Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Think! ....Buffalo again?

Think!....Again from Buffalo? ‘Growing up in the Finger Lakes town of Painted Post offered few choices for the ambitious young Watson… Watson wanted to drive into commerce. He began peddling sewing machines and pianos on the road for a store in town… Quickly Watson learned that some sale positions offered a commission, that is a cut. He joined the building and loan association in Buffalo where he sold share up and down the populated roads of the city. Watson’s deal was straight commission. His manger was a slick and dapper operator who taught Watson how to smoothly sell stock in salons and how to always dress the role of the successful Gay ninties businessman. Nothing drives glibness like a commission only job. Watson excelled- and the feeling was invigorating. He loved to sell. In 1895 he bumped into John J Range the manger of the Buffalo office of one of the most rapacious companies of the day, the National Cash Register Company nicked named ‘The Cash’ NCR was the personal empire of the ruthless and belligerent tycoon, John Patterson….Range became a mentor to Watson. In now tine the Cash converted Watson into a youthful commercial mercenary…. Patterson took notice transferring Watson with his impressive skill to the undesirable Rochester office, one of the worst performing of NCR’s 160 branches… Patterson realized that Watson was good enough to go beyond simple sales. He was good enough to destroy the main competition in Rochester …Adopting the brutal, anything goes techniques of Patterson and Range, and adding a few devious tricks of his own, Watson began the systematic annihilation of Hallwood, its sales and its customer base…’intimidation squads’ would report to prospective clients with tall tales of infringement suits by NCR against Hallwood, falsely claiming that such suit would include anyone who purchased a Hallwood machine. The frightened customer would then be offered a NCR machine at a discount…. Patterson liked Watsons style. The NCR President would use frivolous libel and patent suits to drive his competition into submission… Patterson’s school for scoundrels was unparalleled in American business history. A Watson aide once testified that Patterson would scream for merciless destruction of all competitors…NCR salesmen wore dark suits, the corporation innovated a One Hundred Points Club... One day at a pep rally Watson scrawled the word THINK on a piece of paper. Patterson saw the note and ordered THINK signs distributed throughout the company... On 22 Feb 1912 Patterson and Watson were indicted for criminal conspiracy to restrain trade and construct a monopoly . Prosecutor called the conduct the most uncivilized business behavior ever seen… When Thomas Watson walked into Charles Flint’s fifth avaneue suit their respective reputations surrounded them like force field. Watson’s was national. Flint’s was international. Watson had manipulated mere men. Flint had catered to the destiny of nations…. P42- 49 IBM and The Holoacust Edwin Black Time Warner 2001 Thomas Watson was essentially The Successful All American boy- going on to become the internationally recognized – American Hero. Look for what ever reasons USA fought Germany in World War Two- the rhetoric that went to explain that- Lets at the outset ignore Germany because the genesis of this particular Holocaust Story- The Solutions Company that helped develop for it’s client – A Final solution for the Jewish Question: Well this is once again an upstate New York story, and we must never forget that or lose sight of that fact.- THINK! You see that illegitimate Jew- Austrian German Patriot could never ever have written his highly successful book Mein Kampf if earlier the mega successful American manufacture Henry Ford had not written his own book. And the ideas- The Eugenics- these ideas were being developed and discussed and enjoyed in Yale; Harvard; Columbia- New York and New England. They weren’t Hitler’s ideas at all- we must give credit where credit is due as to the climate in which the 20th century would begin to develop. So I am serious about this. I am not trying to annoy you. You see I know virtually nothing of the culture of upstate New York. I have no idea apart from a few scant pictures, a few documents- nothing … but it is likely that you as a reader do. What was the culture of your grand father, great grand father, ideas values, lives did your forbears live. If you Jewish- why did the Lower Manhattan Jews so suddenly and dramatically move to Brooklyn- How did they survive? Did any venture into the heartland of upstate New York? You do the thinking OK!

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