany there is no sign of this great divide thus the significance of something which looks insignificant is lost- Hence he tries to explain and as does following- Edwin Black - the key word is Gleichschsltung- Co ordination… Prof Brady; ‘The Nazis make a fetish of coordinating. Their literature is replete with references to ‘totalitarian state’ ‘uniformity of spirit’ the ‘Leader Principle’. These terms have a central meaning which might be stated as follows: The leader and his lieutenants will coordinate the totality of all persons and activities in Germany in order that all within the inner- uniformity in spirit will work towards the goals set by the leader for them. Nothing in short is to escape the drag net. All economic activity all political social cultural life is to be coordinated directed… to what end?... Unless one keeps an eye constantly focused on the purpose which all things are coordinated the product of his observations can be endless confusion. P39-40 The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism 1937 ‘Foreign business was fundamentally considered an enemy of the German State. Incomes earned by foreign corporations could not be transferred overseas. They were sequestered in blocked German bank accounts. The money usable but only in Germany. Hence a dollar of profit made by Dehomag could only be spent in Germany binding any foreign enterprise to continuing economic development within Germany… this monetary move little more than Hitler’s effort to take American business hostage…. IBM’s Paris office began to get statements from Deutsche Bank listing Dehomag’s distribution of blocked funds in the name of IBM… Rapid fire regulation designed to subdue the independence of foreign business were being promulgated almost daily… companies were obligated to fire Jews and hire from the ranks of the Nazi party… Most of all Germany loudly warned that all foreign business were subject to a concept known as Gleichschaltung loosely translated as ‘total coordination’… April 7th 1933 New York Times… ‘Adolf Hitler having made himself political dictator of Germany today became dictator of German big business as well…by taking control of the business organizations the Nazis have obtained control of the interests they represent’… Why would one of America’s leading businessmen and his premier corporation risk all by participating in a Nazi economy sworn to destroy Jews, subjugate Europe and dominate all enterprise in its midst? P86-88 IBM and The Holocaust E Black Time Warner 2002. And my Editor has just informed me that he has spoken about this to the Eternal Jew and obtained a ticket to be in the stand when Watson and IBM executives come before the Judge of History to explain the answer to this important question participated in killing millions of the friends and relatives of this Eternal Jew.
Democracy- THINK
Democracy- THINK!
We can see in this extract from a Must read- Must purchase book among a series of book by Edwin Black which needed to be purchased and studied; We can see how extremely urgent and powerful movements were in the year of 1933- In New York urgently attempting to over throw the newly minted Nazi administration in Germany. And in an earlier blog series ‘The Myth of America’ I examined several hundred years of highly perceptive visitors to USA who could see and made predictions based upon the flaws they could see in the way USA was developing. While this blog begins 400 years ago in the outer reaches of New York and discusses what could be the fatal flaw of the foundation of Empire State perfectly preserved in some of the original inhabitants of East Hampton. Therefore in terms of philosophy I am as always attempting to get you to –THINK (Thankyou IBM) at a number of different levels and encouraging those reading this with some religious background or agenda to consider it the Chief Jew- Matthew 7:23- if saying we know him or look forward to his appearance- we may well find that what we do and what he does is entirely different. But here the at any one time having lived or living in the tenements of Lower Eastside- The migrant supporting Democrats protestors are attempting change in respect of a developing Holocaust. And for those who have studied Empire State history and tactics based out of Albany and Wall St with mansions on Long Island know that the Republicans who tend to be silent except when they use their considerable economic power to push public opinion-especially in Middle America and on the West Coast- And who literally rule the world at times out of New York performing spectacular stunts such as a Rockefeller funded John Mott and friends getting Trotsky out of New York and back to St Petersburg and Moscow in time for Communist Revolution! Well living and working in a democracy- But as a believer in God have never committed to nor put my faith in democracy. Instead as a student of government and business I watch with interest those who manipulate or attempt to manipulate the political systems and public opinion- And my answer to that? Psalm 2. OK! ‘At the time when Watson was organizing his plans to set sail on the Bremen August 29 1933, the New York times in a page one article, reported the existence of sixty- five brutal concentration camps holding some 45,000 Jews and non Jewish inmates.. a total of 90,000 held… Although anti-German protest marches, picket lines, boycotts and noisy demands to stop the atrocities were in full swing on every continent of the world, nowhere would the protest have appeared more omnipresent than to a businessman in New York City. In New York the air burned with Anti Nazi agitation. All sectors of society- from labor unions to business leaders, from Catholic Bishops to Protestant deacons to defiant Rabbis- rallied behind the battle cry that humanity must starve Depression battered Germany into abandoning her anti Semitic course. ‘Germany will crack this winter’ read the placards and the leaflets…. New York and Thomas Watson had never seen anything like it. From the windows of IBM at 270 Broadway, the massive demonstration was an unmistakable message: ‘Don’t do business with Hitler’. Moreover boycott leaders promised vigilant retaliation for any American that did…. The stakes must have been high for Watson to disregard the gargantuan protest of a nation, and the world’s battle cry to isolate Germany commercially. But IBM maintained its steadfast commitment to an alliance with Nazi Germany… Germans understood Watson to be a friend of the Reich p83-85 IBM and the Holocaust.
Pushing out and hunting them down
Pushing out and hunting them down.
‘By April 20 about the time when Watson decided IBM should solicit the census project, New York Times headlines reported more than 10, 000 refugees had fled Germany in the face of daily home invasions, tortures and kidnappings 30,000 more were already imprisoned in camps or prisons and 10,000 were facing economic ruination and even starvation. On May 10th about the time when IBM was at the height of its negotiations for the census the world was further shocked when the Nazis stage their first publicized book burnings. By the end of May, when Dehomags contract with the Reich was finalized the New York Times and the rest of America’s media had continuously published details of Jews being brutalized ousted from one profession after another … On 11th June the day before the door to door census the New York Times reported that the government was searching through the backgrounds of 350.000 government workers to identify which among them might be of Jewish extraction who were liable to dismissal. In the same edition of New York Times a page specific summary of Adolf Hitler’s book Mein Kampf explained how completely public was his program of Jewish annihilation. Hitler declared on page 344 ‘If at the beginning of the Great War 12,000 to 15,000 of these corrupters of the people (Jews) had been held under poison gas… then the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain… 12,000 scoundrels removed at the right time might perhaps have saved the lives of one million proper Germans’ p83 IBM and the Holocaust. We often think that if we read it in the New York Times or there is a big internationally covered demonstration then somehow or other we have achieved political change or society will never be outrageous. Some people think that the cruelty administered to animals on factory farms worldwide and especially in USA and other civilized nations because it is protested against will somehow or other come to an end. When and sorry if some reading this find the comparison abhorrent… when the reality is that the conditions that pigs are held under in my nation at least- well when you find out the reality you would want to weep- or get angry- but Big Business has had the full backing of the establishment. The spying agencies see ALF- Animal Liberation Front as one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations that they have had to deal with- and have applied the full resources which this IBM book tells of the start of- to tracking down and imprisoning those who have gone mere talk to attempt to stop the outrage. No when you have Law and government –backed by hiding in the shadows Big business behind something the journalists and protestors can do little and a change of government and a revolution in the way things are done- in the ideological foundations is what it takes. The holocaust as we have seen was deeply rooted in the Exceptionalism of 400 years of white racist American Calvinism and from that ideological platform in New York- Empire State Hitler encouraged by such as Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Prescott Bush and Thomas J Watson could become 1938 time Magazine Man of the Year in spite of the murmuring of Jewish journalists in New York in 1933. Do I have this story line right? Even if it is only half way right- if another Holocaust is already in the making then- THINK!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Torah Special
Torah and Prophets
I have just finished Pathetic Attempt Translation of Hebrew to English half the Hebrew bible- Torah and Prophets ending with the prophecies of Moses. When I began I hardly knew any Hebrew and was looking up every word in the concordance and Jeff Benner’s dictionary and at the same time translating Hebrew words having considered how (GV Wigram concordance) the word had been used. So my Genesis is pretty rough and now over two years later I am translating faster but not checking as much maybe the results are not as good! I have absolutely no training in linguistics. In fact as a seventeen year old in my graduating year from high school I was taught phonetics and so was able to get away from the previous failed attempts at memorizing all the letters needed to spell individual words But those skills stood me in good stead for Chinese, my being so angry and frustrated at the way that language is taught that independently I went away taught myself some Japanese, consulted with some old dictionaries preserved by Dover Books of New York and decoding the Chinese language wrote a dictionary which allows students to gain success many times faster than current methods. And like wise –playing with Arabic I knew little or no Hebrew- still cannot talk of understand Hebrew- No problem as I have never met anyone who uses that language! Have got on with the task of finding out what is really in the bible. And what has this got to do with IBM and the Holocaust? Well the elephant in the room for Jewish and Christian religions is ‘Replacement’ Somehow or other Christians- and USA is founded upon these strange assumptions- imagine that God has replaced Israel with them! But this nonsense could have only developed because of a deliberate miss translation of the Hebrew Bible in Egypt which is the basis for all current Bible Translations. Finding say the last verses of Psalm 137 which say almost the exact opposite of the current translation… I began to see stupid manipulation which the prophet Jeremiah had warned about (Jer 8: 8 Hebrew text) And soon was ignoring what so ever other translators had done or continue to do. Sure this coming from the ends of the earth- I can take this utterly new approach to things distrusting or being highly ignorant of all Jewish culture and tradition- But it is up to Jews to revise my text and remove from it the stupid beginner ignorant mistakes but hang on to new understanding that naturally wants to flow from the Hebrew text- Why? Well if any good Rabbi had honestly told his Jewish people what it says- The Holocaust could have been avoided. And likewise Now. I only write about the past Holocaust to warn people of the greater soon coming to USA and New York Next One. The last thing Moses was telling me before I wrote this was avenging the blood of the servants of Yahweh. And that is found in a prophecy many see as being about New York (Rev 17:6) But I want you to do yourself a favor this New Year 2015. Ask God- And you don’t need to believe in God to speak to him he will hear you regardless of you belief or unbelief- But ask for signs. Things which are not possible to happen which when they happen you can say- Yes something big is going down and then THINK –action! Shalom paul
New York Sept 11
September 11th- day of infamy.
September 11th is a day etched into our memories and we must never forget it because of what happened that day in New York…. In IBM and the Holocaust we see in the year when The Night of Long Knives occurred that from that night onwards Adolf Hitler would take moves to remove and have killed anyone who was a threat to him- Such that by Sept 11th 1934 a climate a terror had begun to settle in- Therefore on that special day In New York Sept 11th 1934 Thomas Watson –focused on creating business solutions … Mr Watson on Sept 11th 1934 issue his fateful instruction! Look we can say ‘Never Again’ but the lesson to be learned from 1933 is that the political campaigns were not and will not dent the confidence of men like Thomas J Watson- Men who run the international corporations and run the systems for what so ever has been planned at those high levels. That which the Hebrew Prophets speak of –We Now Face. But miss quoting those prophets some in Washington Sept 11th 2001 had said looking at the relevant prophecy in Isaiah- ‘We will rebuild again that which has been knocked down’ (Isa 9:10)… But countering that a wise Jewish Rabbi from the Beth Israel congregation in New Jersey explained that Isaiah was speaking in irony and judgment concerning Israel’s sons of Ephraim… And as a son of Ephraim I agree with the Rabbi and confess in terms of Isaiah 28:16 that in our engineering and construction; To build eternally we need to be taking our survey mark from the corner stone laid in Zion. Adolf Hitler planned to have Berlin as the greatest ever city- but he failed maybe because he didn’t survey the Cross of Jesus- Eternal Jew who may well have actually been born on Sept 11th- God knows (My editor tells me that when readers hear sung the words ‘When I survey the cross’ now they will be thinking in terms of engineers with GPS making complex calculations!) ‘Whether or not Watson wanted to keep the Dehomag expansion deal secret. (Spoken about in the previous quote- The ability of the German part of IBM to run all of Europe) Heidinger was clearly irked by the absence of any proof that he could literally invade any other subsidiary’s territory… After many months of waiting Heidinger suddenly demanded some written proof…. Watson gave in…but the contract that followed by mail was not acceptable to the Germans. Heidinger detested negotiating with Watson… now during the new Hitler era, Watson wanted Dehomag to proliferate punch card technology throughout the continent generating huge contracts. But sales would be funneled through the local IBM subsidiaries rather than through Dehomag’s blocked bank accounts. Heidinger reluctantly agreed, but he didn’t trust Watson and insisted that he be vindicated not just with a new agreement but with written confirmation that this expansion pact was originally sealed almost a year before. So on Sept 11th Watson again cabled Heidinger ‘Confirming agreement reached between us in Berlin October 1933. We extend bt that agreement your company rights to manufacture and to sell our machines to all European Hollerith companies’ The cable and letter were sent to German, in American however the carbons were carefully place in a file of the IMB Vice President… a handwritten scrawled note …carbons of letter Sept 11th..’ p80-81 IBM and the Holocaust Edwin Black Time Warner 2001.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Obama or a Jewish King?
Obama or a Jewish King?
Coming into 2008 I was running a blog ‘Ends of the earth’ on the Colorado Spring Gazette as a way of challenging what I was seeing published in our local Christian book store and suddenly found myself early that year publicly endorsing and encouraging support for an unusual potential Presidential candidate- Son of a Black African with the Hebrew name- Barak. Actually I am far more in terms of geopolitical thinking tuned to what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan especially when talking to Colorado Springs Believers so I was looking for a speedy inexpensive resolution to problems in Central Asia. Now my missions professor told me- he had watched J Christy Wilson depart Kabul and that Dear Saint had taken off his shoes and he bashed the dust of that nation and people from them rapidly bringing down the curses which continue to destroy Islam and Central Asia today. In short. Christy Wilson had a mandate. Luke chapter 10 and when the King of Afghanistan moved against him the only thing left to do was to reverse the Islamic greeting ‘Salam alykum’ and reversing it using the specific directions of Jesus to do so; Created the Islam destroying most powerful curse seen in modern history. Thus I supported Obama in Colorado Springs only because I genuinely thought he would use the Presidential aircraft to fly in-Son of Christy Wilson to bring back the Kingdom of the Eternal Jew and his eternal blessing of peace… But instead we have seen played out meetings between our Prime Minister and Sony CEO which Mr Dotcom alleges lead to a Commando raid on Mr Dotcom’s Mansion on behalf of the US movie industry coordinated by Joe Biden and the now sacked US Attorney General Holder…. But the issue fairly and squarely is- Has Obama ever bowed the knee and followed the instructions of our Jewish King?- as J Christy Wilson did- in establishing The Church for Afghanistan. Next we look at the inner workings of IBM- Were they following the will of the President of Germany in the 1930s… or just running their own Watson/IBM agenda?.. Did they care about loving and serving Our Jew?. You see – I think and operate differently. Psalm 2- My Jewish King rules out of Zion on a day to day level of consistent eternal government higher than US or German or Sony/IBM Presidents hence it is vital that either we know and obey him intuitively . Or failing that hear/obey Hebrew Torah and Prophets Now!- ‘At the time when other foreign companies were fleeing the Reich’s violence, repression and anti Semitism and inability to retrieve income from German oeprations Watson move swiftly to dramatically enlarge IBM’s presence… through a cunning twirl of losses and profits among the four German companies he had merged and then manipulating the balances owed by subsidiaries to IBM New York for so called ‘loans’ Reich taxes would be avoided despite record earnings in Germany… Second IBM inceased its investment in Dehomag –about a million Depression era dollars. This would include a million Reichsmarks to purchase new land in Berlin and IBM’s forst German factory. IBM was tooling up for what it correctly saw as a massive economic relationship with the Hitler regime. In the midst of America’s depression this expansion of manufacturing base would not relieve unemployment in USA but actually transfer jobs to Nazi Germany where the Hollerith machines would be manufactured….Most gratifying to the Germans was the secret pact between Watson and Heidinger (Dehomag) entered into that October 1933 while Watson was touring Germany. At a time when the Hitler government was declaring its war intentions in Europe, Watson’s secret deal granted Heidinger and Dehomag special commercial powers outside of Germany. Although there were IBM agencies and subsidiaries throughout Europe, Dehomag was permitted to supplant each one… That gave Dehomag entrée to the major foreign corporations and foreign governments across the continent… Nazified Dehomag could usurp their clients and even their manufacturing base. The extraordinary arrangement reinvented Dehomag as a de facto ‘IBM Europe’- subject to IBM New York oversight the German subsidiary was free to cultivate its special brand of statistical services to other nearby countries especially Austria Czechoslovakia, Poland, Belgium, France and Holland Where census registration and other statistical operation di not exist or where they could be updated along the lines of Germany’s anti-semetic model, Dehomag could move in. In essence before The Third Reich advanced across the border-its scientific soldiers would already have prepare the way and have a vital outpost…. Watson developed an extraordinary ability to write reserved and cleverly cautions letters. More commonly he remained silent and let his subordinates and mangers do the writing for him. But they too respected a code to observe as much discretion as possible …this was especially in the case of correspondence with and about Nazi Germany, the most controversial business partner of the day’ p76-79 IBM and the Holocaust. Edwin Black Time Warner.
Finding the Jews
Finding the Jews
In a Meta Data- Informational Technology Age it is always extremely useful to conduct surveillance on our various agencies who gather this data and watch them carefully to see how their data matching programs work- or don’t work, and how once they have the information or potential access to that information; they use it. Here -this is Stone Age History by comparison to the awesome amounts of Meta data collected and flowing which can safely ensure another extremely successful Holocaust taking place once those major policy decisions are made by authorities. What we have here is the reverse. The Policy decisions were made- And you just need to read Mein Kampf with an open mind to see that or campaign speeches as the Nazi Party came to power. But the precision of identifying tracking and counting the Jews was initially not there… But IBM was about to put that right helping out the German government. ‘Identifying the Jews in Germany would be an uphill technological challenge that would take years of increasingly honed counting programs and registration campaigns. From the moment Hitler was appointed Chancellor, fear gripped the entire Jewish community. No Jew wanted to step forward to identify himself…. The identification process began in the first weeks of the Third Reich. On April 12 1933 the Hitler regime announced a long delayed census of all Germans would take place immediately… the Nazis knew that prior censuses were plagued by three to five years of hand sorting rendering the result virtually useless for enacting swift social policies. If only the Nazis could at least obtain information on the 41 million Germans living in Prussia, Germany’s largest state, comprising 60% of the German population. How fast? Nazi planners wanted al the 41 million Prussians processed and preliminary results within four months. The Prussian government was completely incapable… But IBM’s Dehomag was. The company offered a solution. It would handle the entire project as a contract. Dehomag would design the census package counting and classifying every citizen. Moreover it would recruit, train and even feed the hundreds of temporary workers needed to process the census … Organizing the census was a prodigious task. Dehomag hired some 900 workers mainly supplied by the Berlin employment office which had become dominated by venomous German Labor Front. Dehomag enjoyed good relations with the German Labor Front which ranked in the vanguard of radical Nazism. Coordinating with the German employment office christened the enterprise as a patriotic duty since relieving the jobless was major objective of Hitler’s promise to Germany…. On June 16 1933 one half million census takers went door to door gathering information. Cadres of Storm Troopers and SS officers were added to create a virtual census army… the interview included pointed questions about the head of the household’s religion and whether the person was in a mixed marriage… Dehomag abandoned its standard 45 column card and went to the 60 column format. Sixty columns each with ten horizontal positions created 600 punch card possibilities… Soon the Reich could begin the identification process- who was Aryan and who was Jew. Population statistics had crossed the border from science of anonymous masses to the investigation of individuals’ p70-73 IBM and The Holocaust Edwin Black 2002.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
I was talking a few hours ago to a person whose ancestor was on the very first ship into our –‘home’ pioneering community and whose ancestor had been involved in the traumatic event where new settlers and local natives had fought together creating the racial and historic tensions which I knew growing up between the two races/ ethnic ideologies. And my informant told me that the natives had saved this man’s life when others taken captive were scalped-ISI style; And given the job the person had been doing with his interaction with those natives prior to actual conflict we can deduce that he did not support the way the conflict developed and the ignorant racist attitudes of others involved. Certainly as my informant shared with me- his family had from the start repented of what we called as a child ‘The Wairau Massacre’. So there will most certainly be those within IBM maybe even involved with the Holocaust whose ancestors repented of what they were doing or repented once they became aware of what had gone on. While there will be those like a aforementioned ‘Elephant in the room’ Like Henry Cabot Lodge who saw the appalling behavior of Puritans in New England eliminating and entire Indian tribe as being a Wonderful demonstration of the superior qualities of Ayran/Anglo Saxon Germanic ‘good stock’ and superior breeding of all the human races…. Or just being White Racist better than ‘inferior’ peoples…. So what can, if we have in reading this blog become aware of ‘Issues’ in the past and even current attitudes… Well I grew up as you know from my testimony raised by my grandfather sharing his confident White Racist view of things. But then in my teenage years a Native Prophet walked into our teenage lives. The revivalist ‘Solomon Islands Revival’ Muri Thompson who had likewise walked into the suburban family life of the Hillsborough Baptist –Dawson family remaking how John Dawson would see the world- In the same way Muri became my native elder and father …. And in terms of the problem which my community had going back to ‘The Wairau Incident’ of 1843- Well 130 years after Te Rauparaha-The Ka Mate Chief had come up the main street of a brand new Nelson New Zealand- Muri led a march where we were Singing for our King; Blessed be the Lord God the God of Israel- As a Treaty native chief sorted that night the problem between the two different races/ethnic traditions. Made Peace for the Prince of Peace for the city of Nelson New Zealand. That night we marched for a Jewish King and as King of Kings he sorted out our local historical problem. So what exactly am I saying here? Well as you have been reading these blogs you maybe have become aware that in your family line there is something which needs to be repented of. And if you are on speaking terms with the Jewish King then you maybe could or Already Have spoken to him. And while he Has; Is; and Will sort that problem there lies ahead some more steps. At some time the circumstances will become apparent where you can and Must step forward and do something publicly. When this Holocaust situation was brought to the awareness of IBM management they stepped up just as young Watson had done when he was caught out doing bad deals before he joined IBM and made a donation to those suffering injury. Yes maybe a token gesture and IBM needs some time to go the next step and formally ask Jews/Israel onto the board of the company with a decent shareholding so that in truth IBM can say ‘Never Again we have repented of that…’ But Always Repentance will result in some Action. Works of Repentance. IBM THINK!
Saturday, December 27, 2014
400,000 or 2 million?
400,000 or 2 million?
Jewish identity is –And I watch from far away so have no direct contact with this subject- An utterly complex and difficult to understand thing. For example in order to cement the legal justification for the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth current Jews had an insane in my view- interpretation of Leviticus 24 verses 10 to 16 which then produces a contrary to Torah edict that the blood line as to who is Jewish and who is not comes through the mother! Good night! But this spectacular piece of legal twisting is needed in order to have Jesus of Nazareth- thrown off a cliff was the first attempt in his own home town, but handed over to the Romans for crucifixion for the vague accusation of ‘wounding the name of God’… Which then produces the equally bizarre current Jewish fashion of never ever saying the word ‘Yahweh’ –Come on if you are Jewish rejoice with me and say it out loud; Yahweh Yahweh Yahweh- see you are still alive… You Can Do It! And Gen 4:4 Ex 14:13 say with me Salvation God- Yeshua Yahweh…. Yes looking from afar it seems to me that Jewish Identity is a very complex and screwed up subject. So my 1938 Year Book had as the number of Jews in Germany 400 thousand but was it really 2 million. We now look into this matter… ‘The angry young men of the SA, many of them the dregs of society, believed that they would soon step into all the economic and professional positions held by their Jewish neighbors. Through unending racial statues ousting Jews from professional and commercial life, relentless purges and persecution, unyielding programs and asset confiscation, systematic imprisonment and outright expulsion the SA would usurp the Jewish niche…. But Jewish life could only be extinguished if the Nazis could identify the Jews. Just which of Germany’s 60 million citizens were Jewish? And just what definition of ‘Jewish?’ German Jews were among the most assimilated of any in Europe. Nazi mythology accused Jews of being the alien factor in German society. But in truth, Jews had lived in Germany from the fourth century. As elsewhere in Europe during the middle ages what German Jews could do and say even their dress was regulated. Waves of persecution were frequent. Worse anti-Jewish mobs often organized hangings …even when left alone , German Jews could exist only in segregated ghettos subject to long lists of prohibitions. The pressure (This is a favorite Hebrew word of Moses in his prophecies I am currently translating) to escape Germany’s persecution created a very special kind of European Jew, one who had subordinated his Jewish identity to the larger Christian society around him. Assimilation became a desirable antidote especially among Jewish intellectuals during the enlightenment. When Napoleon conquered part of Germany in the early nineteenth century he granted Jewish emancipation (How people look at Napoleon at this time is a fascinating subject. My Bible ancestors studied the bible hard at this critical time because they saw in him- The Anti Christ! But that in turn woke up- especially when Napoleon went to Palestine and liberated Jerusalem- The Zionist belief of a literal return of Jews to Palestine…) But after Napoleon was defeated the harsh German status quo was restored. The taste of freedom however led affluent and intellectual Jewish classes to assimilate on masse… Many succumbed to the German pressure to convert to Christianity (Again this fits into our Plymouth Brethren story with Muller the German being first a missionary to Jews) German Jewry lost to apostasy many of its best commercial, political and intellectual leaders…. These German Jews developed a religious movement that was the fore runner of Reform Judaism (And I have no doubt what so ever that some Jews reading this blog with do greater things when it comes to rewriting and reformatting our Hebrew religion- Shalom!) Yet even many of this group ultimately converted to Christianity…. Between 1869 and 1871… Germany’s Jews once again seized the chance to become equals. They changed their surnames, adopted greater religious laxity through Reform Judaism and frequently married non Jews raising their children as Christians. Outright conversion was not uncommon. Many of Jewish ancestry did not even know it or care…. But the Reich believed otherwise. The Jewish nemesis was not one of religious practice but of bloodline. Nazis were determined to somehow identify those of Jewish descent and destroy them. P68-70 IBM and the Holocaust.- E Black
War against the Weak- Edwin Black
War against the weak-Edwin Black
War against the weak- ‘It began on Long Island and ended at Auschwitz’: Revised and reissued in 2012 this is a must read book for those who have been following this blog where I have been attempting to show how from the obscure far reaches of New York State beginning with our first post on Gardiner Island and then travelling up to Buffalo- How from a place called Empire State the world has been ruled and developments which had effected all of mankind have been planned and outworked . And we have touched upon and are currently looking at the idea of Eugenics- asking where did these ideas come from discovering surprisingly that one of the New England aristocracy –Henry Cabot Lodge had a Doctorate in this subject when Theo Roosevelt was President heavily influencing the direction USA would take; With the next Roosevelt President making surprising statements about Jews- And Roosevelt rushing from Yalta conference back to Arabia to cement with the King of Arabia: Azziz Saud what became the US State Department ongoing agenda for the middle east (With a current oil/economic war taking place against Russia oil dropping in price currently below $50 a barrel) Without ever reading any of Edwin Blacks excellent and extremely well researched books I have independently read history in much the same way that he has. It soon becomes clear that this agenda and way of ruling the world out of New York and then saying ‘Who Me?’ or as some put it ‘Plausible Deniability’ has been heavily based upon and underlying racial belief. So what do I think? Well as a small child I grew up in that Eugenic climate my grandfather a war hero from WW1, high mason and supporter of a look alike Nazi Party which was established here in our nation- As I say currently led by a New York Jewish Banker!- Therefore I literally with two sides of my brain run the ideas and arguments on twin tracks. Agreeing with Eugenics and Disagreeing At The same time. Take the first words of Isaiah after his telling us the Kings he worked with- ‘Agenda Raise Sons’ And the first page of the Christian New Testament? A Genealogy of Jewish Kings! –Eugenics! To keep the blood lines and to keep the faith and continue our human story is what the Hebrew book is all about… But it is rather then a question of tactics. Of how the story gets out worked in the face of human failure and brokenness. …. In Isaiah I was translating along and Wham Bam ran into chapter 11 verses 13 and 14 And Ephraim- God alone knows where he is these days but Moses Duet 33:17 indicates looking in New Zealand and California.. But yes in terms of verse 14 in the Hebrew we do in my community work best and most easily- We fly into side with and support Palestinians. One of our leaders David Shearer looked after Gaza for the UN … Well you see- New Zealand is a Treaty Nation. We have learned in brokenness to side with the weak… And yes Abraham- Binding Promise Gen 21:24 put Palestinians in the land. You read this blog because you don’t know what I will say next. I write this blog because I don’t know what I will say next! And I guess Watson/ IBM would just say:- THINK.
Great Physician?
The Great Physician
Heidinger (giving his speech to Nazi officals) publicly announced ‘The Physician examines the human body and determines whether all the organs are working to the benefit of the entire organism, we (Dehomag) are very much like the physician in that we dissect cell by cell the German cultural body. We report every individual characteristic on a card. These are not dead cards, quite the contrary, they prove later on that they come to life when the cards are sorted at a rate 25,000 per hour according to certain characteristics. The characteristics are grouped like organs of our cultural body andf they will be calculated and determined with the help of our machine. We are proud to assist in such a task, a task that provides our nation’s Chief Physician (Adolf Hitler) with the material he needs for an examination. Our physician can then determine whether the calculated values are in harmony with the health of our people. It means also that if that were not the case our Physician can take corrective procedures to correct the sick circumstances… Our characteristics are deeply rooted in our race. Therefore we must cherish them like a holy shrine which we will and must keep pure. We have the deepest trust in the physician and will follow his instructions with blind faith because we know he will lead our people to a great future. Hail to our German people and our Fuhrer’ Most of Heidinger’s speech along with the list of invited Nazi Party officials was rushed to Manhattan and immediately translated for Watson. The IBM Leader cabled Heidinger a prompt note of congratulations for a job well done…It was about this time that Watson decided to engrave the five steps leading up to the IBM school in Endicott New York… engraved was READ, LISTEN, DISCUSS, OBSERVE, THINK. P65-66 IBM and the Holocaust.
There is in Chinese a word which does translate ‘Question’ ‘Wen Ti’ but has a wider meaning of topic. Thus there is more the idea of having a debate, as we get with the use of the Greek word ‘argument’ which is just a solution. But in my auditing the medical profession I guess that about twenty percent of what they do in assessing health or doing medical procedures is optional and actually solves nothing. Thus when we consider ‘The Jewish Question’ it indicates to some minds that there was a problem- and rather than talk about the universal to all mankind- All the sons of Adam- Problem-Decay failure and death. By attaching the word ‘Jewish’ we are in fact loading all the world’s problems onto one ethnic group. Is that fair? Well of course out of respect for my grandfather I am duty bound to say that if is a good and reasonable process- Why? Well tucked away popping out all over the place as I translate the Bible I find him here there and literally every where is –Ben Adam; The Son of Adam who turns out to be Jew and then when he finally makes an appearance and utterly predictably suffers a gruesome death and diesl; the Roman authorities helpfully tack a notice over him telling us that he is in fact the long awaited much prayed for –King of the Jews. Thus for what it’s worth my medical opinion is this; Yes the Jews are as sick a race as any on earth and for human failure do deserve and in fact do die. But I must say having studied his case, talked to him, talked to his friends and seen what he has been doing- This King of the Jews is the one man- The one son of Adam who did not ever deserve to die at all. And apparently –but you will need to take my word for it or just believe- he didn’t die for his own failure but for Your Failure- and yes mine too. And again we need to believe this- God accepted his sacrificed life and so whatever was The Jewish Question or The German Question is solved in him. Healed! Try it!!!
Friday, December 26, 2014
IBM's Calling from God
IBM’s Calling from God?
‘Identifying the Jews was only the first step upon the road to Jewish destruction in German. None of the publicly voiced statements of Hitler’s scientific soldiers ever dissuaded Dehomag or IBM New York from withdrawing from their collaboration with the Reich. By necessity, that collaboration was intense, indispensable and continuous. Indeed the IBM method was to first anticipate the needs of government agencies and only then design proprietary data solutions, train official staff and even implement the programs… IBM machines were worthless in crates. Tabulators and punch cards were not delivered ready to use like typewriters, adding machines or even machine guns. Each Hollerith system had to be custom designed by Dehomag engineers….each designed by Dehomag engineers to be completely different from each other. Of course the holes could not be punched just anywhere. Each card had to be custom designed with data fields and columns precisely designated for the card readers. Reich employees had to be trained how to use the cards. Dehomag had to understand intimately the details of the intended use, design the cards and then create the codes. Because of the almost limitless need tof tabulators in Hitler’s race and geopolitical wars, IBM reacted enthusiastically to the prospect of Nazism. While others were fearful or reviled American Businessmen were curtailing or cancelling dealings with Germany Watson embarked upon an historic expansion of Dehomag. Just weeks after Hitler came to power IBM New York invested 7 million Reichsmarks to dramatically expand the German subsidiary’s ability to manufacture machines. To be sure Dehomag managers were as fervently devoted to the Nazi movement as any of Hitler’s scientific soldiers. IBM New York understood this from the outset. Heidinger, a rabid Nazi, saw Dehomag’s unique ability to imbue the Reich with population information as a virtual calling from God. His enraptured passion for Dehomag’s sudden new role was typically expressed while opening a new IBM facility in Berlin. ‘I feel it almost a sacred duty- I pray the blessing of heaven may rest upon this place’ p64-65 IBM and the Holocaust Black 2002. Are the final words of that quote from this must purchase book –Blasphemy of the God of Israel? Well as a Bible Translator…. I never come to anything with a preset view of what so ever the text may possibly say- … So no- what Heidinger is saying and feeling in his spirit about this being a Holy Task Under Heaven- the finding of the European Jews is in fact fully backed by what the Torah and the Prophets say! Ah!!!! That’s The Problem! Dear Reader laugh off what you are reading here- Ignore what you are reading here; Say Never Again! Say God Bless America…. And you will with that attitude be like more than 6 million European Jews- ‘lambs to the slaughter’ in the next Holocaust. Do yourself a favor –Debar- Find out from Torah and Prophets- In Hebrew- Or if you cannot read Hebrew you are permitted to use my pathetic attempt translations accessed from my profile… Straight Torah Straight Prophets -what the God of Israel is doing!
The elephant in the room 2
Elephant in the room 2
I broke away from what I was doing to watch a couple of excerpts from a recent Sony release movie- ‘The Interview’; And quickly came to the opinion that the Koreans are very well ordered and sensible people even if they do have some issues, while the Americans appearing in the movie backed by the CIA are complete idiots. Then alongside the constant advertising for that movie we have seen night after night on the TV news there are reports coming in of yet another shooting of white policemen and black teenage boys and the inevitable protests that follow that… But both these stories involve American identity and race issues. My children have nephews and cousins who while the three boys are still under five they are growing up in New Zealand speaking as do their parents- German. Their brilliant father is also fluent in a dozen computer languages and works at the Doctorate level on complex DNA issues concerning racial medical issues in a multicultural society. But just knowing that these people are cousins shows the growing trend among many families to track down and build up family trees showing how – in our case; White tribes have grown and developed in this nation over the past getting on to eight generations here as we develop and understand our identity as a people group. And this story IBM and the Holocaust is about Germany understanding and developing identity in Europe at the same time negatively digging deep to discover the Jewish identity even when a process has begun of Jews becoming baptized Christians changing family names… A process of hunting down while there were some who were fishing to get Jews to migrate back to the middle east (Jer 16:16) And develop a Jewish home land there. This book which I am advertising for you to obtain and read is really only a single chapter in a story that began with Abraham with another chapter coming quite soon as New York is abandoned maybe in the context of another Holocaust ten or more times worse than the last one. As I mentioned here DNA and computer studies into populations identifying massive amounts of meta data make us thousands of times more vulnerable to out of control politicians making decisions as we note with concern the world tensions within and without USA. And what do the Hebrew Prophets (including Moses- Today translating the Song of Moses Duet 32) tell us is going to happen? Look I’ve said it before and now I say it again. For God’s Sake THINK! Shalom paul.
Marching with Hitler's Soldiers
Marching with Hitler’s soldiers
‘Hitler expounded his beliefs about the Jews. The Jews he wrote brought about – the racial tuberculosis of the peoples-. He rejected anti Semitism on emotional grounds which led to pogroms, in favor of anti Semitism of reason’ which had the aim of planned legislation combatting and removing the Jews privileges’ Its final aim must unshakably be the removal of Jews altogether’ p169 Evans The coming of the Third Reich: And from what we will next read in IBM and the Holocaust there was focused international attention and agreement as to what the German Fuhrer and Reichschancellor was proposing. Assembled in 1937 The encyclopedia Britannica published in both London and New York a brand new concept- The !938 Yearbook the first of its kind to be seen. And taking up pages 354/355 of that internationally influential publication was –Jewish Race Distribution of outlining as best as could be done given the limitations of vital statistical data- the location of every Jew in the world- a grand total of 16,651,000 of which three thousand coming in at the end of the list were said to be in New Zealand. No other racial group gains this two page treatment- which continues in subsequent year books which as well discuss The Jewish Question. Certainly it takes skilled historians to say what ordinary people were thinking and believing in the early to mid 1930s but in the case of IBM representing USA at that time there was no apparent difficulty in marching with Hitler’s soldiers when it came to The Jewish Question. “German Statistical publication (ASA) and technical journals like it were closely followed at Dehomag since the publication was a virtual road map to the desires of Nazi statistical hierarchy. Anyone active in the statistical world read it. No IBM office, even in USA could afford to overlook a subscription… review proven statistical methodology that sought to step by step identify the Jews as undesirables. In many cases ASA articles were written in conjunction with Dehomag experts (Dehomag is the almost wholly owned by IBM German division)… From the very outset the scientific soldiers of Hitler’s statistical shock troops openly published their mission statements. Pro J Muller in 1934 –‘Above all remember that several very important problems are being tackled currently, problems of an ideological nature. One of those problems is race politics and this problem must be viewed in a statistical light’ While Dr Karl Keller writing in an article ‘The Question of Race Statistics’ made it clear that Jewish blood must be traced back as far as possible… ‘we will not look at religious affiliation alone but also of ancestry’. Like other Keller was looking forward to the domination of all of Europe; ‘beyond agreeing on the definition of race we must move toward agreement on the number of races, at least as far as Europe is concerned.. in reality the Jews are not a race, but a mixture of several races’… Keller demanded ‘the establishment of mandatory personal genetic-biographical forms.. nothing would hinder us from using these forms to enter any important information which can be used by race scientists’. Zahn (The Statistical President) in his writings was explicit in the need to annihilate inferior ethnic groups’ p 62-63 IBM and the Holocaust
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Nazi Science
Nazi Science
We have read concerning the highly intelligent Henry Cabot Lodge one of the very first PhD students at Harvard University that in the opinion of fellow Professor from Princeton author of The War Lovers that his doctorate level studies were… And same problem with the Nazi period of the mid 30s in Germany. This is what Professor Brady has to tell us; ‘What is important here (After a list 15 directives for teaching history) is not only the content but the mood. What the guiding rules reveal is not only unquestioning acceptance of the assumption- totally devoid of any real scientific justification whatsoever- that ‘race’ determines both ability of a people and the form and content of their culture, but also the deliberate intention to compel scientific investigation to find proof for what the ‘inspired’ Nazis assert to be irrevocably true. Nazi Science in other words is ‘expert’ special pleading. Even the word ‘Expert’ has its meaning, i.e ‘convinced’. The expert who is not convinced of the infallibility of Nazi doctrines is repudiated as a ‘Pseudo-scientist’ and his finding vilified as ‘alien’…. P54,55 Spirit and structure of German Fascism 1937; ‘When Hitler rose to power German intellect descended into madness…. Guiding the Brown Shirts and exhorting the masses was an elite coterie of pseudo-scientists (See how in these two side by side quotes this term is used negatively by the one against the other!- Dear Reader Who Do We Trust! The Genius of Herr Hitler or this bitter Jewish author-Black?) corrupted professionals, and profit blinded industrialists. Nazi jurists, medical doctors and a clique of scientists- each with their prestigious academic credentials- found ways to pervert their science and higher calling to advance the cause of Ayran domination and racial persecution. In the vanguard of Hitler’s intellectual shock troops were the statisticians. Naturally statistical offices and census departments were Dehomag’s number one clients…. All of the high expectations of the statisticians depended upon the continuing innovations of IBM punch cards and tabulation technology. Only Dehomag could design and execute systems to identify, sort and quantify the population to separate Jews from Ayrans’ p 61 IBM and the Holocaust
Seek Ye First!
Seek ye first
Over the years growing up rejected from before birth by my father- I have been hungry for success and aspired to gain many goals and prizes. And yes achieved much but not to boast because that gets us no where-Matthew 7:23! But one project I worked on for about seven years was a virtual decoding of the Chinese Written language. Using the break troughs of fellow missionaries I have reduced a complex code down to easy to remember elements suitable to be taught to three year old children allowing a faster uptake for reading and writing the Asian code languages used by Japan and Korea as well as China. And while at Yale and Hawaii Universities this intellectual material is understood with say Professor Unger’s grown breaking book ‘The Fifth Generation Fallacy’ or from Yale Professor LaTourette claiming that Chinese is 90% phonetic so that a skill scholar can see brand new characters and within a few seconds decode the character to know what it means and is telling us- but as well know what sound to say it wth- No Other Language with of course the exception of Arabic/Hebrew has that pictorial phonetic combination! But my editor is telling me I’m raving…. So instead of as a businessman taking charge of a hopelessly poorly taught code language which tells the Gospel Story of our Lord Jesus Christ in the pictorial elements of the pre simplified character- Yi/Righteousness… my 1680 character dictionary written by me in anticipation of the time when Chinese forces will invade my nation and knowing how to rapidly read everything the Chinese are writing is essential for survival- Well it goes no where- And I’m not a billionaire from that nor in a similar sized project current of equally radical reformatting the entire Hebrew Bible for extremely rapid mechanical translation and comprehension… Ah!!! Look to be blunt with you what has motivated me since I was a seven year old is one thing and one thing alone. Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and all these other things shall be added unto to you (And for Hebrew scholars the Hebrew word Added is of course- father of Ephraim- Joseph- our good olde Hebrew 20%) OK On the face of it my life is a failure which is cool but I get to wear clothes, eat, live and well haven’t missed out on anything other billionaires have or do! But let us let look at the decision which Thomas J Watson faced in 1933. No one would know- It could be keep and was virtually kept a secret for 70 years…. ‘The question confronting all businessmen in 1933 was whether trading with Germany was worth either the economic risk or moral descent. This question faced Watson at IBM but IBM was in a unique commercial position. While Watson was famous in America the company’s overseas operation were fundamentally below the public radar screen…. IBM did not appear on any of thousands of index cards in the New York boycott organizations. Moreover the power of the punch cards as an automation tool had not yet been commonly identified so the risk that highly visible trading might provoke economic retaliation was low especially since Dehomag did not even possess a name suggesting IBM or Watson. On the other hand the anticipated reward in German was great. Watson had learned early on that a government in reorganization and indeed a government tightly monitoring it’s society was good news for IBM…. Nazi German offered Watson the opportunity to cater to government control, supervision, surveillance and regimentation on a plane never before known in human history. The fact that Hitler intended to extent the Reich to other nations only magnified the prospect for profits… As for the moral dilemma it simply did not exist for IBM. Supplying the Nazis with the technology they needed was not even debated’ p59-60 IBM and the Holocaust Edwin Black Time Warner New York 2002
Anti American?
Is this blog anti-American?
Tonight on the verge of an Xmas Day release of a movie about a much beloved North Korean leader by Sony it has been shown by hacking researchers that the attack on Sony is more likely to have come from a former Sony insider rather than from North Korea- Wonderful Kim!- who has been unfairly blamed! But unfortunately those who live outside of USA are aware to a greater or lesser extent that any time we make observations about USA - Because we are deeply concerned for the citizens of USA and … Well the claim is made that we as observers are being Anti American! But the real issue as you will see as you carefully read through the previous four or five posts as I attempt to link together in Real Holocaust history the ideologies believed by the American Elite: Real USA public policy in respect of Jews and other immigrants, Technological developments and statistical techniques for the classification of peoples- Is rather that a totally remote event in Germany The Holocaust ..has links to America- Empire State/New York. And if the pieces do come together could they again come together? To illustrate how: Unlikely actually happens I want to quote from a Professor of the history of Germany ‘Richard Evans The Coming of the Third Reich’ where he is speculating on how people in the late 19th going into the 20th century in Germany would have seen The Holocaust happening in Germany as being unthinkable…. Anti-Semitic prejudices were powerful enough in the higher reaches of society , court, army, civil service, universities, to constitute a permanent reminder to Jews that they were less than equal members of German society. The anti-Semites succeed in putting ‘the Jewish Question’ on the political agenda…Yet this was at a relatively low level even by the standards of the time. A historian once speculated on what would happen if a time traveler from 1945 arrived back in Europe just before the first world war and told an intelligent and well informed contemporary that within thirty years a European nation would make a systematic attempt to kill all the Jews in Europe and exterminate nearly six million of them. If the time traveler invited the contemporary to guess which nation that would be the chances is they would have pointed to France …or Russia, where the Tsarist Black Hundreds had been massacring large numbers of Jews in the wake of the failed 1905 revolution. That Germany, with its highly acculturated Jewish community and its comparative lack of overt or violent political anti Semitism would be the nation to launch the extermination would have hardly occurred to him’ p31 As a prophet I dislike making predictions about things that cannot and will not happen. But likewise reading the Hebrew prophets the majority viewpoint is that God will keep Israel safe and there is no need to worry about the surrounding nations. But in the final chapters of Jeremiah he numbers for us those who have survived- hardly anyone! It happened just as Isaiah Jeremiah and Ezekiel had predicted. It wasn’t expected but it happened and as a result we have those Hebrew books to read such as in Hebrew concerning Jews living in Egypt- Jeremiah writes: All Jews Die. No I am not anti American- but do THINK!
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Linkage- Statistics
In the ‘Christmas double issue’ –The Economist Dec 20th-Jan2 2015 in the article on ‘Statisticians in WW2’ it says; ‘Karl Pearson is regarded as the father of modern statistics. In 1911 he founded the world’s first statistical department at University College London… A freethinking, proto feminist and believer in the ‘war with inferior races’ as essential to improving what eugenicists called ‘the human stock’ he put the study of variation within populations, and correlations between characteristics on a firm intellectual footing’ p91 20th Dec 2014 The Economist. What we have presented to us as we follow it through in Edwin Black’s book ‘IBM and the Holocaust’ is the unexplained participation of IBM New York under the leadership of Thomas Watson in the extermination of Jews in Germany co-operating with and finding business solutions for Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich government. Readers may like to think of this as a mistake on the part of IBM –something which maybe IBM didn’t fully understand or see as being contrary to the foundation principals of USA- Human Rights. But we have seen how in spite of what the American Constitution says and the Declaration of 1776 there is in fact a deeper stronger Aristocratic heritage coming from the Calvinist foundation of New York and New England- Dutch and English which sees the Aryan –Anglo Saxon races as being superior and all others; Blacks, Jews, Italians Irish; as being of inferior stock and Theodore Roosevelt speaking of their elimination! Rather than being ‘Just a Business investment mistake with German managers doing things not under the control of New York’ The actual invention and use of the IBM punch card- Hollerith computer essentially works to allow the statistical science of the categorization of human beings –so that decisions can be made by governments as to which sections of the population to favor, which to persecute, and which to eliminate. IBM developed the machine central to the Holocaust process. Harvard, Yale and Columbia gave the ideology to the elite on these vital race questions and statistics according to what we have just read- was a science for studying these population variations. We need to be linking the story as we study it rather than coming up with excuses as to why we should be making exceptions… USA and Great Britain more naturally wanted to in the 1930s side with Adolf Hitler especially as Germany fully intended to push East and eliminate USSR-Communism. My own Pentecostal forebears in the 1930s supported Hitler because he was against ‘Godless Communism’ Thus the most important date for USA in WW2 was 7th Dec 1941 because on that historic day Russian forces were finally pushing Germany back to the west from Moscow and therefore the disappointment for the military and the elite of the West was that Communism had not be dealt with… And they believed with the nuclear weapon that should then happen.- But this is just one way of looking at a very complex and diverse history- as IBM tell us-THINK!
New York Protests 1933
New York Protests
‘When Hitler came to power in January 1933 he made and open promise to create a Master Race, dominate Europe, and decimate European Jews. Numberless racial laws- local and national appeared throughout the country. Jews could no longer advertise in the phone book rent stalls in markets. Thousands were terminated en mass from their employment. Even Jewish owned companies were forced to fire their Jewish employees…. On March 20 1933 a concentration camp for political enemies was established in a small pastoral town of Dechau ten kilometers north of Munich. Many soon followed (The actually extermination camps of the Holocaust were all found in Poland and so were uncovered by the advancing Russian/Soviet forces and for a while Russia said nothing about them. Thus when Americans liberated camps with Jews in them that occurred in the Western parts of Germany- smaller camps which did not have as their aim the speedy and efficient extermination of Jews-Ed) Scores of Jewish merchants in Essen and Muenster were delivered wholesale to the infamous camps. In Frankfurt thousands of frenzied Strom Troopers paraded through the streets chanting ‘Kill the Jews’… By April some 60,000 Jews were imprisoned and 10,000 more had fled the country… Newspapers and radio broadcasts throughout the western countries declared Hitler a menace to world peace and indeed world civilization. The world reacted with boycott and protest movement springing up everywhere. Led by Jews in New York and London and supported by men and women of conscience from all faiths and all nations… On March 27 some 20,000 protestors gathered at Madison Square Garden in New York and that was broadcast around the world…. Nor was energetic support for the whole idea of anti-German boycott the province of mere agitators. A Depression wracked world was eager to replace the Third Reich’s economic niche. Commercial interests and labor unions everywhere saw the anti Nazi movement as one they could join for both moral and business reasons. On May 10th 1933 more than 100,000 marchers and businessmen and unionists alike, Jews and Christians jammed midtown Manhattan… p57-59 IBM and the Holocaust –Edwin Black Time Warner 2002.
Roosevelt New York Too!
Roosevelt New York Too
There was another Roosevelt President after the earlier generation one we have been puzzled about in respect of the weird and now discredited or pushed into the background cult religion style things being taught at the highest levels of Harvard Yale and Columbia but rest assured that even if he didn’t formally study the ideas inspiring Adolf Hitler in the formation of his German political crusade against Jews – Those ideas were part and parcel of what the elite in New York- of which this later Roosevelt was also part- What they believed and effectively seen in the policy of government in USA and in IBM. And on that much is made of President Truman as if he being a Want ta Be President doing a strange thing as did Comrade Stalin at the same time- intensely annoying the US State Department for wrenching away from the tried and true policy laid down by Roosevelt in respect of the Middle East (Bombs over Bible lands- August 1941 Nat Geo) but I blabbered on too much- for me now- we New Zealanders are ahead of you in most things- it is Xmas Day morning! I will let the historian Nicholson Baker ‘Human Smoke’ 2008 tell us about Roosevelt in the 1920s. ‘Franklin Roosevelt now a lawyer in New York City, noticed that, Jews made up one third of the freshman class at Harvard. He talked the problem over with Henry Morgenthau Snr, and then went to the Harvard Board of Overseers, of which he was a member. “It was decided that over a period of years the number of Jews should be reduced one or two percent a year until it was down to 15%” Roosevelt explained later- It was about 1922. P9 Human Smoke. 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Elephant in the room- Long Island
Elephant in the room
Before we go on to look at the Nazi persecution of Jews in Germany from 1933, we need first to consider where Adolf Hitler was getting his ideas from, because the ideas which Adolf Hitler had are currently out of fashion there is a natural revisionist tendency within society since 1941 to delete all references to these vital to the story- ideas. Thus in The Great Gatsby set on New York’s Long Island among the mansions of the elite- the author tells us of the influential author who was spreading the ideas which Adolf Hitler obtained. But the point I want to make again- Is Did Adolf Hitler obtain his ideas from USA and Great Britain?- or were these remarkable ideas shared equally across both Germany Britain and USA? Another remarkable resident of a Long Island’s mansion… President Theodore Roosevelt- And from Boston his political co-worker - Henry Cabot Lodge… -Lodge was for Roosevelt a high educated intellectual having influence on the President and upon the policy and direction of USA …. But educated in what? I will now let Time magazine Editor and Princeton teacher Evan Thomas ‘The War Lovers’2010 to answer for us: ‘Roosevelt had written a naval history of the war of 1812, while Lodge was one of the first three PhDs awarded at Harvard in ‘Anglo Saxon’ history… Roosevelt was heavily influenced by the Social Darwinist theories of his professors at Harvard and Columbia Law school which he attended for a year before going into politics….Roosevelt and Lodge looked to their own heredity for the conquering impulse. Roosevelt believed that Viking blood ran in his veins…Lodge noted that the English Puritan was essentially a fighting man and excelled in the art of war and in his book on those Puritans remarked on the ‘true Puritan fashion’ in which the local Indian tribes were exterminated. (See-Hampton News post on this blog) … Harvard was a hotbed of eugenics and other long since discredited racial theories. Lodge earned his doctorate studying histories largely bogus of the foundation of democracy and liberty in the dark forests of the ancient Teutonic tribes in Germany, Harvard scholars were sure that Anglo Saxons had emerged as the master race over the centuries that followed….Lodge offered all sorts of dubious arguments for (excluding inferior races from USA) …including a reference to a chart on ability which showed the English Race produced more statesmen soldiers and clergy; 1,542; 1,260; 1,520 than say Irish 9, 18, 28. John F Kennedy’s grandfather told a story of being accosted by Lodge in 1897.. ‘You are an impudent young man, do you think that the Jews or the Italians have any right in this country?’ Kennedy responded; ‘As much right as your father or mine- it is only the difference of a few ships’ It is starling even shocking, to read about Lodge and Roosevelt spouting off on race… appearing to support genocide’ p31, 43-44 The War Lovers Evan Thomas Little Brown New York 2010.
Dehimag or New York Rules?
Dehomag or IBM?
In the introduction to IBM and the Holocaust the author Black warns against skipping through the book and instead says that we must follow the story progressively in order to have a balanced overview of the complexities of it. But two posts back we had a quote from pages 55-57 where the ownership of a German company Owning- Leasing- Manufacturing- Servicing- Promoting Hollerith computers for use of the German government and German business is in fact the critical legal issue. Five hundred pages later in the chapter ‘The Spoils of Genocide 2’ Military Law 52 presents itself whereby those enterprises which were used and managed by those fighting and killing Allies and Jews were to be confiscated and become ‘reparations’. And as an example of a company similar to IBM affiliated to an American owned manufacturer of bullet proof was Plexiglas- half owned by German and American citizens- This enterprise was confiscated by the American military authorities. Thus as a ‘critical to the German war effort’ company- Dehomag should have been promptly and easily taken and the evidence of war crimes with which Dehomag management were involved investigated fully. But working to stop that happening we read ‘among American forces there existed a cohesive group of men with common identification. As former employees of IBM on leave they affectionately referred to themselves as ‘IBM Soldiers’…. Making it clear that they were still part of the IBM family with careers waiting after their military service, Watson announced… ‘As a result of your training you come back better equipped for future service in the IBM… if at any time we can be of help to you let us know’ p517 But the critical issue from a legal point of view is- Was IBM ever an independent German company with the name Dehomag or was it always completely under the control of Thomas Watson in New York? Well the answer seems to be that during The Third Reich period while IBM New York held a 90% ownership of Dehomag- effectively responding to encouragement from Watson senior German managers were in day to day control. But once the US Army’s IBM soldiers arrived the process of making Dehomag totally part of the IBM ‘family’ began and we read ‘As Germany emerged from occupation Dehomag was edging back into IBM’s NY domination. The company had received permission to undertake various contractual agreements with Dehomag. But only upon formal decontrol would IBM NY regain genuine custody of the German operation. In the meantime Dehomag’s financial success was impressive. By the end of 1946 it had emereged from the bombed and dissected Germany with a valuation of more than RM 56 and a gross profit of RM 7.5. A key towards regaining total control was fortifying the argument the Dehomag Was Not a German company, but an American owned enterprise’ p541 IBM and the Holocaust- Black 2001
Monday, December 22, 2014
Joseph Ganz- Volkswagen
Joseph Ganz- Volkswagen
In the previous post there is a most amazing claim that German intellectuals prior to 1933 were producing a vast quantity of high quality writing. And a good example of that is the periodical ‘Motor Kritik’ of which the German Jewish Engineer Joseph Ganz was an editor and contributor. The story line and I do read everything that Porsche put out or say about Dr F Porsche and his relationship to the Volkswagen project- The story line is that Hitler decided on a Volk/People car and the brilliant Dr Porsche delivered that. The problem with that going back to young Fredrick’s first commercial invention for the German Army- is that Porsche tended to build Big- Heavy- Expensive; while everything conceptually about the People’s Car is Small- Light- Cheap. Conceptually Dr Porsche no matter how brilliant we want to make him- And the Auto Union racing cars are very much his style- He couldn’t have designed the Volkswagen. And Yes in fact- Yes it was an Austrian Jew who designed it- Young Joseph Ganz and while he was still in German before his exile after the 1934 Night of Long Knives- he had built and raced the Volkswagen the picture of it appearing opposite page 171 of ‘Joseph Ganz –Volkswagen –Paul Schilperoord RVP New York 2012’. Simply put the Porsche family receiving royalty payments on every Volkswagen produced need to admit the truth of what happened and reasonably the Israeli Government could expect a 20% share holding in VW-Porsche in recognition of the design input of Ganz. The decade of the 1960s saw worldwide car producers supplying inexpensive vehicles to a mass market and that would never have happened without the intellectual content and industry discussion and developments resulting from Joseph Ganz and ‘Motor Kritik’ – Smart Jews were behind the success of Germany in the 1930s and I very much suspect that there was Jewish Engineering input into the German developments of the Hollerith computer for IBM…. But I’m just guessing on that! Hitler politically combined two competing ideologies in his Nationalist Socialist –Nazi party. For the wealthy German businessmen and aristocracy- there was the Nationalist/Volk ideology of a superior race who would and could rule the world. While competing against the popularist Socialism /Communism of the low wage working man, the Nazi party catered to enthusiastic workers and want ta be workers- But it had to deliver on this more difficult to satisfy aspiration without actually using real Communist/Socialist techniques. Without any such political or ideological motivations Joseph Ganz was very hard at work in the 1920s and early 30s achieving as fast and as best as he could the reality of an affordable motor vehicle for the ordinary German worker. And because Hitler effectively destroyed the German economy with military development leading to retaliatory military destruction- It was not until the late 1940s that Austin picked up the Ganz design machine and developed in the 50s it was there in time for the 1960s mass market alongside the Mini, Fiat, Ford Cortina, and the first attempt Japanese models. We are in the world in debt to Jews. My king is a Jew. Salvation as he said it comes from the Jews (John 4) and even Adolf Hitler in all his genius was said to be Jewish from his grandmother working in a Jewish house and falling pregnant.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
The Star in the IBM crown
Jewel in the IBM Crown
I have begun and will in the weeks to come read and think about the situation in Germany between 1919 and 1933. Germany was a vast and diverse country with different parts such that Adolf Hitler’s party had very little support in many parts of Germany. And socialism was strong in some parts- while writers I have read speak of a spring time in Germany of great intellectual freedom prior to the advent of the Nazi Party gaining a hold. American Professor Robert Brady writing in ‘Spirit and structure of German Fascism’ Victor Gollancz London 1937 says ‘German scholars and men of letters began to turn out what seemed to be a tidal wave of books brochures and periodicals on every conceivable subject. For a period of time German new-book listings were as great as those of France England and the United States combined’ p18. But in particular I am fascinated with what he says next; ‘On the surface there seemed no reason why the world might not return to peace…why the Indian Summer of the German people might not ripen into a century long harvest…yet with the exception of USA the period from 1924 to 1929 was no blossoming time for either the people of Germany, the new nations of Europe or any of the allies (England France, Russia) instead of recovery in Germany, there was collapse. Instead of prosperity there was a world wide depression. Instead of disarmament there were mounting military budgets which dwarfed those with which the belligerent nations began the war. Instead of internal stability there was mounting social unrest’ p25 – What I want to think about more is these critical 1920s years and how business and investment and political decisions being made at that time in New York were influencing what happened in Germany.
‘Watson’s connections to Germany set the stage for a technological and economic alliance with the Third Reich…. Watson in 1933 possessed an extraordinary investment in Germany. It began in the early twenties during the height of Germany’s tornadic post war inflation… Watson travelled to Germany and ruthlessly offered Heidinger two options : bankruptcy or handling substantial ownership of Dehomag over to Watson…. Watson abruptly upped his demand to 90 percent .. Dehomag continued as an IBM subsidiary. Heidinger was allowed to retain approximately 10 percent of the stock… but could only own them as long as he worked for Dehomag.. For a decade after IBM acquired Dehomag, Watson tightly managed the German subsidiaries operations, setting it’s sales quotas and at the same time benefiting from the technical improvements to the Hollerith system devised by German engineers…. the German subsidiary’s revenues outshone them all. Many European countries were slow to adopt Hollerith technology. German however, was willing to accept punch card systems. Indeed, of some of the seventy subsidiaries and foreign branches world wide more than half of IBM’s overseas income came from Dehomag alone. By 1933 Dehomag had turned in a spectacular financial performance, 237 percent of its quota, and Willy Heidinger was due to be one of the stars at the forthcoming Hundred Percent Club convention in New York. P55-57 IBM and the Holocaust Edwin Black Time Warner New York 2002.
My Testimony
My Testimony
After 1500 years and at least 50 generation of my family being actively involved in Christianity I now need to confess to you that I am Not A Christian; Cannot be a Christian; and I guess the succeeding generations will work this out! So what happened? Well it was at our City Impact Church Conference 5th Feb 2011 at Mutukaroa (End of Long) and I was down on my knees interceding with heaven. And my Pastor- (we both went to the same Pastor training facility 30 years previously)- he said- God Bless Him- for us to stand and clap. And I being in communication with Yahweh just ignored him and kept down on my knees praying. But- BUT- Carefully watching me from rows behind was our elder Paul Adams and so the next morning- Sunday 6th Waitangi Day when I turned up for a service at the same place he informed me that I could no longer attend because of my rebellion in disobeying what our Pastor had told us to do- And being in no mood to repent of that- Well the words of Jesus giving authority to His Church in Matthew 19 apply and so I am an outcast. So on this issue- Idolatry in the worship; and Obedience of a man; Such as Our Leader I am as stupid as Daniel’s three friends in Daniel chapter three who intensely annoying Supreme Leader get themselves unrepentantly thrown into a fire where they met with another person who walked around with them in that fire. My testimony is that while I have deep genuine and ongoing respect for my Pastor and regret for him his effectively bringing to an end over 50 generations/1500 years of our being part of the Christian Tradition- I do respect his timing and divine wisdom in having me cast out- And the authority of my elder to ensure that continues- Beyond idolatry there is something else?
‘Thomas J Watson opens New Orleans Office.’ The ever-present equating of his name with the word THINK was more an Orwellian exercise, it was a true-life indoctrination. The Watson mystique was never confined to the four walls of IBM. His aura was only magnified by his autocratic style, barking orders, demanding everywhere the pinnacle of service and action at a moments notice…Watson made hundreds of appearances every year at banquets, university commencements, the opening of art exhibitions and similar. Fortune (magazine) referred to Watson as ‘the Leader’ with a capital L. So conscious was Watson of his mythic quality that he eyed porters on trains and waiters as potential legend makers. He tossed them big tips… By giving liberally to charities and universities, by towering as a patron of the arts, by arranging scores of memberships, honorary degrees and awards he cultivated the man-myth for himself and IBM. Slogans were endlessly drilled into the extended IBM family….And the songs. They began the very first day a man entered the IBM culture. They never ended during one’s tenure. More than 100 songs were sung at various company functions… Revival style meetings enthralled men of IBM. Swaying as they chanted harmonies of adulation for the Leader, their palms brought together in fervent applause in hero worship, fully accepting that their families and their destinies were intertwined with the family and destiny of the corporation, legions of company men incessantly rededicated themselves to the ‘Ever Onward’ glory of IBM. All of it swirled around the irrestob;e magnetism, the intoxicating command, the charismatic cultic control of one man; Thomas J Watson, the Leader. P53-55.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
All American Boyz New York 2
7 Million in New York for the parade.
I have gone back to the largest ever parade event in World and North American- OK then New York –Empire State History not because on the face of it there appears to be any or much connection to The Holocaust of European Jews in the early years of the 1940 decade- But underlying our thoughts we have been considering American Hero’s –All American Boys- Worshipped and obeyed men who lead millions and controlled millions –the most powerful people of a past century to see- well why New York? All these people are products of New York’s education, environment, political aspirations and success- yet literally at times they have- these men- control over the destinies of nations –the direction of the world… Oh well Empire State Rules the World OK! So humor me here as I wander off from the IBM and the Holocaust story to look at something unrelated but the product of the very same decades of the first half of the 20th century- As we consider Greatest Ever US military General- Douglas MacArthur responsible as you may well know for the largest and most catastrophic US military defeats- Firstly to Japan in their anyone could have predicted they would come- decimation of the American military stronghold in the Philippines December 1941. And then as we remember every time we Celebrate Weeping Thanksgiving- the largest ever US military defeat –Thanksgiving 1950- A MacArthur engineered disaster!
‘Truman and his advisors expected an explosion but it was much worse than any of them had imagined. Huge crowds turned out for MacArthur everywhere. It began in Tokyo where as he departed, quarter of a million Japanese many of them weeping, most of them waving small Japanese and American flags, lined the streets. Giant crowds gathered in Hawaii where he landed after midnight, and an ever larger one met him in San Francisco again after midnight- a crowd so immense that the security people could not hold them back. When eventually he came to New York for a tickertape parade, it was said that 7 million people turned out, twice as many as Eisenhower returning victorious from World War 2….. It was a last hurrah for a great hero of WW2, combined with a powerful protest by a nation that did not enjoy it’s new superpower status. It was produced by almost equal parts of love and anger. It was powerful stuff. It was also political- not acclaimed of the crowds, the millions of Americans who rallied to MacArthur’s cause, which they saw as something simpler than it was, but the challenge of the Republican right. At first the general had it all his own way… Those who did not see what he saw, those who did not want to use all of America’s force in Korea, were guilty of appeasement…. Those who would ‘appease Red China’… ‘appeasement begets new and bloodier war’. Those who thought we lacked the forces to hold the Communists in both Europe and Asia were wrong… He had wanted to use the 600,000 Nationalist soldiers on Taiwan but was not granted them… I am closing my fifty two years of military service. When I joined the Army even before the turn of the century it was the fulfillment of all my boyish hopes and dreams… Old soldiers never die; they just fade away- the old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him light to see that duty. Good bye’ p607-609 The Coldest Winter David Halberstam Macmillian 2007
Friday, December 19, 2014
Is IBM a cult?
IBM a New York based cult?
Look understandably we do not like to say that with the American IBM Corporation of America –that by the mid 1920s and certainly as long as Thomas Watson was alive and actively in charge- IBM was essentially a cloning cult organization of wealthy successful Americans doing unusual things throughout the world and throughout USA. The world simply doesn’t work that way….. But …. Well like it or not I am writing here as a self confessed Hebrew to English Bible Translator. Thus when for example I suddenly completely out of context- not looking for it discover in the Boring Olde Torah in Deuteronomy 22:17 a word which I had previously deduced from overall usage in the Hebrew Bible is best translated -3 D Printout; But the same word also is used in a different way as a cloth and to fit that usage I have given a secondary meaning –Throw over; Or Overall; So we have a word which the writer of Deuteronomy in two places get worked up against indicating that in No Way Must We Ever Worship It! But in Deuteronomy 22:17 this special cloth or as I’ve already decided -3 D Image appears to be vitally blood stained indicated evidentially and eternally for all involved- An Eternal Human Covenant- The Evidence Secured by the Blood on the Cloth. Good for any court of law… Well Good Night the next thing I’m doing as a Responsible Translator is writing to John Jackson in Colorado Springs at the Shroud Research Institute… Because I have found in Hebrew the Word which is Taylor Made to describe one baffling to human science thing…. The human blood stained cloth which has literally produced from it the 3 D Image of a man crucified in the most appalling way…. I have to be honest and tell you what I’ve found. And the same thing here: I am perplexed as to how Good All American New York Boys can be knowingly involved in the killing of over six million Jews- Same type of DNA and blood as the man crucified –the evidence preserved on the cloth; How they can do that? Yet to my knowledge no one has come forward from IBM to explain- Why? How? Or more importantly why IBM Corporation cannot and will not –given the chance- given circumstances be involved in a worse Holocaust than this one we are studying…. For God’s Sake! THINK.
‘International Business Machines- Watson realized that the name described more than a newsletter. It was the personification of what Watson and his enterprise was all about. He renamed the company. His intensely determined credo was best verbalized by his promise to all: ‘IBM is more than a business- it is a great world wide institution that is going on forever’ (Engelbourg p183) More than ever, Watson fused himself into every facet of IBM’s operations injecting his style into every decision, and mesmerizing the psyche of every employee. ‘IBM Spirit’ –This was the term Watson ascribed to the all encompassing, almost tribal devotion to the company that he demanded. ‘We always refer to our people as the IBM family’ Watson emphasized to his employees, ‘and we mean wives and children as well as men’ He continually spoke in terms of ‘oneness’ with IBM. Employees were well treated, generously compensated, entitled to the excellent working conditions with the most liberal of benefits and vocation times, enrolled in the IBM Country Club at Endicott, New York, and invited to endless picnics, rallies, dances plus they were inducted into the IBM Club. ‘The company won’t let you get lonesome’ assured one Club member. Children began their indoctrination early becoming eligible at three for the kiddies rolls and the IBM club graduating to junior rank at eight. ‘Look as me as the head of the family’ Watson would preach. I want you to come to me as often as you feel that I can do anything for you. Feel free to come and open your hearts and to make your requests just as you would to the head of a family’ … Watson’s own son Tom, who inherited his father’s throne at IBM admitted, ‘the more I worked at IBM , the more I resented Dad for the cult like atmosphere that surrounded him’ p52-53 IBM and the Holocaust Edwin Black Time Warner 2002 New York.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
T Watson- A major religious leader?
Thomas Watson World Religious Leader?
Twenty eight years after what is being described here, in a similar gathering of the faithful- The German Nazi Party gather just a few weeks before the German Army entered Poland in 1939; Enthusiastic speeches were made. The food and accommodation as befitted the occasion with some prominent and well known senior party speakers genuinely saying that their leader at that time- Herr Adolf Hitler- Germany’s President- that he would in human history out rank the Jew Jesus Christ and his book Mein Kampf would replace the bible in a generation. Politics: Religion: Business; Private life: We like to keep these things separate and for me to now suggest that 25 years ahead of Adolf Hitler the American Corporate leader –Watson with his wearing identical uniform- cloned –IBM believers had created a religion not much different to that which Hitler achieved when German people- Heil Hilter personal sworn allegiance to him and him alone- IBM Private Life? Living for the Corporation. The Business was achieving the success over and above the government of USA and above the governments of other nations. Which ensured that the only politics worth knowing about was IBM politics- but most of all this extract tells me that Watson was a cult leader of a new religion! Look does any of this matter?..... Well Adolf Hitler the illegitimate Jew found himself coming into 1945 up against the God of History who may well be another Jew just like him- King of the Jews- Broken despised rejected acquainted with grief handed over by his own religious leaders crucified by the Empire- God of Israel. And likewise- Do IBM in religion of worshipping the Corporation have some answering to do for their actions to the same God? Politics? Kingdom of God? Think!
‘However in light of Watson’s conviction he could not join the company as President, but rather as general manager. It didn’t matter. Watson would call the shots. May 1, 1914, was his first day at CTR/IBM. Hollerith’s company, now Flint’s company, would never be the same. It would become Watson’s company. Copying many of NCR’s sales developments and promotion techniques, Watson built an organization that even Patterson would have marveled at…. And Watson borrowed his own NCR innovation, the term THINK, which at CTR/IBM was impressed onto as many surfaces as could be found, from the wall about Watson’s desk to the company stationary… But Watson understood much more about human motivation… Watson wanted to inspire men to greater results, not brutalize then towards mere quotas. His way would imbue a sense of belonging, not a climate of fear… Watson became more than a good manger, more than just an impressive executive, more than a concerned employer, he became central to the company itself. His ubiquitous lectures and pep talks were delivered with such uplifting passion, they soon transcended to liturgical inspiration. Watson embodied more than the boss. He was a leader. He even had a song. Clad in their uniforms of dark blues suits and glistening white shirts the inspired sales warriors of CTR/IBM would sing: Mister Watson is the man we are working for, He’s the leader of C-T-R, He’s the fairest squarest man we know, sincere and True, He has shown us how to play the game, and how to make the dough. Watson was elevating to a higher plane. Newspaper articles began to focus on him personally as much as the company. His pervasive presence and dazzling capitalist imperatives became a virtual religion to CTR employees. Paternalistic and authoritarian Watson demanded absolute loyalty and ceaseless devotion from everyone. In exchange, he alolowed CTR to become an extended family to all who obeyed’ p50-52 IBM and the Holocaust –Time Warner 2002.
Following Moses New York style
All American Boys
I want to get off topic- we will come back to our consideration of Corporate America and interaction with nations and human history… But we have encountered a succession of most remarkable people- An American born brilliant German engineer producing a workable computer able to consider a multitude of variables for extremely large groups of things being numbered- people… And in our last post we saw at the end of the 19th Century coming into the 20th Century these dynamic men who were utterly competitive and focused on winning even if the loss would be ( Well we are starting to move towards to advent of Jewish Holocaust….) But as a balance I want to look at an entirely different sort of person- No less dynamic; No less a product of USA; but with a different approach and area of operation. And I’ve mentioned Robert Moses in a previous post ‘Hampton- Her reputation?’; but as a man literally out of New York in the 20th Century shaping the development of that Great City-Style of developments in USA- Seen right here in Auckland New Zealand as we mirrored the things Moses did- following Moses! Well I would feel remiss if I did not share with you this man as we consider or try to uncover what was happening in the very early years of the 20th century flowing on into the 1920s, 30s, and 40s as most remarkable New Yorkers displayed great talent: Great determination: and Great Success- Literally changing human culture!
‘There is no more remarkable person in the annuals of New York than that of the formidable Robert Moses who, for the best part of half a century, until he was out maneuvered by Nelson Rockefeller, dominated many of the decisions which settled the civic future. He was a public servant who accumulated positions of command the way some people collect small town committee memberships; being simultaneously the city Parks Commissioner, The City Planning Commissioner, the City construction Co-ordinator, the Chairman of slum Clearance Committee, and chairman of the Triborough Bridge and Tunnels Authority while also sitting on a dozen boards and commissions of New York s=sate including the State Power Authority of which he was the chairman. In time there was little in the running of the metropolis and the state that could not be accomplished without his say-so. And a great deal of it’s physical arrangement today is a s a result of his outlook and his exercise of power…Early in life Moses had a sense of vocation, which was demonstrated after he left Yale and had gone to Oxford (England) in 1909. There he was the first American to become President of the Oxford Union….he acquired a supreme contempt of the educated British elite with whom he was hobnobbing … after proceeding to Berlin for a quick tutorial in political science. Moses returned home and entered the civil service of New York… His first big break was in 1923 … given the job of; President of Long island State Park Commission.. When he started work, rural Long Island was either farmland or the private estate of the extremely rich, with scarcely a beach or inland open space that might be enjoyed by the citizens of Brooklyn or other parts of the metropolis… within four years of assuming his post, Robert Moses had engineered fourteen separate parks amounting to nearly 10,000 acres…With the solitary exception of East River Drive: all those clover leaves and flyovers and underpasses and express ways…. Major Deegan Expressway, the Van Wyck, the Brooklyn-Queens, Staten Island and the others 627 miles of roadways in all… also seven big bridges.. and typical was the way he put the Cross Bronx Express way through…’ p287-301 Imperial City 1988.
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