Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Roosevelt New York Too!

Roosevelt New York Too There was another Roosevelt President after the earlier generation one we have been puzzled about in respect of the weird and now discredited or pushed into the background cult religion style things being taught at the highest levels of Harvard Yale and Columbia but rest assured that even if he didn’t formally study the ideas inspiring Adolf Hitler in the formation of his German political crusade against Jews – Those ideas were part and parcel of what the elite in New York- of which this later Roosevelt was also part- What they believed and effectively seen in the policy of government in USA and in IBM. And on that much is made of President Truman as if he being a Want ta Be President doing a strange thing as did Comrade Stalin at the same time- intensely annoying the US State Department for wrenching away from the tried and true policy laid down by Roosevelt in respect of the Middle East (Bombs over Bible lands- August 1941 Nat Geo) but I blabbered on too much- for me now- we New Zealanders are ahead of you in most things- it is Xmas Day morning! I will let the historian Nicholson Baker ‘Human Smoke’ 2008 tell us about Roosevelt in the 1920s. ‘Franklin Roosevelt now a lawyer in New York City, noticed that, Jews made up one third of the freshman class at Harvard. He talked the problem over with Henry Morgenthau Snr, and then went to the Harvard Board of Overseers, of which he was a member. “It was decided that over a period of years the number of Jews should be reduced one or two percent a year until it was down to 15%” Roosevelt explained later- It was about 1922. P9 Human Smoke. 2008

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