Saturday, December 27, 2014

War against the Weak- Edwin Black

War against the weak-Edwin Black War against the weak- ‘It began on Long Island and ended at Auschwitz’: Revised and reissued in 2012 this is a must read book for those who have been following this blog where I have been attempting to show how from the obscure far reaches of New York State beginning with our first post on Gardiner Island and then travelling up to Buffalo- How from a place called Empire State the world has been ruled and developments which had effected all of mankind have been planned and outworked . And we have touched upon and are currently looking at the idea of Eugenics- asking where did these ideas come from discovering surprisingly that one of the New England aristocracy –Henry Cabot Lodge had a Doctorate in this subject when Theo Roosevelt was President heavily influencing the direction USA would take; With the next Roosevelt President making surprising statements about Jews- And Roosevelt rushing from Yalta conference back to Arabia to cement with the King of Arabia: Azziz Saud what became the US State Department ongoing agenda for the middle east (With a current oil/economic war taking place against Russia oil dropping in price currently below $50 a barrel) Without ever reading any of Edwin Blacks excellent and extremely well researched books I have independently read history in much the same way that he has. It soon becomes clear that this agenda and way of ruling the world out of New York and then saying ‘Who Me?’ or as some put it ‘Plausible Deniability’ has been heavily based upon and underlying racial belief. So what do I think? Well as a small child I grew up in that Eugenic climate my grandfather a war hero from WW1, high mason and supporter of a look alike Nazi Party which was established here in our nation- As I say currently led by a New York Jewish Banker!- Therefore I literally with two sides of my brain run the ideas and arguments on twin tracks. Agreeing with Eugenics and Disagreeing At The same time. Take the first words of Isaiah after his telling us the Kings he worked with- ‘Agenda Raise Sons’ And the first page of the Christian New Testament? A Genealogy of Jewish Kings! –Eugenics! To keep the blood lines and to keep the faith and continue our human story is what the Hebrew book is all about… But it is rather then a question of tactics. Of how the story gets out worked in the face of human failure and brokenness. …. In Isaiah I was translating along and Wham Bam ran into chapter 11 verses 13 and 14 And Ephraim- God alone knows where he is these days but Moses Duet 33:17 indicates looking in New Zealand and California.. But yes in terms of verse 14 in the Hebrew we do in my community work best and most easily- We fly into side with and support Palestinians. One of our leaders David Shearer looked after Gaza for the UN … Well you see- New Zealand is a Treaty Nation. We have learned in brokenness to side with the weak… And yes Abraham- Binding Promise Gen 21:24 put Palestinians in the land. You read this blog because you don’t know what I will say next. I write this blog because I don’t know what I will say next! And I guess Watson/ IBM would just say:- THINK.

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