Friday, December 26, 2014

Marching with Hitler's Soldiers

Marching with Hitler’s soldiers ‘Hitler expounded his beliefs about the Jews. The Jews he wrote brought about – the racial tuberculosis of the peoples-. He rejected anti Semitism on emotional grounds which led to pogroms, in favor of anti Semitism of reason’ which had the aim of planned legislation combatting and removing the Jews privileges’ Its final aim must unshakably be the removal of Jews altogether’ p169 Evans The coming of the Third Reich: And from what we will next read in IBM and the Holocaust there was focused international attention and agreement as to what the German Fuhrer and Reichschancellor was proposing. Assembled in 1937 The encyclopedia Britannica published in both London and New York a brand new concept- The !938 Yearbook the first of its kind to be seen. And taking up pages 354/355 of that internationally influential publication was –Jewish Race Distribution of outlining as best as could be done given the limitations of vital statistical data- the location of every Jew in the world- a grand total of 16,651,000 of which three thousand coming in at the end of the list were said to be in New Zealand. No other racial group gains this two page treatment- which continues in subsequent year books which as well discuss The Jewish Question. Certainly it takes skilled historians to say what ordinary people were thinking and believing in the early to mid 1930s but in the case of IBM representing USA at that time there was no apparent difficulty in marching with Hitler’s soldiers when it came to The Jewish Question. “German Statistical publication (ASA) and technical journals like it were closely followed at Dehomag since the publication was a virtual road map to the desires of Nazi statistical hierarchy. Anyone active in the statistical world read it. No IBM office, even in USA could afford to overlook a subscription… review proven statistical methodology that sought to step by step identify the Jews as undesirables. In many cases ASA articles were written in conjunction with Dehomag experts (Dehomag is the almost wholly owned by IBM German division)… From the very outset the scientific soldiers of Hitler’s statistical shock troops openly published their mission statements. Pro J Muller in 1934 –‘Above all remember that several very important problems are being tackled currently, problems of an ideological nature. One of those problems is race politics and this problem must be viewed in a statistical light’ While Dr Karl Keller writing in an article ‘The Question of Race Statistics’ made it clear that Jewish blood must be traced back as far as possible… ‘we will not look at religious affiliation alone but also of ancestry’. Like other Keller was looking forward to the domination of all of Europe; ‘beyond agreeing on the definition of race we must move toward agreement on the number of races, at least as far as Europe is concerned.. in reality the Jews are not a race, but a mixture of several races’… Keller demanded ‘the establishment of mandatory personal genetic-biographical forms.. nothing would hinder us from using these forms to enter any important information which can be used by race scientists’. Zahn (The Statistical President) in his writings was explicit in the need to annihilate inferior ethnic groups’ p 62-63 IBM and the Holocaust

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