Saturday, December 27, 2014

Great Physician?

The Great Physician Heidinger (giving his speech to Nazi officals) publicly announced ‘The Physician examines the human body and determines whether all the organs are working to the benefit of the entire organism, we (Dehomag) are very much like the physician in that we dissect cell by cell the German cultural body. We report every individual characteristic on a card. These are not dead cards, quite the contrary, they prove later on that they come to life when the cards are sorted at a rate 25,000 per hour according to certain characteristics. The characteristics are grouped like organs of our cultural body andf they will be calculated and determined with the help of our machine. We are proud to assist in such a task, a task that provides our nation’s Chief Physician (Adolf Hitler) with the material he needs for an examination. Our physician can then determine whether the calculated values are in harmony with the health of our people. It means also that if that were not the case our Physician can take corrective procedures to correct the sick circumstances… Our characteristics are deeply rooted in our race. Therefore we must cherish them like a holy shrine which we will and must keep pure. We have the deepest trust in the physician and will follow his instructions with blind faith because we know he will lead our people to a great future. Hail to our German people and our Fuhrer’ Most of Heidinger’s speech along with the list of invited Nazi Party officials was rushed to Manhattan and immediately translated for Watson. The IBM Leader cabled Heidinger a prompt note of congratulations for a job well done…It was about this time that Watson decided to engrave the five steps leading up to the IBM school in Endicott New York… engraved was READ, LISTEN, DISCUSS, OBSERVE, THINK. P65-66 IBM and the Holocaust. There is in Chinese a word which does translate ‘Question’ ‘Wen Ti’ but has a wider meaning of topic. Thus there is more the idea of having a debate, as we get with the use of the Greek word ‘argument’ which is just a solution. But in my auditing the medical profession I guess that about twenty percent of what they do in assessing health or doing medical procedures is optional and actually solves nothing. Thus when we consider ‘The Jewish Question’ it indicates to some minds that there was a problem- and rather than talk about the universal to all mankind- All the sons of Adam- Problem-Decay failure and death. By attaching the word ‘Jewish’ we are in fact loading all the world’s problems onto one ethnic group. Is that fair? Well of course out of respect for my grandfather I am duty bound to say that if is a good and reasonable process- Why? Well tucked away popping out all over the place as I translate the Bible I find him here there and literally every where is –Ben Adam; The Son of Adam who turns out to be Jew and then when he finally makes an appearance and utterly predictably suffers a gruesome death and diesl; the Roman authorities helpfully tack a notice over him telling us that he is in fact the long awaited much prayed for –King of the Jews. Thus for what it’s worth my medical opinion is this; Yes the Jews are as sick a race as any on earth and for human failure do deserve and in fact do die. But I must say having studied his case, talked to him, talked to his friends and seen what he has been doing- This King of the Jews is the one man- The one son of Adam who did not ever deserve to die at all. And apparently –but you will need to take my word for it or just believe- he didn’t die for his own failure but for Your Failure- and yes mine too. And again we need to believe this- God accepted his sacrificed life and so whatever was The Jewish Question or The German Question is solved in him. Healed! Try it!!!

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