Thursday, December 25, 2014

Anti American?

Is this blog anti-American? Tonight on the verge of an Xmas Day release of a movie about a much beloved North Korean leader by Sony it has been shown by hacking researchers that the attack on Sony is more likely to have come from a former Sony insider rather than from North Korea- Wonderful Kim!- who has been unfairly blamed! But unfortunately those who live outside of USA are aware to a greater or lesser extent that any time we make observations about USA - Because we are deeply concerned for the citizens of USA and … Well the claim is made that we as observers are being Anti American! But the real issue as you will see as you carefully read through the previous four or five posts as I attempt to link together in Real Holocaust history the ideologies believed by the American Elite: Real USA public policy in respect of Jews and other immigrants, Technological developments and statistical techniques for the classification of peoples- Is rather that a totally remote event in Germany The Holocaust ..has links to America- Empire State/New York. And if the pieces do come together could they again come together? To illustrate how: Unlikely actually happens I want to quote from a Professor of the history of Germany ‘Richard Evans The Coming of the Third Reich’ where he is speculating on how people in the late 19th going into the 20th century in Germany would have seen The Holocaust happening in Germany as being unthinkable…. Anti-Semitic prejudices were powerful enough in the higher reaches of society , court, army, civil service, universities, to constitute a permanent reminder to Jews that they were less than equal members of German society. The anti-Semites succeed in putting ‘the Jewish Question’ on the political agenda…Yet this was at a relatively low level even by the standards of the time. A historian once speculated on what would happen if a time traveler from 1945 arrived back in Europe just before the first world war and told an intelligent and well informed contemporary that within thirty years a European nation would make a systematic attempt to kill all the Jews in Europe and exterminate nearly six million of them. If the time traveler invited the contemporary to guess which nation that would be the chances is they would have pointed to France …or Russia, where the Tsarist Black Hundreds had been massacring large numbers of Jews in the wake of the failed 1905 revolution. That Germany, with its highly acculturated Jewish community and its comparative lack of overt or violent political anti Semitism would be the nation to launch the extermination would have hardly occurred to him’ p31 As a prophet I dislike making predictions about things that cannot and will not happen. But likewise reading the Hebrew prophets the majority viewpoint is that God will keep Israel safe and there is no need to worry about the surrounding nations. But in the final chapters of Jeremiah he numbers for us those who have survived- hardly anyone! It happened just as Isaiah Jeremiah and Ezekiel had predicted. It wasn’t expected but it happened and as a result we have those Hebrew books to read such as in Hebrew concerning Jews living in Egypt- Jeremiah writes: All Jews Die. No I am not anti American- but do THINK!

1 comment:

  1. It is comforting if another person thinks acts and talks in the way that we do. Someone then with another way of thinking is a challenge and there can be a perfectly natural reaction to look for reasons to reject that person.being expelled from it- my love heart response is for my brothers and sisters to get there. So the good ideas that we have as a church which do in nfact line up with the Debar- Agenda found throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation I would like to build up. So some things cannot endure and will always be unacceptable to God; and other things need to be dug out and enhanced as we live by the Holy Spirit in faith. . Jesus could see the same sort of thing happening in his Jewish society when he was alive prior to being rejected and crucified. He wept for Jerusalem and his people just as in the same way I weep for USA and New York. There were looking at things from a Marxist Economic point of view- things wrong with the function of Jewish society which if not attended to would cause it to collapse. And when Professor Robert Brady in 1937 wrote his book on the structure of the German Facsit nation of Germany there were those who said it is too late to change and Germany will collapse because of the following reasons. Jeremiah had the same message, Ezekile had the same message and Jesus in Matthew 24 had the same message. Some of the things we believe and agree upon as ideas will cause the collapse of our own society and when some one like myself comes along and points out those flaws apparent to observers for hundreds of years- in the case of Hamptobn News post on this blog- apparent since the foundation - well we can accept that maybe the future is not good and things will change, or we can attack the messenger- and in the case of The Jew- Kill him! Jesus King of the Jews Crucified. You see when final judgment occurs we will be pround of the things we have achieved and want to tell the chief judge all the things we have done. But in Matthew 7:23 he says 'I don't know you!' Jesus said and I take this personally- If they reject you they reject me- If someone tells you the truth because they love you but you reject that person... are you rejecting Jesus. Today is stupid traditional commercial celebration day-Xmas which has for me no meaning- Why? Because I am not convinced that anyone who says Merry Xmas actually understands loves and obeys and follows as their King the Jewish Eternal King who is the centre of attention... If we do obey and trust him- then things about the way we live and think must changer. We cannot USA have the whole world and yet despise and reject people- we end up killing the Jews and killing Jesus- IBM and the Holocaust is the story of killing the King of the Jews- Jesus celebrated at Xmas. If we reject someone because of their ideas and ethnic background we may well be rejecting the baby Jesus and find on the Day that he turns to us and says; 'I Don't Know You!' Sure despite my loving City Impact Church and it being forever 'my church' throw me out, despise me, reject me, and let me become acquainted with grief- Do that if you want... But don't expect to be then accepted on The Day by the King of the Jews who experienced the greatest -Isaiah 53- Who would ever believe it-Rejection. Yesterday He on his Day told me that I will be found in the very worst part of New York- Five Points is what it was called 150 years ago. and it will literally take a miracle for me to get there, so if you are an intelligence agency reading this- well... Why would I want to live in the fatal worst part of New York where already those who can and will pull down the city and the Empire and destroy USA are found? Well simply because some Jews and others will emerge alive from her in her destruction. I have shared here my heart. Any questions about this post and comment should be directed to The Eternal Jew! -love paul
